After all, she is a normal person.

It is normal to be afraid.

But the elephant spirits explained for a long time.

Hua Xu believed.

Day by day, Hua Xu also got used to it.

With that strange expression.

Hua Xu has not been born for so long.

People have different expressions when they know it.

At first, they thought that there were monsters in the Huaxu fetus.

But while the elephant spirits were delivering food, the Terrans found out.

They realized something was wrong.

I think, where would normal people take so long.

It's all three or five years pregnant, and the baby hasn't come out yet.

And there are also some sights appearing.

But it was strange to the elders of the human race.

For this matter.

The elders all gathered.

"The child in Huaxu's belly is by no means a monster."

"It must be an atmospheric transporter."

During the discussion, one of them spoke.

He is relatively clear about some of the things that are resuscient.

After this elder finished speaking, everyone's hearts tacitly agreed.

It must not be a monster who feels that Hua Xu is pregnant.

After discussion among the elders.

After saying the results to the people outside, for a while.

Word spread among the tribes.

Since then, people's attitude towards Huaxu has improved a lot.

Not as hateful as before.

Overnight, it became like a relative, and everyone who came to visit was extremely enthusiastic.

Even the elders came to watch it in person.

This made Hua Xu very happy.

Although she has been fortunate for all these years.

But thinking of his children is an extraordinary person.

No matter how hard work in my heart, it was gone in an instant.

Hua Xu looked at the people coming and going every day, and his mood suddenly became much better.

And so it went on for a year or so.

Hua Xu suddenly had a stomachache, and the person who took care of Hua Xu knew it.

The doctor was immediately notified.

Soon, the best doctor of the tribe came.

Personally delivered the baby to Huaxu.

Even the elders were waiting outside the door, wondering the outcome.

Soon, the child was born.

As soon as the child came out, the sensation was very huge.

In the sky is Ruixiang Tiantiao.

Various mysterious auras can be faintly seen, suspended in the sky.

It's like celebrating the birthday of a newborn child.

The cry of this child was loud.

The birth of the emperor directly alarmed the entire flood.

Even the saints who are in retreat, after knowing.

All paid attention for a while.

Except that Tang Yuan has too much attention.

The other saints just looked at it, because this is the reincarnation of the emperor.

It has nothing to do with them.

All the saints in the flood knew about it.

Kong Xuan, who taught the emperor this time.

Naturally, I knew it for the first time.

After knowing, Kong Xuan came directly to Huaxu.

As soon as Kong Xuan came to Huaxu, everyone was shocked in their hearts.

Thinking about it, the child in Huaxu's belly had such a vision as soon as it was born.

There are also immortals who come here, I think it is not ordinary.

"Immortal Chang has something to do here!"

After Kong Xuan came, everyone said respectfully.

Everyone guessed.

Whether a person is a great immortal or not, you can see at a glance.

It's like Kong Xuan at this time, surrounded by immortal qi.

People don't look like ordinary people.

I think it's an immortal.

And if an ordinary person comes, it is naturally visible at a glance.

Moreover, Kong Xuan was a disciple of Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan's reputation among the Terrans is very large, and everyone knows it.

When they saw Kong Xuan, they would be as respectful as Tang Yuan.

"I came here today to tell you something."

"When the son of Huaxu grows up, he comes to Houshan, to find me."

Kong Xuan said lightly, and then left the place.

He knows, says this.

The Terrans certainly believed it.

After listening, the elders and the others were very happy.

The fact that such a person came out of their own tribe really made them happy.

Hua Xu was the happiest.

She knew that Kong Xuan was an immortal, when his stomach was not yet born.

Hua Xu hopes that his children can be different from others.

Now Kong Xuan came here to find his own child.

It is a normal person who knows and can make the great immortal fancy.

Nature is extraordinary.

After Kong Xuan left.

Everyone left after seeing the children.

Now the child has just been born and here they are.

It can affect your child's rest.

After Fuxi was born, it was different from ordinary children.

It is possible to speak after one year of age.

Being able to communicate with normal people is a rare encounter among the Terrans in a hundred years.

Hua Xu saw his child like this.

Not surprised.

She knew that her child was an extraordinary destiny.

It's normal to be different from ordinary people.

After a few more years, Fuxi's thoughts were almost the same as normal people.

What a normal person can think of, he can think of.

What no one else can imagine.

Fuxi can do it.

Hua Xu watched his child grow up so fast.

So he called Fuxi to his side.

"Son, mother has something to tell you today."

Hua Xu spoke, in fact, she was still very reluctant in her heart.

She knew that Fuxi was going to meet the immortals.

There will be few opportunities to be by your side.

As a normal mother, her children are far away.

Being a mother is a little reluctant.

Even if she is prepared, she can't completely let go.

"Mother, please say!"

Fuxi spoke, he had been reincarnated for so long.

Understand human suffering, as well as various ideas, etc.

More intelligent than your peers.

"When you were born, an immortal arrived..."

Hua Xu recounted the scene when Fuxi was born.

There is nothing to hide.

Fuxi listened to Hua Xu's words and naturally understood this matter.

Know to grow up later.

Go find the immortal.

Since I knew Fuxi at this time, I had to run outside every day.

Helping others often, helping others solve problems that cannot be solved.

Slowly, the longer it takes.

After Fuxi becomes an adult, the more people know his talents.

After the elder knew that Fuxi had this ability.

He gave the position of patriarch to Fuxi.

Because Fuxi's talent is obvious to all.

At first, there may be some people who are not convinced, saying why they handed over the patriarch to him.

Fuxi is also very patient in solving this.

He used his strength to get those who were not convinced to agree.

On this day, Fuxi planned to meet the immortals in the back mountain.

He wanted to go before, but he had been busy.

So now he is going to go.

Coming to the back mountain, Fuxi saw various animals.

It's huge.

But they all respected Fuxi and said hello to Fuxi when they saw him.

Seeing them, Fuxi was not afraid.

He knew that these animals had helped him a lot before, so he was very polite.

They all respectfully greeted the elephant spirit.

The elephant spirits were curious and couldn't understand why.

They knew about Fuxi's previous life, which was the emperor of the demon clan.

It is also the current Terran Emperor.

He is also the brother of Nuwa Niangniang.

No matter which of the three identities, they must be respected.

"The immortals are already waiting in the back mountain!"

The elephant spirit spoke, and then they disappeared here.

They received Kong Xuan's guidance, and their cultivation was rising little by little.

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