
Tang Yuan came to the middle of Penglai Immortal Island.

He felt a strong aura fluctuation.

After walking over and taking a look.

On top of a jade.

There are twenty-four beads floating and falling.

Connected in a string, it exudes a five-color millilight.

Each bead has a different innate pattern.

Exquisite and clear, madly devouring the spiritual energy in Penglai Immortal Island.

A divine power like the power of the four seas.

From twenty-four beads emerged.

"Dinghai God Pearl!"

Tang Yuan recognized what these twenty-four beads were.

It is the Dinghai God Pearl in the hands of Zhao Gongming in later generations.

It is the best innate Lingbao.

Possessing the Sea God Bead can trigger the power of the heavens.

Sending out the power of terror.

Later generations of Zhao Gongming relied on this treasure.

Single-handedly, he defeated the twelve golden immortals in succession.

After watching for a while.

With a wave of his hand, Tang Yuan put away the twenty-four Dinghai God Beads.

Tang Yuan got the Dinghai God Pearl and left Penglai Immortal Island.

Went in the direction of Abbot Island.

The discoveries have been found.

The rest are some low-grade spirit roots and other items.

Not for him for the time being!

Mishima is very close.

Tang Yuan's speed is fast.

Just in an instant, I came to Abbot Island on the side.

Abbot Island is a large area.

But it is much worse than Penglai Immortal Island.

However, there are many spirit beasts.

Although the area is not as large as Penglai Island.

But the creatures of Abbot Island are the most numerous among the three immortal islands.

Come to Abbot Island.

The surrounding scenery is similar to Penglai Immortal Island, that is, there are more creatures.

Tang Yuan didn't care, but focused on finding the spirit treasure.

"Eh, nothing!"


Tang Yuan finished searching Fangzhang Island.

Nothing was found.

Except for seeing some more spirit beasts, there are no spirit treasures.

Tang Yuan thought that he was among the three immortal islands.

An immortal island will have at least one spirit treasure.

But after searching, it was the opposite of what I thought.


Just when Tang Yuan just wanted to leave.

I felt a purifying power inside Abbot Island.


A pure heavenly breath of innate weather was blowing towards him.

For this breath.

He is not like the usual precursor.

It's a pure crushing force.

This made Tang Yuan dispel the idea of leaving.

Then follow this pure broken breath.

At first he didn't feel it yet.

Now this breath of pure heaven appears.

Tang Yuan felt a force of opportunity pulling him.

Walking along the breath, he came to a lake.

The water inside the lake is crystal clear.

From the surface of the water, you can see the bottom of the lake high and deep.

The entire lake is a million miles in size.

The basin is wide, and half of the water surface is covered by lotus flowers.

Around the lake, there are spiritual roots and herbs, which continue to form a circle.

Countless lotus flowers in the water emit a turquoise glow and shine on the surface of the water.

The color of the water becomes turquoise and flawless.

In the very middle of the lake.

There is a holiest lotus flower that is swallowing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

The most conspicuous of the countless lotus flowers.

People can feel that this lotus flower is something extraordinary at first glance.

The pure shattered breath that Tang Yuan felt.

It emanates from the lotus flower in the center of the lake.

On the lotus, it exudes the breath of heaven and earth, and the mysterious rhyme.

Before it passed, Tang Yuan felt immersed in the aura he exuded.

Fortunately, he was firm-hearted.

If not, Tang Yuan was afraid that he would be fascinated here.

Tang Yuan showed a shocked expression on his face.

He didn't understand what it was.

But what is more certain is that this lotus flower must be a good treasure.

It's just that for a while and a half, he can't guess what kind of spirit treasure it is.

"Pure White Lotus!"

Tang Yuan came to the side of the lotus.

Like a dragonfly pointing water, it stands above the surface of the water.

Looking at this holy and immaculate lotus flower, I immediately recognized it.

He as a person who crossed over.

With memories of his past life, he knows all the spiritual treasures in the flood and wilderness.

You may not see it.

Tang Yuan couldn't recognize it, but as long as he saw it clearly.

He could recognize any kind of spiritual object at a glance.

Look at the appearance of this lotus flower, white and flawless.

In the center of the lotus flower, a white divine text was depicted, which appeared in an orderly manner in front of Tang Yuan's eyes.

The whole lotus flower sometimes emits a dazzling white light.

Like a clear moon, it sometimes glimmers.

Like the brilliance of the stars at night.

The lotus flower is white and shining, and the feeling of water spirit.

A vision that emerges from the mud and is not clean, pure, clear and not demonized.

It is most appropriate to use it as a metaphor for the twelve pure white lotuses.

The breath and appearance exuded by the white lotus.

Tang Yuan could conclude that this lotus flower was the White Lotus of the Pure World, which was the ultimate innate spiritual treasure.

During the chaotic period, the heavens and the earth first opened, and five lotus seeds were born under the avenue.

Of the five lotus seeds, four are not yet ripe and are transformed into black lotus, white lotus, golden lotus, and red lotus.

The four immature spirit objects are all extremely high-grade innate spirit

treasure level, and mature ones turn into green lotuses, which are innate supreme treasure level.

The golden lotus is obtained for the usher.

The red lotus is the companion spirit treasure of the ancestor of the Styx, and the black lotus is in Luo Xiao's hand.

It is this white lotus that countless people want to find in the flood and wilderness.

But the results were fruitless, and there was no breath of the White Lotus of the Pure World at all.

Right now.

The twelfth grade pure world white lotus actually appeared in front of Fangzhang Island in Penglai Three Immortal Island, Tang Yuan.

What a great opportunity this was, choosing Penglai Sanxian Island as a dojo made Tang Yuan surprised and very satisfied.

It is a blessing not to mention, there are also various spirit treasures in it.

Moreover, the twelve pure world white lotus defenses are unmatched, and all laws are inviolable, and they can purify all evil things in the world.

Tang Yuan waved his big hand, and directly put away the twelfth grade pure world white lotus.


After putting away the twelve pints of the White Lotus.

Tang Yuan found a lotus platform below the white lotus of the Twelve Pins of Pure World.

There is a pool of water, crystal clear, in three colors, gold, silver and purple.

The three colors of water do not invade each other, and the divine light emitted by them appears extremely sacred.

The divine light emitted, like a laser, rushed straight to the nine heavens, piercing through the clouds and mist, and the speed was incomparable.

"Sanguang Divine Water!"

Tang Yuan said darkly.

The three colors of water are so magical.

In addition to the Sanguang Divine Water in the flood wasteland, there is no other item that can be compared.

The three light god water is: daylight divine water, moonlight divine water, starlight divine water.

It can be said that the Sanguang Divine Water is the first poison of heaven and earth.

It can corrode everything and has the title of incorrigible.

It can also be called holy medicine.

Just mix the three divine waters together.

It became the first healing holy medicine in the flood.

It can help others quickly heal injuries, restore mana, etc.

Tang Yuan waved his hand.

Directly put away the lotus platform and the Sanguang Divine Water.

Sanguang Divine Water is extraordinary, and it requires a certain container to be loaded in.

Now Tang Yuan did not have a container for the Sanguang Divine Water in his hand.

For the time being, you can only use this lotus platform to install it.

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