Kong Xuan and Xuangui wanted to go out, so they would be a little afraid to blame.

"Master Wei agreed to let you two out!"

Tang Yuan said indifferently.

Now that the Lich Tribulation is over, the flood is relatively not so dangerous.

In Tang Yuan's opinion, Xuangui has been staying on Penglai Island.

If you go out, you can also experience it.

It's not bad.

And there is Kong Xuan to accompany, as long as it is not to meet those great powers.

There is basically no danger.

"Thank you, Master!"

"We will definitely be careful!"

Xuangui and Kong Xuan said at the same time, not knowing how happy they were.

Penglai Sanxian Island is large.

But they've had enough, and there's no outside world wondering here.

"Still that sentence!"

"After leaving Penglai Sanxian Island!"

"Don't make trouble easily, if someone gets into trouble!"

"Just kill!"

Tang Yuan said indifferently.

Go out to the flood world, don't have too many constraints.

Otherwise, it's not interesting.

"Got it, I will definitely bring Junior Brother back well!"

Kong Xuan spoke.

He is a master brother, if something happens.

Kong Xuan was naturally difficult to explain to Tang Yuan.


"Let's go!"

Tang Yuan waved his hand and sent the two of them away.

At the time of sending away.

For the sake of safety, a doppelganger was left on Kong Xuan.

It has the strength of a quasi-saint peak.

In the flood, in the endless sky.

Two people flew, and they laughed while talking.

It's faster than trying who's going to be fast.

From afar, it looks like two rockets shooting into the distance.

Speed is not up or down.

The speed of the two is in the void at this moment.

It has become a beautiful landscape.

The two streamers flew for an unknown amount of time before stopping.

Descended on land.

"Senior brother, the flood world outside is so good."

"If only we could come out at any time!"

Xuangui spoke, and at this time he could speak loudly.

There is a feeling of letting go of yourself.

"Good, good, better!"

"But there are also many dangers!"

"Although at the moment the Lich War is over."

"But we still have to be careful!"

Kong Xuan spoke, he knew that the Lich War was over.

But that doesn't mean there aren't dangers.

If you meet Kunpeng, Styx ancestor and other powers.

It's all relatively difficult to deal with.

"Senior brother, you have too much heart!"

"How can we be in danger!"

Xuangui said with a smile.

Then the two continued to walk in the flood wilderness.

Just like that, the two of them walked up.


In the blink of an eye, the past hundred years, it has been a long time since I came to the flood famine.

Kong Xuan and Xuangui have been to many places.

On this day, they came to a place with an incomparably thick and fierce aura.

The fierceness here is very strong.

Among the places passed, this one is the most intense.

"Senior brother, where is this!"

"How it looks terrifying!"

Looking at the boundless fierce aura, Xuangui questioned.

But there was no fear.

Xuan Guran didn't go through anything, but as far as these angers were concerned.

It's hard for him.

Don't look at the Xuan turtle as if he has never seen the world.

But if there is a real danger.

Definitely not afraid.

"This is the sea of blood, the place of the ancestor of the Styx!"

Kong Xuan spoke, not speaking very loudly.

Only enough for the turtle to hear.

"I said, a filthy place."

"How can anyone still live!"

Xuangui said lightly, looking unimpressed.

At the same time, in a sea of blood.

In the depths of the sea of blood, the Styx ancestor opened his eyes from the retreat.

Then he spoke, "Disciple of Tang Yuan!"

"What are you doing here!"

The ancestor of the Styx was a little shocked, at this time.

He didn't expect Kong Xuan to come here.

But right away.

The ancestor of the Styx River had a bad idea.

Thinking, since he was Tang Yuan's disciple.

Then they must have spiritual treasures on them.

If you can, you can grab it.

Then there are a lot more of his own spiritual treasures.

After all, in the flood waste, the temptation of Lingbao is great.

Tang Yuan has so many spirit treasures, and there will definitely be no fewer disciples.

And the Styx had a festival with Tang Yuan before.

He didn't dare to do anything to Tang Yuan.

Can't beat it.

But Styx believed that Tang Yuan's disciples could still be beaten.

And he didn't have to worry that Tang Yuan would come to the door.

You know, in the sea of blood, it is claimed that the blood is not withered, and the Styx is not dead.

Even if a saint encounters it, he can't go down easily.

Thinking so, the ancestor of the Styx River showed a treacherous smile.

Then after a sneer, the entire figure disappeared.

Left the sea of blood.

Just when Kong Xuan and Xuangui just wanted to leave.

A cloud of red qi appeared in front of the two of them.

The red color is incomparably rich.

In the blink of an eye, he turned into a person.

This person had a hideous face and was wearing a blood-red robe.

The body exudes endless fierce aura.

People don't feel like good people.

The person who came was the ancestor of the Styx.

"Senior Styx, my junior brother and I appeared here!"

"Just passing by."

Kong Xuan spoke.

The ancestor of the Styx he knew, in someone else's territory.

In speaking, there is no sense of respect.

It's just a stranger's tone.

Xuangui looked coldly at the River Styx.

If Kong Xuan hadn't said it in advance, Xuangui would have gone up the River Styx.

"Passing by, since you are here!"

"It's better to go to the sea of blood of the ancestor and me!"

The Styx Old Ancestor laughed loudly and looked at Kong Xuan and Xuan Turtle.

After looking at the strength of the two.

He was surprised for a moment.

Two quasi-saint strengths, Kong Xuan is in the middle of the period.

Xuangui is the early stage.

It is rare to meet two at once.

"No, thank you seniors for your kindness!"

"Since there is nothing to do, then let's go!"

After speaking, Kong Xuan and Xuangui turned their heads and left.

It didn't matter how the Styx ancestor reacted.

"Old Ancestor, I told you the truth."

"Leave the spirit treasure behind, and I can let you go."

"If not, don't blame Lao Zu for being unkind!"

The Styx flashed and blocked in front of Xuangui and Kong Xuan.

Although it is two quasi-saints.

But the Styx ancestor believed that he was the strength of the quasi-saint peak.

Plus this is a sea of blood.

It is still okay to deal with Kong Xuan and Xuangui.


"Want the two of us to hand over the Lingbao, no way!"

Kong Xuan shouted angrily.

The ancestor of the Styx River was indeed a little jealous for him.

But not enough to be afraid.

And if Kong Xuan and Xuangui handed over the spirit treasure, they would leave.

Words that everyone knows.

Tang Yuan's face was dull.

Kong Xuan, who has always cared about the face of his master, could not hand it over no matter how he said it.


"Styx Ancestor, you are an innate power!"

"Didn't expect it to be so mean."

Xuangui also spoke at this time.

He usually admires his predecessors, but the ancestor of the Styx is like this.

But it is not worthy of admiration.


"Don't talk nonsense, hand over the spirit treasure."

"Spare you not to die!"

The Styx Old Ancestor spoke again, and then put on a look of wanting to fight.

He wanted a quick fix.

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