"Okay, just do as the second brother said!"

Di Jiang agreed.

Thinking that if the Wu clan called for the flood, it would definitely be stronger than the demon clan.

After getting ready, the twelve ancestral witches came to the center of the Pangu Hall.

Various foods were laid out to sacrifice to the heavens.

When they were ready, the twelve ancestors said in unison:

"The avenue is on top, and the Father God is sheltering!"

"Today, our Wu tribe is dominantly in the flood wilderness, and the flood barren land is the foundation."

"Suppress the luck of the Wu clan with Pangu Hall, Wu clan, stand!"


Heavenly Dao once again lowered merit.

The yellow aura appeared, and then merged into the twelve ancestral witches.

Suddenly, the flesh of the twelve ancestors was greatly raised to a higher level.

The ancestral witch who does not cultivate the Yuan God, after absorbing merit.

It can be compared to a quasi-saint powerhouse with its physical strength.

At the time of the announcement, because the Wu tribe only honored Pangu.

So pray to the Dao, not the way of heaven.

In the flood and wilderness, the major energies woke up like a dream, and their hearts were shocked.

Can't seem to believe all this.

In a short time.

First there was the demon clan, and then there was the Wu clan.

The two races were established, and merit was sent from heaven.

Luck is in the body, and the heavenly way is favored.

In the dark, the two races were established.

It occupies most of the luck of the flood famine.

At this moment.

The flood wilderness seems to belong to the two Lich races.

Luck is gathered in them.

Heavenly Court, Lingxiao Treasure Hall.

Di Jun and Donghuangtai sat on the dragon chair.

There are also ten demon saints gathered below.

After establishing the demon clan, the ten demon kings were divided into ten demon saints.

In addition to Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi, it is the largest of the ten demon saints.

Whoever reached the Great Luo Golden Immortal was named a demon king.

Quasi-saints are canonized as demon saints.

"Now my demon clan has grown.

It's time to woo some forces.

"I don't know what you demon saints suggest!"

Di Jun said.

Now the demon race is strong, but not enough.

There are many strong people in the flood wilderness, if you can win them over.

That power will be expanded.

"The minister knows that there are two people, and they are both demon races."

"It is innate power, extraordinary power, if you can join our demon clan."

"Our strength will rise significantly!"

Bai Ze saw that everyone did not speak, and stepped forward.


"I don't know who the two people Bai Ze Demon Saint said!"

Di Jun was surprised, it turned out to be innate power, and it was a demon race.

This made him wonder.

"That's what I listened to with His Majesty in the Zixiao Palace, Fuxi and Nuwa."

"They are both demon races, if Your Majesty can successfully win them over!"

"I think the demon clan will be much stronger!"

Bai Ze replied.

He was also a person who listened to the lecture in the Zixiao Palace, and Bai Ze observed his words.

When he was in the Zixiao Palace, he had already noticed their Fuxi and Nuwa.

"Not bad, Fuxi and Nuwa are both demon races!"

"When he was in the Zixiao Palace, this emperor had the intention of wooing."

"However, Fuxi and Nuwa Daoist friends don't seem to like disputes, and terror may not join."

Di Jun also knew about Fuxi and Nuwa, and both of them broke through the quasi-saint.

In the flood famine, it can be regarded as a top power.

And Nuwa also sat in the futon position.

If you don't have the strength, how can you sit on it.

Di Jun had long thought about visiting.

But over the years, he has been too busy accepting the demon clan and can't spare time to visit.

Now Bai Ze said it, but it made Di Jun think.

"Your Majesty has thought too much, Your Majesty only needs to go in person!"

"Presumably Fuxi and Nuwa will not refuse."

Bai Ze continued, before that, he had already calculated.

Fuxi is implicated with the demon clan and only waits for an invitation.

will join the demon clan.

After listening to Bai Ze's words, Di Jun pondered for a moment.

He said, "In that case, this emperor will personally take a trip!" "

Di Jun is a proud and caring person, and he is interested in everything that is beneficial to the demon race.

He's willing to do it.

After a simple preparation, Di Jun himself flew towards Buzhou Mountain alone.

In order to avoid the sneak attack of the Heavenly Court, he left the Eastern Emperor Taiyi behind.

After all, now the Heavenly Court has just been established, and it is the base camp of the demon clan.

There is no room for mistakes.


Come to Mount Buzhou.

Di Jun went straight to the dojo of Fuxi and Nuwa.

"Daoist friends, please come in!"

Di Jun stood at the door of Fuxi's dojo and just wanted to say hello.

But he heard Fuxi in the cave talking.

He is good at deduction, and Dijun is here today.

It was already in his calculations.

After Di Jun heard this, a flash of joy flashed on his face and he went inside.

"I've seen Fuxi Daoyou, Nuwa Daoyou!"

As soon as he entered, Di Jun greeted him politely.

Obviously, this time, Dijun is full of sincerity.

He was originally the emperor of the demon clan and had a noble status.

Today, he is a Taoist friend and voluntarily lowers his status to talk.

"I don't know if Emperor Jun Daoyou, don't stay in the Heavenly Court."

"What are you doing here in Poor Road?"

After beckoning Di Jun to sit down, Fuxi asked.

Although Fuxi can guess that someone is visiting today.

But I don't know why Dijun came.

He wouldn't think that Dijun would come because of a simple visit.

You must know that Dijun is a demon emperor, and his status is extremely noble.

To be able to come here must be something important.

"I have long heard of the power of Fuxi Daoyou's deduction, and I know things like gods."

"When I saw it today, it really opened my eyes."

Di Jun praised, and said:

"The flood is chaotic, and the demon race is born according to the trend of heaven!"

"The two of you are both demon races, and this emperor is here to invite you."

"Create the great cause of the demon race."

"If the two Daoists are willing, these innate spirit treasures should be a meeting gift!"

After speaking, Di Jun waved his big hand.

Three or four superb innate spirit treasures were directly manifested, suspended in front of Fuxi.

Watching Fuxi and Nuwa were very moved.

You must know that this is the ultimate innate spirit treasure, especially rare.

Even Nuwa and Fuxi, who are quasi-saint powerhouses, will be moved when they see it.

After Di Jun settled in the Heavenly Court, he obtained many spirit treasures.

These several spirit treasures are all from the Heavenly Court.

Although the spirit treasure is rare, Di Jun can see far.

If Fuxi joins.

As the strength of the demon race expands, it will not care about the two spirit treasures.

"Dijun Daoyou has a heart, join the matter."

"Poor Dao agreed!"

"I will go to the Heavenly Court in the near future!"

In the end, Fuxi accepted the Lingbao.

Agreed to Dijun's invitation.

Fuxi was proficient in the matter of settling trigrams.

He had already calculated that he would enter the demon race one day.

Today, Dijun came here, and Fuxi did not refuse.

"Daoist friends are really cheerful, since this is the case."

"Then I'll go first, waiting for the arrival of Daoist friends in the Heavenly Court!"

Di Jun was overjoyed in his heart, and it was for the demon clan to have Fuxi join.

But it's a beautiful thing.

As for whether Nuwa is willing or not, it doesn't matter much.

The two are brothers and sisters.

Dijun would not think that when Fuxi needed help.

Nuwa will not make a move.

"Big brother, why did you agree to join the demon clan."

"Lich strife is the trend of the flood and desolation."

"Once you participate, you will never get out!"

After Di Jun left, Nuwa said to Fuxi.

"Little sister doesn't have to worry about her brother, I have already calculated it!"

"Sooner or later, I will join the demon clan!"

"Even if you hide, you can't hide!"

Fuxi explained to Nuwa the reason for joining the demon clan.

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