A casual glance at the Queen Mother of the West.

She saw the changes in Tang Yuan's body and was shocked in her heart.

Although she also learned a lot from listening to the lecture.

But if you want to compare with Tang Yuan, you are ten thousand points worse.

However, the Queen Mother of the West was happy for Tang Yuan and did not feel jealous.

However, there was one person who couldn't see Tang Yuanhao.

That was the beginning of the yuan, sitting in the first position in Tang Yuan.

Yuan Shi has always been jealous.

And just now, Tang Yuan clearly acted against himself, and the two things were combined.

After seeing him have such a feeling, the jealousy in his heart was even greater.

Tang Yuan didn't notice their expressions.

Instead, take care of one's own understanding and eliminate everything from the outside world.

That's it.

Time passes quietly in the midst of everyone's enlightenment.

Three thousand years passed in the blink of an eye, and Hongjun stopped preaching.

With the end of Hongjun's sermon, the crowd also woke up from their epiphany.

Some people have extremely uncomfortable faces.

They suddenly wake up from the realization, which is very uncomfortable.

It's like eating halfway through a meal, not having fun!

But they can't do anything, because this is the Zixiao Palace, Hongjun's dojo.

It would be nice to be able to come and listen to the lecture, how dare they show any emotions.

"This sermon is over, let's leave on your own!"

As soon as the words fell, Hongjun quietly disappeared and disappeared on the cloud bed.

"Thank you Daozu!"

After everyone finished speaking, they each got up and left.

In less than a moment, the Zixiao Palace became empty.

When Tang Yuan and Queen Mother of the West walked outside the door.

Queen Mother of the West spoke: "I haven't seen you for a long time, how about Daoist friends go to West Kunlun to reminisce!"

"I'm afraid I can't go to the poor road this time, there is something to do, next time!"

Tang Yuan politely refused.

In fact, he also wanted to go to West Kunlun, and this time he realized what Daluo had gained.

If you talk about it, it is possible to break through the quasi-saint!

However, now Tang Yuan cannot go because the first lecture is over.

He knew that there was a Lingbao born in Buzhou Mountain, and he would definitely have to fight for it.

"In that case, then the main palace will leave first, and see you later!"

Saying that, the Queen Mother of the West flew towards the chaos.

Tang Yuan nodded.

He turned his eyes and saw that everyone had long since left.

Only some unknown casual practices remained.

In the previous life, Lingbao was born and had a relationship with them.

Now the lecture has just ended.

Sanqing and the others must have sensed that Lingbao was about to be born, and they all went to Buzhou Mountain.

Thinking about it, Tang Yuan did not delay, turned into a stream of light, and flew towards the chaos.

Along the way, Tang Yuan went on a rampage, surrounded by divine light protection.

Plunged headlong into the chaos, no matter what chaotic wind, earth, wind, water and fire he had, they were all washed away.

And Tang Yuan had already come once in the chaos.

With experience, it only took a few hundred years to leave the world of chaos.

After coming to the flood world.

Tang Yuan quickly flew in the direction of Buzhou Mountain.

The use of the Law of Light allowed Tang Yuan to catch up with Sanqing and the others, and then arrived at Buzhou Mountain together.

Before coming to Buzhou Mountain, Tang Yuan was in a calm mood, without the excitement he had when he came before.

Only the coercion was weakened, and there was no sigh.

Soon, everyone followed the induction to a place rich in spiritual energy on Buzhou Mountain.

There are many flowers and plants, and there are countless huge stones.

The rattan is densely covered for millions of miles, like three thousand green silk, different colors, everywhere.

The fairy mist shrouded a million miles, and the golden jade shone endlessly, crystal clear, and grew on the walls.

In the middle surrounded by various jade, rattan, etc., there is an extremely thick rattan.

The rattan is multi-colored and colorful.

On top of the rattan are also hung seven gourds.

Wobbly on it, immeasurable brilliance shoots out.

Each gourd has a different color and shape.

It has an ancient inscription on it, which is engraved in it.

