What is the movement of Xuangui, he is the first to come out and pay attention.

Seeing the Xuan turtle is to break through.

But it made him happy.

Although Xuangui has only been visiting the teacher for a short time, the relationship between the two of them is already good.

If you don't know two people look.

will think it's a brother.


Xuangui's whole person suddenly shook, and the aura of martial arts was magnificent.

It is erupting in a very strong way.

It's fast, it's like light.

At the moment when the momentum continued to rise, not only the people on Penglai Island were shocked.

Even the three ancestors of the Terran were shocked.

The Three Ancestors of the Terran Race are the birthplace of martial arts inheritance.

Now there is such a big movement in martial arts.

The three of them had to be shocked.

"Who will it be, with such a strong martial arts aura!"

The Flintstones spoke.

After the three of them knew the movement, they came out directly from the retreat.

I want to know who this person is.

"Look at the direction this breath emanates!"

"It seems to have been distributed by the Holy Master!"

The Flintstones continued, then looked into the void with their eyes.

After pinching and counting.

It seems to know something, showing a happy face.

Because the Flintstones knew that people who exuded such powerful martial arts.

Exactly the Terrans.

When Xuangui was in the Terrans, his reputation was still very large.

The three ancestors of the Terran race have also heard about it.

"Yes, it's us Terrans!"

"And that person is now a disciple of the Holy Master."

Chao spoke.

The three ancestors of the Terran Race all showed satisfied smiles at this moment.

I wonder how long they used it in the first place.

Only then did he cultivate martial arts to this point.

And only when merit is infused can this be achieved.

Although the time of the Xuan Tortoise is a bit long, it is relative to the time of the three ancestors of the Terran race.

It's a lot less.

"Since he is a disciple of the Holy Master, he must have a great future in the future!"

The Ji Yi Clan spoke.

It was as if they had seen the development of martial arts.

Among the Terrans, except for the three ancestors.

No one has yet practiced martial arts to this point.

After the three discussed for a while, they went on a retreat together.

They are closed together.

When you fall into retreat, you can quickly get into a state.

At this moment, the aura on Xuangui's body is still rising.

Martial Dao is different from Immortal Dao, and it moves more when it breaks through.

It takes more time and more.

The turtle stands in the void.

Exuding an astonishing momentum, a huge turtle appeared.

It's 100,000 feet tall.

The turtle's body is engraved with innate Daowen, every part of the body.

They all have the word martial arts.

Densely packed, imprinted on the Xuan turtle.

In the overlord body behind Xuan Tortoise, the limbs seemed to support heaven and earth.

It is emerging with a terrifying momentum.

Look ahead, as if there is something in the distance.

The look in his eyes is very firm, and he also represents a powerful martial art.

The martial arts atmosphere is displayed.

The dark clouds above the nine heavens are rolling and changing back and forth above.

It seems that the words martial arts are slowly beginning to form.


After a long time, Xuangui roared.

The turtle behind the Xuan turtle trembled violently.

The giant tortoise looks slow on the surface, but it is actually very fast.


After the giant tortoise trembled, there was an aura that surpassed the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

Erupting from the turtle.

Unstoppable and ferocious.

It is growing with momentum that shakes all directions.

The quasi-saint power swept across the land, but such a scene was a Xuangui breakthrough.

It was the breakthrough of martial arts to quasi-saints.

After the Xuangui broke through to the quasi-saint.

The giant tortoise behind him also disappeared, turning into a streamer and disappearing.

"So strong!"

After the breakthrough, Xuangui slightly felt his own strength.

I was very happy.

Although he used to look very lazy on the surface.

But every time it comes to practice.

I don't know how serious it will be.

There will be no greed, there will be always practice.

"Congratulations to Junior Brother for breaking through the quasi-saint!"

After feeling the Xuangui, Kong Xuan walked towards him with a smile.

The two of them are good brotherly feelings.

Xuangui broke through, and Kong Xuan was naturally happy.

So after the end of the turtle, he opened his mouth as soon as possible.

"Thank you Senior Brother for your compliment!"

"Compared with Senior Brother, it is much worse!"

Xuangui said modestly.

I don't feel proud because of my breakthrough this time.

In terms of spiritual practice.

Kong Xuan may not understand martial arts, but Xuangui encounters those who do not understand.

The two will still discuss it together.

If it really doesn't work, he will ask Tang Yuan.

Xuangui felt, with the heart of an apprentice.

to go further.


In the conversation between the two of them, Tang Yuan's words came out at this time.

Sound is the reward.

There is no majesty whatsoever.

"Thank you Master for the compliment!"

After hearing Tang Yuan's words, Xuangui spoke.

I am very happy.

Tang Yuan generally rarely praises people.

As a disciple, Xuangui naturally wanted to get Tang Yuan's praise.

"This time, Junior Brother Xuangui has improved!"

Kong Xuan spoke again.

He knew that Xuangui could get praise from his master.

There has indeed been a lot of progress.

Kong Xuan's worship has rarely been praised for so long.

It's been a long time since Xuangui, but there is.

"Senior brother has passed the prize!"

Xuangui said with a smile, and then seemed to think of something.

Thinking about it.

"Junior Brother, what are you thinking!"

Kong Xuan saw what Xuangui was thinking and asked.

"Senior brother, now I have broken through!"

"It's quasi-saint!"

"If you go to the flood wilderness, take a tour!"

"Do you say that Master will agree?"

Xuangui whispered, looking cautious.

I was afraid of being discovered by my own master.

When he was in the Terrans, he stayed in the Terran tribes.

Haven't been anywhere.

Now he wants to take advantage of this breakthrough to see the outside world of the Flood Barrens.

"I don't know about this, I went out once before!"

"There is also danger!"

"It's just a false alarm!"

Kong Xuan spoke.

The last time he went out was during the Lich War.

Until now.

Kong Xuan never went out either.

Now that I heard Gao Xuangui say this, I also wanted to go out a little in my heart.

"In this case, then senior brother, shall we go out again!"

"Go and ask Master!"

"I believe Master Venerable will agree!"

Xuangui observed the words and saw that Kong Xuan wanted to go out.

And in his opinion.

Senior Brother Kong Xuan accompanied him out.

Presumably there is nothing dangerous.

"You two come here!"

Just as Kong Xuan wanted to answer, Tang Yuan's voice sounded.

Speech by the two of them.

Naturally, he couldn't escape Tang Yuan's ears.

"Master must know that we are speaking!"

Xuangui was a little worried, afraid that Master Zun would blame him,

but he didn't think much about it.

Although I feel scolded, there is nothing.

Not often.

Kong Xuan and Xuangui came to the main hall and showed respectful appearances.

"Meet Master!"

After coming, Kong Xuan and Xuangui spoke for the first time.

The head was slightly lowered, and he did not dare to raise his head head-on.

If before, the two of them would have dared to raise it head-on.

But just now.

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