With his previous relationship with the Queen Mother of the West, he is now called so.

But it's a lot rusty.

But Tang Yuan didn't say much.

Because Tang Yuan knew, see the words of the saint.

Although she may be incautious on the surface, she must be cautious in her heart.

"Then according to what Daozun said!"

Queen Mother of the West relieved a bit.

But he couldn't be as easygoing as Tang Yuan had not been sanctified before.

"I came here today, but there is nothing to do!"

"It's just that I've been practicing for tens of thousands of years!"

"Fruitless, come and relax!"

"I want to come and meet Taoist friends!"

Queen Mother of the West spoke.

I haven't seen it for a long time since I last saw it.

And then there was the Lich War.

Queen Mother of the West had wanted to come, but considered it so dangerous.

He didn't go out and move around.

"It turned out to be like this, Taoist friends want to come in the future."

"Just come in the future!"

Tang Yuan spoke.

However, although Tang Yuan said so, Queen Mother of the West may not think so.

He often interacted with saints.

A normal person can't do it.

It's not that Queen Mother of the West doesn't like this, but the identities of the two are not compatible.

If it had been changed before, the Queen Mother of the West would definitely look like this.

But now Tang Yuan is already a saint.

He is also the first disciple of Xuanmen.

Queen Mother of the West felt that she had climbed high.

"Thank you Daozun!"

Queen Mother Xi didn't know what to say for a while, so she thanked her.

"When the practice is particular, it is steady and steady!"

"The pure yin path practiced by Daoist friends is mysterious!"

"Cultivation to this point, but it is rare to see floods!"

Tang Yuan felt the breath of the Queen Mother of the West, for the way of pure yin.

He knows.

Queen Mother Xi's perception has changed a lot compared to before.

"The path of pure yin is endlessly changing!"

"If you want to further strengthen, it's very difficult!"

Queen Mother of the West spoke.

With his current strength, the quasi-saint peak.

Pure Yin Knowledge has been brought to the extreme.

If you want to go in the next direction.

It's a hard thing.

If there is no one to point out, I am afraid that it will stop there.

Although Tang Yuan did not understand as much as the Queen Mother of the West.

But the general direction is still known.

"Daoist friends are anxious, and cultivation is not only strength."

"You still have to cultivate your heart!"

"Painstaking research, there will be results in the end!"

Tang Yuan spoke, although he did not understand the way of pure yin.

But he is already a saint.

I also have a certain understanding of her Tao.

What he said must be useful to the Queen Mother of the West.

"I understand, thank you Daozun for the reminder!"

Listening to Tang Yuan's words, Queen Mother Xi seemed to suddenly understand something in her heart.

She did specialize some time over the years.

But these times are nothing for a cultivator.

This is the truth of the so-called practice without thinking.

If a cultivator doesn't even have his own time, then what else to practice.

The Queen Mother of the West had woken up at this time.

She knew that if a person did not concentrate on his own cultivation

, no matter how good the guidance of others, he was.

Or how good their own conditions are.

It's all in vain.

"No, in fact, the Taoist friends themselves understand more!"

"Outsiders give a little reminder!"

"The most important thing is to rely on yourself!"

Tang Yuan spoke, it was indeed so.

In terms of cultivation, Tang Yuan was equivalent to an outsider.

It will not have much effect on the practice of the Queen Mother of the West.

If there is, it's just a little.

After all, the Tao itself is the clearest thing.

If you encounter anything, ask someone.

That practice will be slow.

"No matter what, thank you Daozun!"

Queen Mother of the West is still very happy.

Although in just a few words, it was nothing for Tang Yuan.

But sometimes.

A few words from a person will often make people wake up.

Just like the Queen Mother of the West.

Queen Mother Xi did not come here today, but blindly did not ask for help.

That's hard to understand.


"I've been here for hundreds of years!"

"But it's time to leave!"

As soon as the Queen Mother of the West stayed, she stayed here in Tang Yuan for hundreds of years.

Hundreds of years may be a long time for ordinary mortals.

Even dead.

It has long been in samsara.

But they are cultivators, the concept of time.

It has long been ethereal.

In this hundred years of time, Tang Yuan guided the practice of the Western Queen Mother.

This is what makes Queen Mother of the West very happy.

Queen Mother of the West is not a saint.

Being able to get the guidance of the saint is also an opportunity.

There were countless creatures in the flood, and they all wanted to get the guidance of the saints.

But there are not many people who can really get guidance.

Generally not a disciple of a saint, or without interest.

There will be no saint to guide you.

In the eyes of the saints, in the presence of those who have no interests.

It's a waste of time.

"Don't you stay longer?"

Tang Yuan spoke.

In fact, whether the Queen Mother of the West is here or not here is the same for him.

That's just it.

But it is so that the Queen Mother of the West will not feel rusty.

"Thank you Daozun for keeping."

"At this time, I woke up a little!"

"I'm going back to retreat!"

Queen Mother of the West spoke, Tang Yuan was able to retain.

She was very happy.

It was precisely because Tang Yuan said so.

Queen Mother Xi felt that she had to improve her strength.

She knew that only when her strength was equal to Tang Yuan's.

Only then can he be more qualified to be close to Tang Yuan.

"In that case, then I won't keep it!"

"These Huang Zhongli, you take it back!"

Tang Yuan did not continue to retain.

Instead, with a wave of his hand, he took out a few Huang Zhongli.

Huang Zhongli has little effect on saints.

Even the usual fruit is no different.

But for those below the saints, it is of great benefit.

"Thank you Daozun!"

Queen Mother Xi said a little embarrassed, and got guidance from others.

And Huang Zhongli.

What a benefit.


Tang Yuan nodded, and then sent away the Queen Mother of the West.


After the Queen Mother of the West left, the entire Penglai Sanxian Island made a huge movement.

An earth-shattering momentum, straight to the sky.

Ringing through the sky.

And very domineering, as if to isolate all breath.

After seeing such an aura, Tang Yuan took a slight look.

You know what's going on.

It is the Xuan Tortoise who is about to break through the quasi-saint.

"Xuangui's progress is not bad!"

"Sure enough, I read it right!"

Tang Yuan looked at it softly.

Martial arts want to break through, but it is very difficult.

He thought that the Xuan Tortoise would break through sooner or later.

After all, in his previous life, he was a mighty Xuan Tortoise.

Now though it's a human being.

But the speed of cultivation, epiphany or something.

All have awakened.

After looking at it for a while, Tang Yuan stopped paying attention.

Over here, the Xuan Tortoise at this moment is in an empty place.

The martial aura on his body is constantly emanating.

The spiritual energy in Penglai Three Immortal Island was constantly being absorbed by the Xuan Tortoise.

The movement emanating is huge.

Most of the creatures on the island have been shocked.

"Junior Brother Xuangui, this is about to break through!"

"So strong!"

"It's worthy of being a junior brother of Xuangui!"

Kong Xuan as his senior brother.

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