Various terrifying forces pervaded the void.

The ferocious aura visible to the naked eye surrounded the three thousand demon gods.

It presents a hazy and chaotic picture.

The endless mountains and rivers instantly vanished.

Space takes on an extremely distorted form, and time stands still.

"Axe come!"

Pangu drank.

A stream of light swooped down from above the nine heavens and landed in his palm.

A flash of golden light illuminated the void.

The streamer in Pangu's hand turned into a giant axe.

There are many tattoos on the giant axe.

Set with many precious stones, it shines with a colorful light.

The void emitted a Dao humming sound against the background of the giant axe.

The axe is the heaven-opening axe.

It belongs to the treasure of chaos.

The innate treasures Chaos Bell, Taijitu, and Pangu Banner in later generations were transformed by the Heaven-Opening Axe.

The power of the Sky Opening Axe burst out was terrifying.

The terrified chaotic world trembled.

The void could not withstand the breath of the Heaven-Opening Axe

Massive areas of tearing apart.

Chaotic winds, earth winds, water and fire are not allowed to approach Pangu.

Even the three thousand demon gods had palpitations.

A trace of fear arose in my heart.

They didn't expect Pangu to summon such a powerful axe.

Unexpectedly, he let himself have a sense of fear.

But after a while, the fear dissipated.

They don't believe that all the demon gods can't defeat Pangu when they join forces.

"What a heaven-opening axe!"

Looking at the heaven-opening axe held by Pangu.

Tang Yuan praised.

How powerful the three thousand demon gods were.

The next will be the heaven-opening axe in Pangu's hands.

"One axe breaks ten thousand laws!"

Pangu held the Heaven-Opening Axe and swung it abruptly.

A white moon-shaped qi wave split out of the void.

Fiercely hit the attack of the three thousand demon gods.


Where the attack of the heaven-opening axe passes, it breaks everything.

Both time and space are broken.

Earth, wind, water and fire are all extinguished by gas waves.

There seems to be the power of creation, destruction, destruction, and so on manifested in it.


The two collided violently.

Chaotic air currents surged in all directions.

Endless visions are constantly evolving in chaos.

At a glance, there is a sea of fire, water waves and other destruction scenes.

The golden light flashes, and the void is shattered!

The attack of the three thousand demon gods was directly broken.

The aura waves like the moon rushed towards them unabated.


Three thousand demon gods resisted vigorously.

Let out a hysterical roar, manifesting infinite power.

Ring the bell!

Countless shattering sounds came.

The attack of the Heavenly God Axe broke through the defenses of the three thousand demon gods.

Hit them hard.


The three thousand demon gods all fell to the ground.

There are also dozens of demon god bodies that have been destroyed and cannot be combined to fall on the spot.

The demon gods stood up after the dumping.

All kinds of roaring and unwilling to show vividly.

Pangu went down with an axe and killed dozens of demon gods.

Tang Yuan, who saw it, was shocked.

It's not that the dozens of demon gods in the fall are too weak.

Their strength is also very strong, at least in the strength of the Mixed Yuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

And Pangu is holding a heaven-opening axe.

He also mastered the law of the strongest force among the three thousand laws.

The two are combined.

No matter how the Chaos Demon God resists, it is useless.

Even if you take a blow.

It was also difficult to resist Pangu's next attack.


A response.

The demon gods let out an unwilling roar.

The anger in the eyes was extreme.

The power of thousands of laws is constantly manifesting.

The Demon God was left to face only one result.

Either Pangu fell, or he died.

So they only have to fight to the end!

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