Queen Mother of the West heard Tang Yuan's words.

I am very grateful.

At the same time, the favorability of him has also increased a lot.

Originally, this matter had nothing to do with Tang Yuan.

But I didn't expect him to speak for himself.

And for their own sake.

I want to have a fight with the Prince of the East.

Even the proud Queen Mother of the West has never touched feelings.

At this time, they were all moved by Tang Yuan's words.

"In that case, let's do it again."

The Prince of the East drank violently.

Directly burst out the strength of Da Luo Jinxian.

The powerful gas engine spreads around.

Directly smash hundreds of surrounding mountains.


Tang Yuan said in a deep voice.

Since the Prince of the East made it clear that he wanted to fight.

How could I hold back.

He has been in shape for so long.

It's the first time I've fought someone else.

But there was no fear in my heart.

Only endless battle intent burns in the heart!


The Prince of the East looked at Tang Yuan coldly.

His body exudes a strong pure yang aura.

Wrap around the whole body.

The Prince of the East waved his hand.

Manifest monstrous mana.

A golden light the size of tens of millions of zhang burst out from the void.

The powerful qi machine spread around.

The surrounding peaks of millions of miles collapsed directly.

The void was after a humming sound.

It was directly shattered by the powerful gas engine.

The rubble flew high into the air and instantly turned into dust.

Nine days blown by the wind.

Under the traction of the great mana of the Eastern Maharajah.

A divine light the size of tens of thousands of zhang.

Soaring above the nine heavens.

Then it turned into an Optimus Pillar.

Dive down from high altitudes with the unstoppable power of all things.


Where it passes.

A large area of the void was shattered by a powerful impact.

A huge spatial crack appeared in the void.

Endless fragments fall like stars.

Fall from the air.

Chaotic air currents emerging from spatial cracks.

and the air currents of the flood world are mutually repulsive.

The void that was actually led emitted a roaring sound.

A gentle breeze mixed with chaotic airflow.

Directly turned into chaotic winds.

Sweeping the desolate land.

Saw the attack of the Eastern Maharajah.

Tang Yuan's heart was hot.

His mind moved.

Endless battle intent erupted behind him.

The endless fighting intent has almost become substance, visible to the naked eye!

A golden pagoda phantom condensed by endless battle intent could be vaguely seen, constantly taking shape.

Less than a moment.

The battle behind Tang Yuan.

Completely condensed into a golden pagoda phantom.

Powerful as a god.

Heaven and earth cannot be shaken, guarding Tang Yuan's side.

Whether it was chaotic airflow, wind, or space debris, they all turned into dust when they approached Tang Yuan's surroundings.


Tang Yuan snorted dullly.

Roared like an ancient demon god awakening.

It has a strong deterrent power.

Countless creatures heard Tang Yuan's voice.

Everyone held their breath.

I am afraid that this extremely strong deterrent force is aimed at myself.

Even the creatures on the run.

I was frightened by this sound.

The body can't help but stand still on land, unable to move.

Tang Yuan clenched his fists.

There is a distortion in space-time.

You can feel that time is no longer like a river.

It's a slow change like a quagmire.

Everything in space emits a strong change.

Different forms are presented.

Heaven and earth were shaking for the tightening of Tang Yuan's fist.

A vast and boundless qi engine.

Burst out from the fist.


It actually overwhelmed the qi machine of the Eastern Prince.


Tang Yuan soared into the sky.

Head-on towards the attack of the Eastern Maharajah.

Look from afar.

Like a shooting star with a fire.

Shooting straight into the sky, there is a terrifying power.

Heaven and earth seem to be pierced.

The void emitted a roar that resounded through the heavens and the earth.


In the blink of an eye.

Tang Yuan ran into the attack of the Eastern Prince.

Creates a strong spark.

The attack of the Eastern Maharaja exploded directly.

The void is torn apart.

Heaven and earth instantly fell into a stupor.

Flood barren land.

It was originally a sight of mountains.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into ashes and became an empty patch.

The earth, wind, water and fire, running around.

Fires ravaged the jungle.

Water waves flood the land.

The wind howled.

A thunderous roar resounded in all directions.

Time and space are chaotic.

Let countless living beings panic.

The whole person of the Eastern Prince was emitted by Tang Yuan.

The earthquake flew millions of miles away.

He never expected Tang Yuan's strength to be so strong.

It took him away with just one blow.

He is also a strong man in the middle of the Da Luo Golden Immortal.

In an instant, it fell down.

And the Queen Mother of the West is still watching.

This made the Eastern Prince feel that he had lost face.

The complexion is extremely ugly.

If only the Queen Mother of the West wasn't here.

The Prince of the East felt that it was nothing, and if he couldn't beat it, he would run.

But the Queen Mother of the West was on the sidelines.

Also keep an eye on this battle.

This made the Eastern Prince restless and anxious.

I thought that if I didn't exert my full strength, I would soon lose.

You have to show real strength.

Attention of the Queen Mother of the West.

He didn't set his sights on the Prince of the East at all.

Even without a glance, he watched Tang Yuan the whole time.

And Tang Yuan fell from a high altitude.

He stood on land.

There was no injury on the body.


The Prince of the East snorted coldly.

No excessive nonsense.

Directly manifest endless flames.

It turned into a sea of fire behind him.

A kind of momentum that does not burn everything and cannot be broken blooms.

The Prince of the East was transformed by the first innate pure yang qi.

The name of the fire is the accompanying spiritual fire when he takes shape.

It is called Pure Yang True Fire.

The level of terror is comparable to the real fire of the sun.

Everything is not burned, all laws are inviolable, and it is extremely strong.

"So strong!"

Tang Yuan looked at the Pure Yang True Fire behind the Eastern Prince.

Feel the incomparably powerful qi engine.

The expression subconsciously stared.

Even if he is transformed by the merit of the Great Dao, the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Heaven and Earth, the defense is top-notch.

When facing the pure yang true fire of the Eastern Prince.

They all felt a domineering and boundless qi filling their bodies.

"Sword come!"

The aura of the Eastern Prince continued to rise and was terrifying.

A sharp sword appears.

Held tightly by him in his hands.

The sword is a pure yang sword.

It is a companion spirit treasure when the Eastern Prince transforms into shape.

It is a high-grade innate spirit treasure.

Although the grade is not high.

But as the companion spirit treasure of the Eastern Maharajah.

Vaillant is comparable to the best innate Lingbao.

Nothing is chopped, and it is extremely sharp.

The Prince of the East waved the Pure Yang Sword in his hand.

The pure yang true fire behind him surged up.

A thick pure yang aura evaporated in the sword body.


Heaven and earth changed suddenly.

Endless aura struck from all directions.

Crazy injection into the Pure Yang Sword.


Pure Yang True Fire was like a fire dragon, hovering in the void.

Sending out a powerful power, sweeping the heavens.

The Pure Yang Sword was infused with countless aura qi.

It emits a terrifying qi engine.

The power to destroy heaven and earth is manifested in the sword.

The sword on the sword body soared.

Twinkle and shine on the heavens and the earth.


The Pure Yang Sword emitted a ripple sound.

Let the whole heaven and earth be afraid, and the earth will shake.

The void roared with the deterrence emanating from the Pure Yang Sword.

It's like cloth.

It breaks up easily.


The momentum that erupted from the Eastern Maharajah.

Manifested pure yang true fire.

There is also the power of the top-grade innate Lingbao Pure Yang Sword.

All three add up.

It was comparable to the breath on Tang Yuan's body.

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