On the contrary, it aroused a high fighting spirit.

He also knows that Hiroshiko is stronger than himself, and it is difficult to defeat the other party.

It was precisely because of this that Xuangui felt that he had to fight even more.


Xuangui shouted, and then the fighting spirit around him was high.

The will of martial arts rose wildly.

From the outside, you can see a martial will that does not admit defeat.

That firmness.

Stable as a rock, unshakable.

The Xuan Tortoise waved his hands, and then a pillar of light appeared.

Straight up from behind him.

The pillar of light is very large, full of 100,000 zhang in size.

The momentum is huge, and it is not much different from the attack that Hiroshiko hit.


As soon as the pillar of light behind Xuan Tortoise stood up, it collided with the giant palm.

The golden light flickered, directly making everyone close their eyes.

Countless chaotic scenes appeared.

The auspicious clouds in the sky became scattered, and there was no shape to speak of.

Ben was a serene breeze after a blow.

It is not easy to become violent and blows in all directions.

After this blow, Guang Chengzi did not have the slightest advantage.

He thought to himself, the first blow came out with some strength.

Give yourself the upper hand.

Then taunt each other.

The results were very different from what he thought.

Guangchengzi stood in the void and looked at Xuangui coldly.

The opponent's attack only broke the giant palm.

It did not cause any harm to Hiroshiko.

The Xuan Tortoise defense was hard, and it was still standing in place.

Nothing hurt.

When everyone saw this blow, they were shocked.

In the case of the realm gap, Xuan Tortoise was able to block the other party's blow.

Know the gap in the realm.

The attacks made will be very different.

Everyone thought that Xuangui's blow, even if it was not defeated.

That would at least have to hurt.

Everyone sighed in their hearts, and then looked forward to the final result.

At first, everyone thought that Xuangui would lose this time.

But what he didn't expect was that Xuangui not only did not lose.

Still standing still.

This is not something that ordinary people can do.

"Kind of interesting!"

Hiroshiko sneered, not discouraged.

He trained for so long.

The temperament is not so anxious, and it has become very calm.

If before, he didn't succeed in one blow.

There will definitely be a little rush in the heart, and then the rhythm will be chaotic.

All these years, so to speak.

Guangchengzi has grown a lot.

"More interesting is yet to come!"

Xuangui said lightly, not feeling flustered at all by his rising momentum.

He knew, the blow just now.

But it was Hiroshiko's tentative attack, not real strength.

What follows will be the real contest.

"Junior Brother, don't be careless!"

Kong Xuan reminded again.

Knowing that Hiroshiko's attack in the next step will not be so easy to bear.

Xuangui did not answer Kong Xuan's words, but just nodded.

Then he stared at Hiroshiko's movements.

Everyone was watching with a wait-and-see expression.

Of course, Haotian is excluded.

He didn't want to see this scene, he just wanted to end the competition quickly.

Then the Peach Conference was completed.


Hiroshiko drank lightly, and then a palm-sized seal appeared in his hand.

This seal was personally refined for him by Yuan Shi Tianzun.

It was a section intercepted by Yuan Shi Tianzun when Buzhou Mountain collapsed.

Then practice into Fantianyin.

It's powerful.

It is tailor-made for Hiroshiko.

As soon as the Fan Tianyin came out, everyone looked over.

They all think this is an extraordinary treasure.

Guang Chengzi looked at everyone's eyes, and he was a little proud in his heart.

Then he did not hesitate and took the Fantianyin.

Smashed head-on towards the Xuangui.

Hiroshiko's speed was fast, looking far away.

It was like a stream of light, rushing from afar.

Xuangui's face was calm, and his martial will was high.

A huge shell appeared above him.

Shrouded the whole body of the Xuan turtle.

After forming a defense, Xuan Gu did not intend to attack.

It's about carrying the blow hard.

Guang Chengzi was happy when he saw this action of the Xuan turtle.

He felt that Xuangui dared to ignore his attack so much.

This is simply looking for death.

In the case of about to hit Xuangui, Guangchengzi also improved his strength.

At this scene, everyone's eyes straightened.

I don't know how shocking it is.

This blow.

Even everyone present did not dare to carry it easily.

And Xuangui is just a quasi-saint early stage.

The idea of daring to resist a strong man in the middle of the quasi-saint stage is too bold.

Soon, Guangchengzi held the Fantianyin.

Hit the Xuan turtle.


Huge air waves shook and swept in all directions.

Dumped countless people to the ground.

There are creatures in the flood and desolation, and their strength is low.

The realm is not high, and there is no spiritual treasure on the body.

Therefore, under the vibration of the gas wave, it fell unnaturally to the ground.

After Kong Xuan and the others were attacked, they all formed a defense.

This did not affect the situation.

The surrounding earth wind and water fire appeared, sweeping around.

Countless chaotic scenes have evolved.

The wind blew continuously, and the fire burned fiercely.

After a while, the surrounding scene turned into nothingness.

The fog cleared.

After everyone clearly saw the appearance of the turtle.

Still in intact condition.

It really shocked everyone.

"This, this... No way! Yuding

Zhenren spoke, looking at Xuangui a little surprised.

He had thought that with this blow, Hiroshiko would win.

But what I didn't expect was that instead of victory.

Xuan Turtle could not see any injuries on his body,

and his aura was still high.

It can be said with certainty that the people in the teachings.

In addition to Yuan Shi Tianzun.

Not many people dare to take this blow hard.

If the strength is higher than Guang Chengzi, resist this blow.

One thing that is not surprising indeed.

But if only Rib was lower than him.

If you resist, it will be difficult.

"It's fine!"

Haotian was still very glad to see that the Xuan Tortoise was not injured.

He was relieved.

When Hiroshiko beat down, he had a handful of sweat in his hands.

I don't know how worried I am about Xuangui.


Hiroshiko couldn't help but say it, and he was most surprised.

He is the one who fights the Genkai.

Now although he did not use his full strength in this blow, his strength was not small.

According to normal thinking, it is difficult for Xuangui to resist this blow.

But, unexpectedly, Xuangui did this.

Not only Guang Chengzi, but also Duobao, Kong Xuan and others were shocked.

Although everyone knows that martial arts are very strong.

But I didn't expect it to be so strong.

And it can also withstand such a powerful attack.

"Junior Brother Xuangui is good!"

Looking at such strength, Duo Bao spoke.

My heart is very happy.

I admire that the strength of the Xuan Tortoise is so strong.

It was far beyond what I expected.

"Why, can you help just that?"

After tidying up, Xuangui said with a smile.

Mock Hiroshiko

He doesn't like to mock others, but if the other party is rude first.

Xuan turtle is naturally not good looking at each other.

After saying this, he felt a little cheerful in his heart.

Xuangui knew that everyone was very good-faced, and now saying this

really made Guangchengzi have no face.

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