
Tang Yuan was feeling the changes in his body.

A majestic voice came from the Nine Heavens:

"I am Hongjun, enlightenment hundreds of yuan meeting."

Today, preach sanctification and pass down the practice method.

A thousand years later, preach in the Zixiao Palace in chaos, and everyone who is destined can come and listen to it! "

The sound reaches every corner of the flood!

The weather in heaven and earth is colorful.

Countless rays of light descended above the nine heavens, shining on the entire Flood Barren Continent.

A coercion coming from the chaos oppressed hundreds of millions of living beings, almost making them breathless.

Purple qi came 30,000 li east, and golden lotuses appeared on the ground, floating in the void, as if heaven and earth were celebrating their birthday.

After Hongjun became sanctified, the voice of summoning the flood wilderness echoed in the heavens and the earth for a long time, and the majesty was powerful and could not be dissipated.

Billions of living beings bow down!

On the Kunlun Mountains.

Sanqing and the others burst out the aura of Da Luo Jinxian together, and they barely resisted the coercion.

On Buzhou Mountain, Fuxi and Nuwa hurriedly wielded their great magic power, protecting Zhou's body and carrying the coercion of Hongjun Sanctification with difficulty.


In Penglai Three Immortal Island, the great rumbling sound of the guardian array resisted part of the coercion.

The remaining coercion entered the Great Array, and it did not pose any threat to Tang Yuan today.

After facing coercion, he still showed a sense of calmness, and he didn't see any oppression at all!

"Hongjun is sanctified!"

Tang Yuan looked outside Penglai Island and muttered.

He knew that the vision of heaven and earth that had just arisen was a sign of sanctification.

At the same time, Tang Yuan's desire for strength in his heart was even more eager!

Although that holy power just now had no effect on him.

But through coercion, Tang Yuan had already felt how small he was under the power of the saint!

Not for saints, but for ants!

For Hongjun's sermon, Tang Yuan naturally wanted to listen to it.

He is the first saint of the flood waste, and he will definitely gain something if he goes to listen to the lecture!

Then, after Tang Yuan cleaned up, he turned into a stream of light and rushed straight out of Penglai Sanxian Island, flying towards the chaos.

At the same time, Buzhou Mountain, Kunlun Mountain, etc., Dao Dao streamers rose up into the sky.

For a time, the sky was like countless shooting stars streaked by, and the red glow rushed to the sky.

A thousand years may seem like a long time, but the Flood World and the Chaos World are far apart.

The flight time required is almost thousands of years!

Each innate power competed to maximize their speed, afraid of missing the opportunity to listen to the lecture.

The chaotic world, the ethereal, endless winds and chaotic air currents appear in this world.

There were extremely dangerous places everywhere, and there were many cultivators in the flood desert who fell in the chaotic world on the way to the Zixiao Palace.

Tang Yuan flew in the void, Xuanhuang Qi protected his body, and the chaotic wind and air flow were not allowed to approach.

The chaos was very large, larger than the Flood Barren World, and Tang Yuan couldn't tell the location of the Zixiao Palace at all.

You can only fly by feeling in chaos!

I don't know how long it took, Tang Yuan saw a large hall standing in the chaos, exuding brilliant brilliance.

With just a glance, he recognized that the palace in front of him was the Zixiao Palace.

There can be a palace in the chaos, I am afraid that there is only one Zixiao Palace.

Tang Yuan swept away the chaotic air flow and wind, and arrived outside the Zixiao Palace in less than a moment.

The Zixiao Palace is extremely tall, purple throughout, and countless ancient texts are engraved all over the hall, which is extremely mysterious.

The temple is surrounded by countless precious stones, shining brilliantly with stars.

Chaotic airflow and canopy wind are not allowed to approach the Zixiao Palace.

After Tang Yuan came to the Zixiao Palace, all the innate powers also came.

However, Tang Yuan was the first to come, he was transformed by the merit of the three-layer Dao, and he cultivated the Law of Light, and his speed far exceeded that of everyone.

Sanqing, Fuxi Nuwa and the others were not long after Tang Yuan.

All the mighty gathered, and almost all those who should have come came, probably these people.

"Daoist, long time no see!"

As Tang Yuan was looking at the people around him, a holy and immaculate looking woman walked towards him.

"Long time no see!"

Tang Yuan responded with a smile, the person who came was the Queen Mother of the West, since the last time he left Xikun.

The two can be said to have not seen each other for tens of thousands of years.

Seeing Tang Yuan and the Queen Mother of the West together, the Prince of the East looked at Tang Yuan coldly.

He lost so badly last time, not only did he lose face, but the spirit treasure was also gone.

The current Prince of the East, as long as he saw Tang Yuan, wanted to take revenge, but his strength was not enough, and he dared to be angry and did not dare to speak.

Tang Yuan naturally noticed him, but he put on a state of disregard.

Thinking that he would be able to hammer the Prince of the East at that time!

Now that he is the peak of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, with many spiritual treasures and divine powers in hand, it is simply not too easy to crush the Prince of the East.

"Daoist friends have not seen it for many years, and the strength has increased so quickly, it really makes this palace envious!"

Queen Mother Xi felt that the strength in Tang Yuan's body was much stronger than the last time.

"How to envy, the strength of Daoist friends has also increased a lot!"

Tang Yuan chuckled, the cultivation of the Western Queen Mother was at the peak of the middle stage of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, and she was about to advance to the late stage of the Great Luo.

The two talked happily and had a good chat!

"Strange, why does that person feel like he has taken my chance!"

While Tang Yuan was chatting with the Queen Mother of the West, an old man was looking at Tang Yuan with strange eyes.

The old man was wearing a gray Taoist robe with an expressionless face.

A white hair fluttered in the breeze.

An aura of tranquility emanated from him.

There was also a middle-aged man beside the old man, his head scattered to the sides.

The facial expression is solemn and looks very proud.

Next to the middle-aged man was a young man, his blood was square, and his temperament was as tough as a sharp sword.

The figure is free, showing a feeling of untamedness.

The three are Sanqing transformed by Pangu Yuansheng, and the old man is Laozi, and his strength is in the late stage of Da Luo Golden Immortal.

The middle age is the beginning of the yuan, the youth is the heavens, and the cultivation of both of them is the middle stage of the Da Luo Golden Immortal.

"Let's see it later!"

Thinking about it, Lao Tzu's intuition told him that this matter would wait until his strength improved in the future!

After all, this kind of thing can't be messed with, and if it is not done well, it will anger Tang Yuan.

Although Lao Tzu has the help of Tongtian and Yuanshi and can not be afraid of Tang Yuan, he is relatively calm in heart and can see far.

We don't delve into the results because we don't know what we don't know.

And if it is a trouble, Sanqing's face may be lost.

There is no basis for words, and everything must be presented with evidence to be convincing.

Then Lao Tzu closed his eyes, no longer thinking about seizing the opportunity, and waited for the gate of Zixiao Palace to open.

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