The golden imprint seemed to be Tang Yuan's chance.

As soon as he realized it, it was very smooth.

There is a feeling of unimpeded flow in my heart.

Thousands of miles of spiritual energy around converged on Tang Yuan.

Absorb frantically as he continues to comprehend.

After a moment of understanding, Tang Yuan was sure.

The golden imprint is left by Pangu.

He is no stranger to Pangu.

Although there is no contact in human form.

But he saw it through streamers.

Pangu's power was strong at that time.

Tang Yuan felt it.

The golden imprint in front of him.

The same breath as when Pangu opened the sky.

Not so powerful, though.

But the breath is the same, and you can't go wrong.

Moreover, countless yuan meetings have passed since Pangu Kaitian.

The power to stay will definitely weaken somewhat.

It is 100% sure that it is the legacy of Pangu.

Tang Yuan realized with awe and seriousness in his heart.

At the same time, he was looking forward to it.

After comprehending it yourself, you can know what kind of divine power there is.

Think about it.

Tang Yuan didn't think about it.

It's a complete fall into realization.

When enlightened.

He felt that he was in an ethereal, chaotic world.

In front of Tang Yuan's eyes, there were three thousand huge figures.

Facing off against a giant with bronzed skin.

The three thousand burly figures are three thousand demon gods.

They are of great shape, burly in size, hideous in face, and green fangs.

Some have wings, hairy ones, and so on.

Standing densely.

The giant is Pangu.

He was strong and as big as any Chaos Demon God.

The muscles on the body are ligated, and the green tendons are very thick.

The blood rushed like a levee.

It boils in the body, and it is extremely red.

The skin of the flesh is shiny and shiny.

Sweat hairs grow thickly on the arms like a forest.

The eyes are huge and blooming with golden light, like a holy moon.

"Pangu vs. Three Thousand Chaos Demon Gods!"

Tang Yuan exclaimed.

I didn't expect that Pangu said that the creation was the scene of the great battle against the three thousand demon gods.

However, Tang Yuan did not have too many questions.

Just surprised.

Since Pangu said that it was a creation, there is some truth.

I just need to feel it well.

"Pangu, today I will wait for you to die!"

Among the three thousand demon gods.

A hideous-looking Chaos Demon Ape roared.

Glaring at Pangu fiercely, the power of the law on his body continued to manifest.

A monstrous and terrifying force swept across the Chaos World.

Endless ferocity emerged.

The billions of Chaos Demon Ape were slapped their chests fiercely.

The violent shaking of heaven and earth.

The remaining demon gods, after the Chaos Demon Ape roared, manifested their own power.

They are all ready to fight Pangu.

"I, Pangu, follow the heavenly trend and kill you here today!"

Facing the angry eyes of three thousand demon gods.

Pangu didn't take it seriously at all, and said lightly.

In the face of absolute power.

Everything is nothing.

Pangu was still very sure of his strength to kill the demon gods.


Three thousand demon gods spoke in unison, threatening the entire chaotic world.

The power of various laws manifests.

The river of time, the avenue of space, the network of cause and effect and other terrifying forces rushed to Pangu wildly.

The entire ethereal chaotic world began to riot.

The earth's wind, water, and fire raged and slammed into all directions.

Spatial cracks shattered in the firmament.

Countless debris fell like stars falling down, sending out Dao Dao lasers.

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