"Hmph! The path of cultivation is difficult.

It is something that every cultivator must go through.

"Those who can come to the Zixiao Palace must have gone through many calamities to come here.

Taoist friends are difficult, aren't I difficult old ancestors?

Kunpeng's face was gloomy, and he said coldly, obviously not intending to give up his position.

The voice just fell.

Most of the people in the Zixiao Palace nodded to themselves.

They all think what Kunpeng said makes sense.

If a cultivator can't bear even a little tribulation.

What else to cultivate.

"Hmph, the futon position is only for people of high moral character to sit.

How can you, a flat-haired beast, sit on a futon and give up your place soon. Jun

Ti was overwhelmed by what Kunpeng said.

So he caught him as a demon man.

This is used to disparage Kunpeng.

"You dare to call me a flat-haired beast.

It's really impossible for me to bully!

Kunpeng shouted, with the mentality of wanting to go to war, without the slightest fear.

Jun Ti's words.

The faces of many powerful people in the Zixiao Palace were gloomy.

Many of them are hairy and moist-egged here.

For example, Emperor Jundong Emperor Taiyi, they are honorable three-legged golden crows, and the emperor is in his body.

Now when Jun Ti says this about Kunpeng, it is equivalent to talking about the two of them.

"That's right, people with hairy horns and wet ovulations really can't sit with me!"

Yuan Shi Tianzun has always been proud and looks down on the demon clan.

Now that I see that I am proposed, I will join in.

Taoist friends said this difference.

The flood was transformed by the Pangu god.

We live here where everyone should be equal, where is there a distinction between high and low!

Tang Yuan said lightly.

It has no intention of maintaining Kunpeng.

It's just that I can't get used to the arrogance of the beginning.

After Yuan Shi listened, his face was ugly, and he just wanted to respond, but was stopped by Lao Tzu.

Lao Tzu is the head of the Taiqing and has a calm heart.

It had long been found that most of the people in Zixiao Palace seemed to be on Tang Yuan's side.

I don't want to make a big deal out of it.

Yuan Shi Tianzun did not think in this aspect.

Instead, he snorted coldly and complained that his eldest brother did not help his own people speak.

He also helped outsiders, and closed his eyes angrily and ignored the matter.

Tong Tian on the side had a slight favorable impression of Tang Yuan.

What he thought was similar to what Tang Yuan said, all sentient beings are equal.

When Kunpeng saw Tang Yuan say such words, he felt grateful to him in his heart.

Fuxi Nuwa all agreed very much with what Tang Yuan said.

You must know that they are also demon races, wet eggs.

Even Dijun and Donghuang currently felt that Tang Yuan agreed with him very much.


Zhun Ti and Zhu Yi are in a hurry, and now if you don't think of a way, there will be no futon seat.


Catch and pick up with all your might.

While Kunpeng was not paying attention, he pushed him away from the futon and fell to the ground.

Then he successfully sat up.

Jun Ti himself found a seat in the second row and sat down.

The two are both Westernized and brotherly in love.

In Junti's opinion, everyone who sits is the same, so he gives up this position to the lead.

Tang Yuan saw this scene.

I can't laugh or cry in my heart.

Thinking that when Hongjun accepts disciples later, Zhun Ti will not be accepted as a disciple.

It's a bit of a wait and see!

"Don't make noise, wait for this position to come later, don't change it privately!"

Kunpeng stood up and just wanted to be angry.

But when he heard the voice from the cloud bed, he stopped the anger in his heart.

Unwillingly, he found a place to sit down.

Kunpeng is unwilling.

But he didn't dare to disobey Hongjun's words, and Hongjun

sat on the cloud bed.

Silently, the body is ethereal, the fairy wind Dao bone, the childlike crane hair.

His face was calm, and he was wearing a purple robe.

An unfathomable breath, like a bottomless pit, no one can spy on it.

Even Tang Yuan couldn't spy on it.

Once again, he felt how terrifying the power of the saint was.

After Hongjun appeared, he intentionally or unintentionally glanced at Tang Yuan's location.

But after stopping for a moment, he looked away and ignored it.

Tang Yuan was a little worried at first.

Sitting in the first futon position by himself, Hongjun will have no opinion.

But after seeing Hongjun look away, he knew that he had acquiesced.

"Meet Hongjun Daozu!"

The crowd saluted respectfully.

Hongjun waved his hand and signaled everyone to dispense with the courtesy.

Then he continued: "This sermon is divided into three times, the first time is the Daluo Golden Immortal Way!"

"The second time is the way of quasi-saints, the third time is the way of saints, and each sermon time is three thousand years!"

Hong Jun paused and continued, "How much you can comprehend depends on your ability!" "

Everyone listened attentively and showed great seriousness.

I'm afraid I'll miss a little.

The sermon begins:

"The way of heaven is formless, the void is unyielding, the formless is invisible, there is no place to transcend, so it flows through all things without change, and the virtuous and the way is born, and the essence of the way of the profession is born, so the hidden one is also gained."


The saint preached, and the vision was extraordinary and mysterious.

Golden lotuses surged in the interior of the Purple Xiao Palace, and immeasurable purple qi appeared.

The sky is chaotic, the fairy mist is ethereal, and the light is everywhere, surrounding everyone.

The sound of the avenue stretches endlessly and echoes in the palace.

Immeasurable purple qi turned into visions such as cranes and unicorns manifested in the air.

The crowd soon became immersed in Hongjun's sermon, and their faces were full of joy.

But just for a moment, someone wept sadly and joyfully, and cried joy and sorrow.

Although Hongjun talked about the way of Da Luo for the first time.

The people in the Zixiao Palace are at least Da Luo Jinxian.

But the saints preach and are all-encompassing.

Even the Daluo Golden Immortal Dao is vast.

They will all have something they don't understand.

Of course, it is said that the people who have the most impressions are the six futon positions.

They feel faster and are at the forefront.

There will be a little more comprehension than the crowd.

Tang Yuan was surrounded by a Xuanhuang qi, endless Dao literature manifested, and the sense of Dao rhyme was extremely strong.

Surrounded by a mysterious atmosphere, above the Qingyun, there is the principle of the avenue.

The visions around him seemed to have evolved from him.

It's really envious to make people look at it.

Because Zhun Ti did not sit in the futon position, his perception was not as good as Tang Yuan and the others.

A pair of eyes don't know how envious it is.

It can be said that among the positions of the six futons, Tang Yuan felt the most.

Tang Yuan's heels were better than any of them.

The talent is stronger, and it is the peak of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

What Hongjun is talking about now is like pushing a boat along the water.

The comprehension results skyrocketed.

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