
Hiroshiko snorted coldly, very angry

in his heart, but did not attack on the spot.

If this is said, it means that you cannot afford to lose.


After a loud bang, Xuangui held the Ling Zi Electric Hammer in his hand.

Ready to start fighting back.


Guang Chengzi saw that Xuangui took out the spirit treasure and directly greeted it.

In his opinion.

Now there is no face, only defeating the Xuangui.

Both of them exploded in strength.

The battle between the two of them, Tang Yuan and Yuan Shi Tianzun knew it.

When Guangchengzi did this, Yuan Shi Tianzun had no opinion.

If you win, the face of the exposition will naturally be greater.

But if you lose, it will be a great loss of face.

Only by winning can you keep it.


Tang Yuan snorted coldly, and then didn't say anything more.

After knowing the reason for the matter.

He wanted to know what this Hiroshiko thought.

Unexpectedly, he came to his disciples again and again.

But after a while, Tang Yuan stopped paying attention.

The two of them fought, and everything was expected by Tang Yuan.

This time, even if you lose.

Tang Yuan would still feel nothing.

Because the strength of the two is relatively different, it is normal to lose.

In the Heavenly Court, the battle between the two was very fierce.

Guangchengzi is worthy of being in the early days of quasi-sainthood.

Although Genkai can remain undefeated, he wants to defeat Hiroshiko.

It's also a hard thing.

The two fought like this, which was in a flat state.


During the fight, Haotian suddenly came to such a sentence.

His words were loud.

As soon as these words came out, both of them stopped.

But just stopped for a moment and continued to fight.


Seeing that after fighting for so long, Guangchengzi still couldn't defeat Xuangui.

He was a little anxious.

In an instant, Guangchengzi burst out with the highest combat power.

The surrounding power was surging, and a terrifying force appeared.

When Hiroshiko's strength broke out.

Everyone was shocked, and this Hiroshiko said yes.

As a result, he burst out with all his strength.

But, he looks at it in this state.

No matter who comes out to speak.

Hiroshiko won't listen.

Seeing this, Xuangui was naturally not to be outdone.

But the heart is tense and tense, and only Xuangui himself knows it.

Withstanding Hiroshiko's attack, you need to be cautious.

If you are not careful, the turtle can be easily injured.

Don't look at the Xuan Turtle seems to easily resist Guang Chengzi's attack

, in fact, it is not,

the Xuan Turtle who has no advantage.

It can only be resisted every time by exerting strong strength and shell.


Xuangui seized the opportunity.

Just when Guangcheng gathered his strength, Xuangui's martial will was high.

In just a split second, it was several times more powerful.

It's fierce.

No one can think of it.

Xuan Turtle's strength can be improved so quickly.

In just a split second, there was such an explosion.


Speed is like lightning.

Genkame rushed over, and Hiroshiko had to stop his movements.

In this way, he formed a defense to resist the attack of the Xuan turtle.


Hiroshiko's defense only lasted for a moment.

The turtle broke open and knocked him to the ground.

Hiroshiko, who fell to the ground, was embarrassed.

Spit blood in the mouth.

Then Hiroshiko quickly stood up and sorted out his injuries.

There was no more fighting.

Xuangui's blow, although it was an upper hand.

But it is difficult to seriously injure Hiroshiko.

After Genkame won this blow.

Count as winning this battle.

Although this is caused by Hiroshiko's carelessness

, sometimes being careless

is very fatal, not losing strength.

It's about the general idea.

Everyone will see it as losing.

After Hiroshiko lost, everyone had a happy expression.

They all think that Xuangui should win.

I hope Hiroshiko loses.

The West is different, they want to see the result.

It was both defeated, and Xuangui won

them, and they were naturally unhappy.


Duo Bao said it, completely ignoring the reaction of the people.

This time the provocation was what they said

, and now that they have failed,

their face is naturally gone.

If it weren't for the end of the Peach Conference, everyone would have left.

"Junior Brother, you are so powerful, your reaction is so sensitive!"

"Senior brother didn't expect it either!"

When Xuangui came to Kong Xuan, he was very happy in his heart.

If the full strength of Hiroshiko hits.

The turtle may lose.

But Kong Xuan couldn't imagine it.

The sudden attack caught Hiroshiko off guard.

"Senior brother has passed the prize!"

Xuangui was very calm.

If you just look at the appearance, you definitely don't know what he went through.

A casual expression on his face, not calm.

Looking at Hiroshiko again, he didn't know how ugly his face was at this time.

He didn't want to be here for a second.

I just want to end this peach conference quickly.

After a long time.

The Peach Conference was barely completed, but what he expected was different from what Haotian thought.

Not as good as he thought.

After the conference, everyone left one after another.

Only Haotian and Yaochi were left in the Lingxiao Treasure Hall

, both with helpless expressions.

"Junior Sister, the Peach Conference is over!"

"The saints do not take us seriously."

"Let's find a way!"

Haotian said helplessly, he thought before.

Since you can't afford to mess with the saint, then it's good to hide.

But since this incident, he has not known.

It's not that hiding is useful.

The trouble is that it will automatically come to the door.

Therefore, Haotian thought that someone must suppress the saint.

"But the status of saints is noble, and they are the top powerhouses in the flood wilderness."

"I'm afraid no one can say anything about them."

Yaochi sighed, she knew that in the current flood waste.

Under the saints are ants.

Even if she and Haotian were in front of the saint, they were both older ants.

"Is there really no way?"

Listening to Yaochi's words, Haotian seemed even more desperate.

Yaochi means that no one can persuade the saint in the flood.

The status of the Heavenly Court that day was very embarrassing.

"By the way, we can go and ask for help from Daozu!"

Yaochi suddenly thought.

Daozu was the only hope for the two of them.

Hongjun's strength was the strongest in the Flood Wilderness, higher than that of the saints.

If there is really anyone to say in the flood that can persuade the saint.

That's Hongjun.

"What Junior Sister said, for now."

"Only when the Dao Ancestor comes forward can the situation of the Heavenly Court be changed."

Haotian said happily, remembering Dao Ancestor.

It was as if he had found a lifesaver.

Very happy.

After the two discussed, they did not go to see Hongjun immediately.

Instead, the number of new people joining the Heavenly Court was arranged.

After the Peach Conference was held, it was not without gains.

There are still more people.

Although these people are few, they have to be arranged by Haotian.

Here, after Kong Xuan and Xuangui returned.

After telling their master what happened in the heavenly court.

Tang Yuan said indifferently: "Good job!"

He said casually.

Tang Yuan was not happy in his heart, but there was a sense of comfort.

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