Yingzhou Island.

After Tang Yuan came to the last island of the Three Immortals Island in Penglai, he did not stop and looked for it directly.

Yingzhou Island is full of greenery, flowers, cloudless in the sky, and abundant grass.

The area is the smallest among the three islands, but the aura is the most concentrated, which is very suitable for the growth of flowers and plants.

So in the entire Yingzhou Island, at a glance, it seems to be covered with a colorful light blanket, dazzling.

At this moment, Tang Yuan came to a majestic mountain, which was a million zhang high.

The aura above is extremely strong, and standing inside the mountain, you can hardly see anything outside the mountain.

After arriving at the top of the mountain, Tang Yuan looked at a spirit tree that emitted golden light.

The golden leaves are shaped like lotus flowers, covered with innate Daowen, and rich innate qi emanates from the leaves.

The sleek trunk exudes dazzling brilliance.

You can hear the sound of leaves on the trees being swayed by the breeze, and the reverberations are around the beams.

The rich fragrance wafted throughout Yingzhou Island, and Tang Yuan felt like he was in a dream when he smelled it, which produced a refreshing feeling in his heart.

The tree grows golden fruits, shaped like pearls, delicate and clear, and each fruit has a 'middle' character in the middle.

"Superb innate spirit root, Huang Zhongli."

Tang Yuan was happy in his heart, and when he saw the Chinese character, he recognized that this was the ultimate innate spirit root Huang Zhongli.

After coming to the Flood Wilderness for so long, he had never seen such a good spiritual root.

You must know that there are only ten top-quality innate spiritual roots in the flood wilderness: green lotus, peach, yellow plum, bitter bamboo, gourd vine, fairy apricot, fuso, and green willow.

The role of each superb innate spirit root is very large, and each has its own special characteristics.

Huangzhong Li Wannian will bloom once and bear fruit once, and after fruiting, it will take tens of thousands of years to ripen.

In 30,000 years, Huang Zhong Li Shang had only nine fruits.

Don't look at the long time, but Huang Zhong Li is the first of the ten innate spiritual roots, and the effect is against the sky.

As long as a cultivator eats a fruit of Huang Zhongli, his cultivation can be promoted to the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

It is the spiritual root that countless cultivators dream of.

The average cultivator who has been practicing hard for a lifetime is not as high as the cultivation of eating a fruit.

After all, Da Luo Golden Immortal, not everyone can be promoted, if it is impossible. chance, etc.

No matter how hard you practice, you won't be able to reach the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

However, for Tang Yuan, who is now at the peak of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, it is not necessary to improve his cultivation.

But it has another use, it can be put into the body or used as a guest service.

Both uses will be of great benefit to Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan waved his big hand, put Huang Zhongli away, and then looked for Yingzhou Island, but did not find a better innate thing.

Ordinary spirit roots, he did not collect, since Tang Yuan planned to use this place as his own dojo.

He naturally won't destroy everything here!

Now that Penglai Sanxian Island has been found by Tang Yuan, the opportunity has been picked up.

The next thing Tang Yuan had to do was to connect the three islands of Penglai, Fangzhang, and Yingzhou into one.

Although the distance between Mishima is very close, you can travel back and forth in the blink of an eye.

But Tang Yuan felt that it was definitely better for the three islands to be connected as one than to be scattered.

First of all, the entire area can be larger, and the aura is more concentrated.

Moreover, the three islands belonging to Dongtian Blessed Land, if connected, are far better than Dongtian Blessed Land in the flood.

So that's what he wanted.

With a turn of thoughts, Tang Yuan came to the top of Penglai Three Immortal Island, looked down, and thought:

The three immortal islands are so big, if he wants to connect them into one, he is afraid that he will have to be busy.

After all, the three immortal islands carry countless items, and they are connected to the desolate land one after another, and it is a huge project to connect them into one.

After looking at it for a while, Tang Yuan was ready to migrate.

I saw that with a wave of his big hand, the monstrous mana manifested, and it fell directly in the three islands.


When the mana fell, there was a violent shaking in the three islands, floating towards the void little by little.

Every point that Mishima moved, it cost Tang Yuan a lot of mana.

Fortunately, Tang Yuan has infinite mana, if it is an ordinary Da Luo Golden Immortal, I am afraid that he will not be able to hold on for a moment.


A thousand years later, Tang Yuan successfully turned the three immortal islands into one island.

With Penglai Immortal Island as the center, Fangzhang and Yingzhou Island are integrated on both sides, forming a vast and boundless place.

In Penglai Sanxian Island, all kinds of palaces, golden and brilliant, emitting bright light, are presented on the ground.

Gazebos, stone tables, etc.

In the very center of Penglai Sanxian Island, there is a magnificent hall, the main hall, which is the largest among countless palaces.

The peak of the palace enters the clouds, surrounded by fairy mist, and shrouded in spiritual energy.

The light in the sky landed, shining right in the center of the hall, showing great mystery.

The shadow of the palace is reflected in the middle of the water, like a dream, mysterious and extraordinary.

The giant pillars in the hall are supported, and jade is spread all over the ground.

A strip of golden lings fell from the top, showing a solemn and noble feeling.

From outside the island, Penglai Sanxian Island is suspended in the air, looming.

There are two Optimus Pillars outside the island, forming a gate, which is the only place to enter the island.

After being connected into one, Penglai Three Immortal Island, there are still the same number of creatures, and it will not decrease because Tang Yuan migrated.

When migrating, he directly enveloped Penglai Sanxian Island with his breath.

Therefore, under the fluctuation of Tang Yuan's powerful mana, the creatures on the island will not be harmed.

After the merger of Mishima, it seems that the interaction between living beings has also increased, becoming closer, and much more lively than before.

The vitality that emerges is also more obvious.

One step away, Tang Yuan's dojo was perfect.

Now Penglai Immortal Island has not yet had a guardian array, and the previous large array has long been broken by Tang Yuan, and any living creature can enter it.

As his own dojo, he naturally wouldn't let such a thing happen.

Anyone can come in, so it's no different from the islands outside.

Now the flood desolation is extremely dangerous, if there is no guardian array, I am afraid that Tang Yuanyi will not be there.

It will be occupied soon.

With a wave of Tang Yuan's big hand, a streamer appeared, and a mysterious aura appeared, covering the entire Penglai Three Immortal Island.

A hazy glow looms in it, and if you don't notice it carefully, it's hard to detect.

The large array has been arranged, and the dojo has been completely built.

Don't be afraid of someone breaking in.

Tang Yuan is the strength of the peak of the Da Luo Golden Immortal, and the formation laid out, if it is not for dozens of Da Luo Golden Immortal siege and saints to strike.

Basically no one can break it.

Tang Yuan had been in seclusion for tens of thousands of years, refining the existing spirit treasure in his hand to a certain prohibition and fusing it into his body.

The great world that has been integrated into the spirit treasure has undergone tremendous changes, and it has reached the point where the spirit beast appears and the spiritual energy is rich.

It can be said that it is a miniature version of the flood famine!

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