After Tang Yuan came to the East China Sea, he quickly found the location of Zizhou Island.

Tang Yuan stood in the void and looked at Zizhou Island below.

The fairy air is ethereal, surrounded by clouds and mist.

There are many spiritual energy on the island, and it is a good fairy blessed place.

Although it is worse than Penglai Sanxian Island, it is at least an island with a blessed place.

Don't be in vain.

Tang Yuan landed and came to the outside of Zizhou Island.

With a wave of his hand, he broke the large array inside, and then went in.

As soon as I entered, I saw many subordinates belonging to the Prince of the East.

They were looking at Tang Yuan with fearful and hostile eyes.

As soon as the Eastern Prince died, they naturally knew.

So as soon as they saw Tang Yuan, they trembled.

"You can leave on your own!"

Tang Yuan said lightly, and after speaking, he ignored them.

The Eastern Prince is not his opponent, so these people don't have to care.

They are also not fools, people who can kill the Prince of the East.

The strength can be imagined, they obviously will not ram into the muzzle.

After returning to their senses, they left the place.

The Eastern Prince is dead, and the next people will not continue to stay on the island.

After dealing with all the things on the island, Tang Yuan flew high in the air and wielded his great mana.

Lift the whole island off the ground little by little.

Tang Yuan lifted Zizhou Island and flew towards the location of Penglai Sanxian Island.

From a distance, an island flies into the void.

Covering the sky, everywhere you pass, it is covered with black shadows.

In less than a moment, Tang Yuan came to Penglai Three Immortal Island.


Only a boom could be heard, and Zizhou Island melted on Penglai Sanxian Island.

Looking at the sky, it is obvious that the space of the entire Penglai Three Immortals Island.

It has become much bigger, and the aura has become more intense.

Moving into an island was not difficult for Tang Yuan.

With the experience of moving in for the first time, it only took a few moments.

Tang Yuan completely integrated the movement of Zizhou Island.

After moving in, Tang Yuan fell into retreat cultivation again.

Now that the Prince of the East dies, the two Lich races will definitely move.

When the Lich War really starts, only if the strength is high, can you retreat with your whole body.

The flood did not count the years, and I don't know how long it took.

After a long period of conquest, most of the demon clans were recovered by Dijun and the Eastern Emperor.

Among the many demons recovered, there are also ten demon kings.

They are: Jimeng, Yingzhao, Feilian, Bai Ze, and Qin Yuan.

Iron Croak, Ghost Car, Merchant Sheep, Nine Babies, Fei Birth.

Among the ten demon kings, each of them had the cultivation of the peak of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

One step away from breaking through the quasi-saint.

Moreover, most of these great demons had participated in the Purple Xiao Palace to listen to the lecture.

Extraordinary strength!

"Now there are many demon races, and there are witch races in the flood and wilderness."

"I don't know what plans the major demon kings have!"

Now Dijun and Donghuang led many demon races and gathered in a cave.

While Dijun and the Eastern Emperor unified the demon clan, conflicts with the Wu clan also occurred from time to time.

After all, in the flood wilderness, the vast majority are demon races and witch races.

From time to time, there was some minor friction between the two ethnic groups.

Although the demon race is now much stronger, its strength is much stronger than before.

But still can't go against the witch race.

In addition to Dijun and Donghuang, there are also ten demon kings.

When facing the Wu Clan, you can resist, and the rest of the Demon Clan will basically be crushed by the Wu Clan.

Even if you can resist, you can only resist for a while.

"According to the subordinates, the flood desolation is huge, and there are many demon races!"

"The witch clan is against it, and the demon clan has just been unified!"

"There is a lack of a place to reproduce!"

Bai Ze said respectfully, he was a rare scheming demon in the demon clan.

When Di Jun recovered Bai Ze, he had already discovered Bai Ze's wisdom.

So whenever Bai Ze said something, Dijun would think about it seriously.

"What Bai Ze Great Demon said is that my demon clan is weak now!"

"It's really time to find a place to stay."

Di Jun thought for a while and replied seriously.

After a pause, Di Jun said again.

"It's just that there is one more problem, there are hundreds of millions of my demon race!"

"It's like a plate of scattered sand, and unification requires a place!"

After everyone listened, they all started thinking.

This is indeed a problem, now Dijun and Donghuang have just gathered the demon clan.

It is not yet possible to confront the Wu Clan, only to find the right place.

Grow the demon clan, and he will be able to fight with the witch clan in a day,

and everyone will fall into thought.

For a while, no one could think of it.


In the thinking of Di Jun and the others, golden light shone on Buzhou Mountain.

Countless rays of light descended on the earth, and a golden bridge spanned the heavens and the earth.

On land, visions are faintly visible.

Cranes fly, and the clouds are ever-changing.

Like a heavenly lady scattering flowers, it is constantly turbulent in the void.

The fairy air is ethereal, rolling in the sky.

After the vision on Mount Buzhou appeared, Di Jun and the others were shocked.

They felt in their hearts that they were born by chance.

Ripple in the heart.

This made them excited and very happy.

At the same time, such visions appeared.

The many great powers in the flood and famine were naturally also seen.

But the mighty people didn't say anything, because they felt the opportunity.

Not for them, if they did.

There will be huge causal problems.

So they just paid attention and didn't watch too much.

In the flood waste, although the spirit treasure can be taken.

But if the fixed treasure is taken, it will cause and effect.

You know, the most difficult thing in floods is cause and effect, karma.

Cultivation is not serious, and death is the worst.

So, they should be in retreat.

Those who do their own work still carry on.

"Is this the Heavenly Court!"

Tang Yuan came out of the retreat and glanced in the direction of Buzhou Mountain.

Then there was a deep thought.

The Heavenly Court came out and had nothing to do with him.

Tang Yuan already had his own dojo, and he knew it.

At this moment, the Heavenly Court came out, but it was born for the demon race.

After Di Jun and the others sensed the birth of the opportunity, they went to Buzhou Mountain one after another.

Among the people who went, only Dijun and Donghuang, as well as the ten demon kings.

Walking along the Golden Bridge, Di Jun and the others came to a gate.

The gate is majestic, and the Optimus Pillar stands in front of the door.

Jade was paved with bricks, and fairy mist floated on the ground, covering the soles of everyone's feet.

Directly above the gate, three large characters are displayed.

"South Heavenly Gate!"

Di Jun and the others stayed at the South Heavenly Gate for a moment before walking in.

The scene inside is full of bad and bad.

Qionglou Yuyu, surrounded by fairy mist, Dao Dao Xia light turned into Changhong.

Ruixiang thousands, the ground swallowed fairy qi, like a fountain falling water.

Everywhere there was golden light, emitting dazzling light, directly in front of everyone's eyes.

It's not dazzling!

After passing through the South Heavenly Gate, Di Jun and the others felt that they knew what place this was.

It is the Heavenly Court, and there are thirty-three heavens in total.

Like thirty-three small worlds, each heaven has a vast and boundless space.

After a long flight, Di Jun and the others came to the thirty-third heaven.

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