They are here to practice steadily.

Now that Fuxi is here, this place is not suitable for them.

Fuxi watched as several of them disappeared out of thin air, and was not shocked.

If he hadn't thought of the scene when he was a child.

Fuxi would be shocked, but he had already thought of the scene when he was a child.

These scenes must not be surprising.

"Meet the immortals!"

Fuxi followed the direction guided by the elephant spirit and came to Kong Xuan's residence.

At this moment, Kong Xuan lived in a cave.

It is a very ordinary cave, except for the strong aura.

Nothing special.

"Well, no need to be polite!"

"You are Fuxi."

Kong Xuan waved his big hand and helped Fuxi up.

Then look at the way he looks.

I was shocked.

At a glance, it can be seen that Fuxi is not an ordinary person.

It has the air of a king.

"Today I want to take you as an apprentice!"

"Would you like to?"

Kong Xuan opened his mouth and said that he did not take Fuxi as an apprentice at the beginning.

It was because he was young at the time.

So Kong Xuan waited until now.

"Disciple meet Master!"

Fuxi respectfully praised, he knew who this person in front of him was.

When he was in the Terrans.

I often hear others say Kong Xuan of the Terran Holy Master.

When I saw it today, Fuxi was very envious.

He is a mortal at the moment, and he does not understand any immortal arts.

I knew that if I learned immortal arts, I could help the Terrans very well.

Fuxi worshiped Kong Xuan as a teacher and stayed directly in this cave for several months.

In terms of practice, Fuxi can be described as a smooth wind.

Soon he stepped into the immortal path.

He had the order of the emperor and Kong Xuan personally taught.

Learn anything at once.

After a year, Fuxi left Kong Xuan.

For Kong Xuan, a year is the same as a blink of an eye.

But for Fuxi.

It's a long time.

Although Fuxi really wants to stay here and learn fairy arts well.

But he still has an identity at the moment.

That was the Terran Patriarch.

The Terrans needed Fuxi at the time, and he knew he couldn't leave.

It's been a long time since I stayed for a year.

Kong Xuan did not stop it, Fuxi's identity was more special.

It is the Emperor who helps the Terrans more than practice.

So the main task is to help the Terrans develop.

Then there's practice.

After Fuxi returned, he observed the movements of the Terrans.

Every time he finds a deficiencies, Fuxi will find a way to solve them.

Once he found out that a child had been born to a close Terran relative.

But not so smart.

After Fuxi found out, he felt that this was not a trivial matter

, and then went back and thought about it seriously.

To know a child, but an important force in the future of the Terrans.

There can be no mistakes.

After thinking about it, he found that people and children born to not their own children.

But for normal people.

Then Fuxi ordered to go, and in the future, no closer relatives could marry.

This order went down, and it was a little difficult at first.

But after strict enforcement.

It slowly developed among the Terrans.

Since then, there have been relatives among the Terrans.

Once, Fuxi saw that many people of the Terrans did not have enough to eat.

He went to the mountains in search of food, and now the Terrans had food.

But clearly not enough.

While walking, Fuxi unknowingly came to the river.

He thought about it for a long time, but he didn't come up with any good way.

After looking into the river.

Spot fish swimming around in the water.

And it still looks beautiful.

The fish caught Fuxi's attention.

He thought to himself, if he used fish as food.

Will it make up for some food shortages.

After thinking about this, Fuxi subconsciously reached out to grab it.

One grab.

The smooth body of the fish quickly broke free.

After breaking free, Fuxi grabbed it again.

The fish can still break free.

Seeing this, Fuxi didn't have any thoughts.

The body of the fish was too smooth for him to catch at all.

After staying by the river for a while, Fuxi left.

Walk towards Kong Xuan.

He felt that there was no way for him to catch fish, and his master would definitely have it.

Although Fuxi has mana, he doesn't use it.

Because that's what to teach.

It can be implemented to suit most talents.

Soon, Fuxi came to Kong Xuan's side.

Then after telling the course and result of the matter.

Kong Xuan fell into deep thought.

For a moment and a half, he couldn't figure it out.

If it was about mana, Kong Xuan would definitely be doing it.

But if you think about something.

But I think about it for a while, and I can't know right away.

"You go and prepare a thick long stick, and then sharpen the top there."

"Use this to fish."

After thinking for a moment, Kong Xuan spoke.

He has experienced a lot and thinks a little more naturally than Fuxi.

"Yes, I know what to do."

"Thank you, Master!"

After listening to Kong Xuan's words, Fuxi understood what to do.

After returning to the Terrans.

Fuxi began to produce some things that Kong Xuan said.

At the time of manufacture, someone did not understand.

Ask Fuxi why he is engaged in this.

At the beginning, Fuxi answered patiently.

But when the number of people was too large, he ignored it.

Think about making it and talk to them when the time comes.

After a period of production, Fuxi made hundreds of them.

Then with many people, came to the river.

Start catching fish.

In the process of catching fish, new problems have emerged.

Alone down to the river.

It doesn't alarm the fish and is easy to catch.

But after more people.

The fish will be scattered in a large area, and its speed is fast.

As soon as you swim, you will disappear in front of everyone.

After some catching, only a few fish.

There are so many Terrans, these fish have not satisfied Fuxi's thoughts at all.

"Master, that fish is fast in the water."

"As long as there are enough people, go down the river."

"The fish will swim away."

"The disciple is ignorant, and I hope that the master will give him guidance."

Fuxi came to Kong Xuan again.

He couldn't think of such a thing.

I can only ask Kong Xuan.

"You can make something like a spider's web!"

"Then form a circle in the river."

"This can trap the fish in one place!"

Kong Xuan spoke, after Fuxi came over for the first time.

He thought about the problems Fuxi would encounter next.

This way Fuxi comes.

Kong Xuan can answer.

In fact, the most important thing is Tang Yuan, if he hadn't taught Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuan didn't know how to do it yet.

While on Penglai Island, Tang Yuan taught Kong Xuan how to survive some races.

Fishing is one of them.

"Thank you Master Venerable for your guidance, the disciple knows."

Fuxi spoke, listening to Kong Xuan's words.

He understood a lot.

Then, Fuxi continued, "Master, there is still very little food for the Terrans.

"Is there any other way to grow rapidly!"

Fuxi knew that there were very few fish.

It cannot be eaten by many people.

"Fish are things in the water, and if you catch them, you can raise them."

"After too much reproduction, it can naturally increase."

Kong Xuan spoke, he was not impatient.

Although these things are commonplace.

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