"Superb innate spirit root, innate gourd vine!"

Tang Yuan stood in front of the rattan and muttered.

In the previous life, the seven gourds on the rattan were divided up by Sanqing and others.

Thinking that now that I have come, I naturally want to gain something, and I can't follow the original plot.

Next to Tang Yuan, there are also innate powers such as Sanqing, Fuxi and Nuwa, all of whom came for this treasure.

After everyone watched for a while.

So I wondered how I could get the gourd on the rattan.

After all, there are so many people here.

There are only seven gourd vines, and not everyone can get them.

However, at this time, the innate gourd vine has not matured, and everyone is waiting, each with their own thoughts.


A hundred years later.

The innate gourd vine trembled.

In an instant, it grew from the size of ten zhang to a hundred zhang.

Absorbing the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi at an even more frantic speed.

In less than a moment, he stopped absorbing the aura, but the innate gourd vine was ripe and it was time to pick it.

As the gourd vine matures, the power of all parties also shows a strong momentum, with the aim of deterring others.

So that the other party can discover their strength!

The three Qings joined together and erupted with an inoffensive majesty.


The Chaos Bell in Donghuangtai's hand emitted ripples, obviously preparing to fight.

Don't look at Donghuang Taiyi so arrogant, but he has this capital.

The Chaos Bell in his hand was the innate treasure transformed by the Heaven-Opening Axe.

Unparalleled in attack and defense, extremely powerful, able to confine time and space.

Derivation of feng shui and fire has the effect of suppressing qi luck.

Donghuang Taiyi, who has a chaos bell, can resist three or five ancestral witches hard, and he does not fall behind.

So, that's what he is.

Only Tang Yuan showed nothing, as if watching the excitement.

The rest have used their housekeeping skills, and they almost fight each other.

"There are only seven gourds, how to divide them!"

Just when everyone was about to draw their swords against each other.

The good old man of Hongyun came with such a sentence, breaking the deadlock.

"Fellow Daoists, the innate gourd vine is related to my Sanqing, how about the three of us take one each!"

Lao Tzu was the first to speak, he did not have the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Heaven and Earth, and he had no spiritual treasure on his body.

Now he sensed that the Lingbao in front of him was related to him.

Naturally, he showed an impatient and very tough look.

Although Lao Tzu does not have the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, his strength is also in the late stage of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

The three Qings add up, and they are the strongest here.


Donghuang Taiyi snorted coldly.

Just about to smash the Chaos Bell over, but was stopped by Di Jun.

Dijun is the eldest brother, and his heart is calmer than Donghuang Taiyi.

Although the two brothers can fight against Sanqing with the Chaos Bell.

But Dijun felt that it was not necessary.

This is not the time for contradictions, and I feel that as long as my opportunities are not robbed.

"And slow!"

Just when Sanqing just wanted to go up, Tang Yuan stopped him.

"What do you mean!"

Lao Tzu saw Tang Yuan come out to stop himself.

Ben's flat face was a little more resentful.

Although he was calm, he was not afraid of things, although Tang Yuan's cultivation was higher than him.

But Lao Tzu felt that there were three people, and I didn't believe that he would not be able to beat him.

Now Sanqing can be one up.

The period when both will help, it can be said that there are few opponents.

Moreover, just when Tang Yuan stopped himself.

Lao Tzu inexplicably had a feeling when he saw Tang Yuan for the first time.

But he still had no clue, no matter how he calculated it, there was no result, which made Lao Tzu even more angry.

Fortunately, it was Lao Tzu, if it were Yuanshi I would have fought a long time ago.

"Presumably, the Daoists who came here are all for Lingbao.

Now there are a large number of people, and there are only seven gourds, which is obviously not enough points! Tang

Yuan said lightly, without the slightest fear, but with a possessive look.

Although he can't beat Sanqingsan, he can retreat with his whole body.

After all, the defense of the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda is very strong.

Coupled with the fact that Sanqing still had no spirit treasure at this time, it was almost impossible to break through Tang Yuan's defenses.

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