
Tang Yuan held the Hongmeng Merit Measuring Ruler in his hand and pierced through the cracks in the large array.

Under the attack of powerful forces, the sound is like a broken mirror.

Tearing apart in a large array.

The large array broke, and Tang Yuan was above the void, and the aura on his body did not decrease in the slightest.

"Benjun can't lose!"

After the Great Array was broken, the Prince of the East stood up from the ground in embarrassment.

The hair is messy and the robe is in disarray.

The corners of his mouth spilled blood, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

The scattered cultivation that formed the Great Array of Ten Thousand Immortals, after the Great Array was broken.

All were seriously injured and all collapsed to the ground.

It is similar to the injury of the Eastern Maharajah.

The Great Array of Ten Thousand Immortals, a large array of many scattered cultivators.

Holding on for so long, it is already their limit.

There is no longer the power to condense into the next time, and any person can kill them.

"Tang Yuan Daoist is really a good skill!"

"Unexpectedly, one person broke through the Ten Thousand Immortals Array!"

Many cultivators were surprised to say that many of them were quasi-saint powerhouses.

But seeing Tang Yuan after breaking the formation, he still exclaimed.

Obviously, in the situation where everyone felt that Tang Yuan could not break the big array.

He did, and he looked unscathed.

"Tang Yuan Daoyou is really strong, and he actually broke it!"

In Sanqing, Tong Tian said lightly.

"Hmph, what's so hard about this!"

Yuan Shi looked unimpressed, he felt.

If Tang Yuan can break it, he can too.

Lao Tzu only showed a faint hint of surprise, and then returned to normal.

"The Great Array of Ten Thousand Immortals has been broken, let's see what the Prince of the East is still capable of!"

Dijun and Donghuang also paid attention to this battle, and they were very happy in their hearts.

Their calculation was to destroy the Prince of the East, and now Tang Yuan defeated him in advance.

It was as if a big thing had been accomplished, and it was extremely painful.

"This person's strength is extraordinary, if it is not necessary in the future!"

"Don't clash with him!"

After Di Jun saw Tang Yuan break through the Ten Thousand Immortals Array, he faced the Eastern Emperor Dao.

He felt that the Ten Thousand Immortals Array could also be broken by the two of them.

But it can't be done unscathed, or so fast.

Tang Yuan broke open and came unscathed, which was enough to show how terrifying his strength was.

"Big brother said so!"

Donghuang Taiyi responded, but did not take Tang Yuan to heart in his heart.

He has a Chaos Bell and is not afraid of anyone.

It's not just Dijun and Donghuang, Sanqing.

Everyone who watched this battle was shocked by Tang Yuan's actions.

"Prince Dong, you have lost!"

Tang Yuan came to the Eastern Prince and did not hurry to move.

Now he has no power to fight back, and he can suppress it by raising his hand.

Casting the Ten Thousand Immortals Great Array originally required a lot of physical strength, and it was also broken.

It was eaten back and became a state of serious injury.

The Eastern Maharaja has been completely defeated.

"Benjun, I am not willing!"

"I can't lose, let's die together!"

The Prince of the East suddenly shot fiercely, directly urging the origin and self-exploding.


Thousands of miles of void were shattered, and a powerful force exploded on West Kunlun.

It shook the entire West Kunlun, and Sanqing and the others who were far away in East Kunlun were also shaken.

You must know how terrifying the power of a quasi-saint powerhouse to blow himself up.

Even if the Eastern Prince is now in a state of serious injury, it is not to be underestimated.

Tang Yuan quickly formed a shield and protected his body.

He did not expect that the Prince of the East would choose to blow himself up.


Countless creatures were killed and countless mountains were destroyed.

Wherever the explosion hit, there was some degree of damage.

Some of them have fallen.

Because the damage of the explosion is too strong, the final counterattack.

To their surprise, a part of the fall.

But mostly in a traumatized state.

A moment later, there was a mess all around.

The Eastern Prince urged the original explosion and had fallen between heaven and earth.

Tang Yuan put away the Xuanhuang Qi, but he was only hurt in the slightest.

A little and it will be restored in no time.

In an unguarded situation, Tang Yuan suffered some trauma.

Even the defense of the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda could not be left unscathed.

Because a Quasi-Saint early stage powerhouse was too strong, it shattered the entire West Kunlun.

"Daoist friends are okay!"

Queen Mother of the West asked after seeing Tang Yuan feel a little traumatized.

"It's just a small injury, don't get in the way!"

Tang Yuan ran his mana a little and immediately recovered.

The Prince of the East blew himself up, and the Queen Mother of the West was naturally very happy, and her heart was extremely calm.

Before the Prince of the East blew himself up, she always felt that she still had something unresolved.

After he died, Queen Mother of the West did not have such feelings.

Looking at the dragon head crutch floating in the void, Tang Yuan waved his big hand.

So he put away the dragon head crutch.

The Eastern Maharaja is dead, and the dragon's head crutch has become ownerless.

Although Tang Yuan would not care about a spirit treasure, he would not cheapen others.

After collecting the spirit treasure, everyone was jealous.

All cast envious eyes.

But it is only envy, but they dare not have any intention of robbing.

This is Tang Yuan's booty.

If you want to grab it, you have to see if you have this strength.

As soon as the Prince of the East died, the news spread throughout the flood famine.

Whether it is the West or the East, it knows.

Tang Yuan was not afraid that the Dao Ancestor would blame him, and Hongjun just appointed the head of the male and female immortals.

If so, he doesn't have this leisure.

Prince Dong, he is just a position given by Hongjun, and he will not care.

In the previous life, the emperor of the demon clan and the Eastern Emperor killed the Eastern Prince.

Daozu don't say anything, just look at him without looking at him.

It's the same now, due to the Eastern Prince and Tang Yuan.

So he wiped him out in advance, and Daozu didn't care.

"This matter is over, there is still one more matter in the poor road, so I will leave first!"

Tang Yuan came to the West Queen Mother.

"Since you are here, why did the Daoist leave so quickly."

"Why don't you go to the main palace dojo for tea!"

Tang Yuan was considered to have helped the Queen Mother of the West a lot, so naturally he had to thank him well.

I didn't want Tang Yuan to leave so quickly.

"No need this time, there is indeed something to be done in the poor road."

"Next time, the poor road must come!"

Tang Yuan did have something, and now that the Prince of the East died, then Zizhou Island was naturally ownerless.

It's also a blessing.

Also in the East China Sea, if you move into Penglai Sanxian Island, it will be more perfect.

"In that case, then the main palace will not be retained!"

Queen Mother Xi could see that Tang Yuan did have something, so

she did not keep it.

After bidding farewell to the Queen Mother of the West, Tang Yuan turned into a streamer.

Flew in the direction of the East China Sea.


In the Zixiao Palace, Hongjun was expressionless and said softly.

He did not expect that the Eastern Prince would be forced to self-detonate by Tang Yuan.

According to Hongjun's thoughts, the Prince of the East was not destroyed by Emperor Jun and the Eastern Emperor.

After some calculation, Hongjun knew the reason for the incident.

Then he fell into a realization again and ignored the matter.


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