The Queen Mother of the West who watched was envious.


Just a moment.

She stopped watching.

I'm afraid to look at it again.

The Taoist heart will be shaken.

If that's the case, the gains outweigh the losses.

This discourse will lead to nothing.

Queen Mother of the West adjusted her mentality.

Then I fell into realization.


The two argued.

For a time, the sky was in chaos, and the ground surged with golden lotuses.

Countless Daowen were derived from the Three Flowers of the Western Queen Mother and Tang Yuan.

Emerge in the void.

Spin quickly inside the temple.

Like billions of stars, it is extremely bright.


The light above the nine heavens.

Break through the guardian array and blend into the temple.

Fell on the faces of the Queen Mother of the West and Tang Yuan.

Under the illumination of the glow.

Plus the Da Luo aura that the two of them exude.

Tang Yuan and the Queen Mother of the West are like two divine statues.

Holy brilliance, domineering boundless qi machine blooms.

As if at this moment,.

Heaven and earth were afraid and shook violently.

The heaven and earth aura gathered in the sky above the main hall.

A huge whirlpool is formed.

Crazy was absorbed by Tang Yuan and Queen Mother of the West.

This time, they did not deliberately hide it.

Therefore, many creatures that had not yet been transformed on West Kunlun were gathered.

On all sides outside the palace.

Listening to the discussion of the two Da Luo Golden Immortals.

May not understand well.

But the living beings felt.

Da Luo Jinxian said.

Being able to listen is a great opportunity.

There is an epiphany, they are naturally happy.

If you don't gain anything, you can only blame yourself for being ignorant.


Time is like a river.

In the process of Tang Yuan and the Queen Mother of the West discussing the Dao, it passed quietly.

Before you know it, a thousand years have passed.

The discussion between the two finally ended.

Queen Mother of the West opened her eyes.

Feeling the qi machine on his body, his face was beaming.

This time, he said.

Her strength has improved a lot.

For some of the ways that I didn't understand before.

At the end of the discourse, he suddenly became enlightened.

Tang Yuan mainly talked about the Tao this time.

It is an understanding of the great world and a summary of the period of incarnation.

Queen Mother of the West cultivates the path of pure yin.

For Tang Yuan's Dao of the Great World, he understood a lot.

Plus your own pure yin path.

A combination of the two.

Having a deeper understanding of his own Dao

, Tang Yuan put away his breath, and his eyes flashed with golden light.

Where the eye looks.

It was as if time and space were afraid.

There is a buzzing sound.

The millennium discourse.

Tang Yuan harvested more than the Queen Mother of the West.

Not only did it firmly stabilize the realm of the late stage of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

And it is also on the solid foundation of Da Luo Jinxian.

Raised a little bit of cultivation.

I also have a preliminary understanding of the world in my body.

Know how to improve it in the future.

For the pure yin path spoken by the Queen Mother of the West.

He understood some, and it was a gain.

After all, the pure yin way is extremely mysterious.

Tang Yuan can be based on a stable realm.

It's already very good to comprehend it.

"The Prince of the East is visiting, and the Daoist friend of the Queen Mother of the West is available?"

Just when Tang Yuan and the Queen Mother of the West exchanged ideas.

A voice came from outside the main hall.

It sounded in the ears of both of them.

"Prince of the East?"

Tang Yuan's heart was shocked.

In the later life, he will become the head of the male immortals.

What are you doing running to West Kunlun.

And listen to his tone.

It seems to be a little impatient.

Tang Yuan felt that the Prince of the East was afraid that it was not a simple visit.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing the Queen Mother of the West, her brows frowned slightly.

A little disgust appeared on his face.

Tang Yuan asked condolences.

"I'm ashamed to say ,......,"

Queen Mother Xi told Tang Yuan the ins and outs of the matter.


After Tang Yuan listened.

Directly snorted coldly.

Through the telling of the Queen Mother of the West, Tang Yuan knew.

The Eastern Prince and the Western Queen Mother were born in the same period.

And because the prince of the East is the first pure yang qi between heaven and earth.

She has a deep affection for the Queen Mother of the West, which was transformed by the first pure yin qi of the innate.

He visited West Kunlun again and again.

Ask the Queen Mother of the West to be her own Taoist.

In the beginning.

The Queen Mother of the West may have been for the sake of the face of the Prince of the East.

Tactfully refused.

He did not explicitly state that he did not want to.

But I don't know if the Prince of the East did not understand the meaning of the Queen Mother of the West.

Or is he stubborn in heart.

Still bothering as usual.

The so-called thing is not more than three.

After three times, the visit of the Eastern Maharaja became a disturbing.


After being disturbed by the Eastern Maharaja several times.

Queen Mother of the West directly stated that she did not have the slightest intention of marrying him.

But the Prince of the East still did not die after hearing this.

He felt that Pure Yang and Pure Yin were married.

That's sooner or later.

When the Queen Mother of the West finished talking about the East Maharajah.

Tang Yuan's first reaction was anger.

If the Queen Mother of the West is willing.

That Tang Yuan would not have any emotions.

After all, he is not easy to hinder what you want to do.

But never expected.

The Prince of the East would actually do something difficult for a strongman.

Tang Yuan ran into it, how could he not care.

Millennium time.

It has long made him and the Queen Mother of the West form a deep relationship.

Don't want to be your first friend in this world.

Experiencing harassment by others.

"Daoist friends are in no hurry.

So I will accompany you to meet the Prince of the East! Seeing

that the Queen Mother of the West was a little upset.

Tang Yuan comforted.


Queen Mother Xi nodded after thinking about it.

Know to go out on your own right now.

I'm afraid it won't solve the problem.

If accompanied by Tang Yuan.

It is possible to successfully convince the Eastern Maharajah.

Since then, he has left Kunlun Mountain.

So that he will not bother himself in the future.

After the Queen Mother of the West adjusted her mentality.

He left the hall with Tang Yuan.

As soon as he came out, he saw a man wearing a cyan robe.

His long hair fell to his shoulders and his eyes were deep.

The gaze is extremely cold.

A long sword hangs from his waist.

There are many patterns on the sword body.

Exudes a dazzling sword radiance.

There was a strong qi machine revealed in his body.

It is the middle period of Da Luo Jinxian.

Innate Yang Qi overflowed in him.

This person is the Prince of the East.

The Eastern Prince was still smiling when he saw the gate of the palace open.

Originally, it was the Queen Mother of the West who let go.

Just a second.

The East Prince's face changed drastically.

Where is there a smile on the face.

Only endless anger.

He was looking viciously at Tang Yuan next to the Queen Mother of the West.

Irritable inside.

"Who are you!"

Dongwang Gongan endured the anger in his heart.

Gloomy face turned to Tang Yuandao.

In his opinion.

The reason why the Queen Mother of the West did not agree to marry herself.

It is because of Tang Yuan.

Therefore, the first time he saw Tang Yuan, he was very angry

: "You don't care who this seat is.

If you leave now, you will never step into West Kunlun for half a step again.

I will no longer delve into your previous faults.

If not.

Don't blame me for being unkind! The

Queen Mother of the West just wanted to speak.

But was interrupted by Tang Yuan.

Look at the appearance of the Prince of the East.

Tang Yuan knew.

At this time, no matter what the Queen Mother of the West said.

The Eastern Prince's anger will not subside.

Just don't say it.

Everything is based on its own strength.

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