After Nuwa listened, she didn't say anything more.

The two siblings have been getting along for so long, and he knows Fuxi's character best.

As long as you decide what to do, it is useless who says it.

I can only think about helping Fuxi in the future, when Fuxi needs help.

After all, Fuxi is Nuwa's brother, and if she doesn't care, she can't do it.

Subsequently, the two did not talk again, and both fell into retreat.

In the flood wasteland, there was not much movement between the Lich and Demon races.

It's just a little friction, which comes from time to time.

It's not a movement, it can only be said to be the norm.

After thousands of years of cultivation, Tang Yuan was out.

In this retreat cultivation, Tang Yuan refined fifty prohibitions on the Creation Gourd.

Only the last ten paths remained, and they could be completely refined.

In these thousand years, Tang Yuan tried to continue refining.

But all ended in failure.

The last ten prohibitions were extremely difficult to refine, Tang Yuan in the early stage of quasi-sainthood.

There is no refining at all, so he can only give up.

Wait for the strength to improve later, and then refine.

Tang Yuan has not only refined the magic weapon, but also made new breakthroughs in the Yuan God, the flesh body, and the law.

In every retreat cultivation, he would never forget the cultivation of the physical body and the Yuan God.

Now, his physical body and Yuan God both have the realm of the peak of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

Don't look at it is just the peak of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, Tang Yuan is cultivating the Pangu Law Phase.

The exercises created are comparable to the flesh and Yuan God of the quasi-holy realm.

The Law of Destruction and the Law of Light have each risen one level.

"Ten thousand years have passed, and the third sermon begins!"

"Anyone who is destined to listen to it!"

Hongjun's voice sounded, and countless cultivators flew up one after another, deeply afraid that they would miss this sermon.

Tang Yuan left Penglai Three Immortal Island and flew towards the direction of Zixiao Palace.

Not long after, Tang Yuan came to the Zixiao Palace in a familiar car.

Took the place of the first futon.

In less than a moment, the Zixiao Palace was already full of people.

In the Zixiao Palace, as last time, there were no new faces.

It's all these people.

"Silence, the third sermon begins, wait and listen carefully!"

Hongjun appeared silently on the cloud bed, and then said lightly.

The crowd stopped talking and waited for Hongjun to preach.

After Hongjun glanced at everyone intentionally or unintentionally, he opened his mouth and said

, "The Tao cannot be obtained in the end, and those who can obtain it are not famous for virtue."

"The way is not feasible in the end, and he who can do it is not a famous way."

"The saint is the one who can obtain the feasible, so the good one lives."

"He who cannot be obtained, so good dies."

"After hearing the Word, he who does something and clings to it, so he who does."

"He who does nothing and clings to nothing, so the heavens."

"Those who do it will be defeated, and those who hold on will lose, so when they hear the word of the dynasty, they can die in the eve."


In this sermon, Hongjun is talking about the way of saints.

The mystery is extraordinary, and it is extremely difficult to understand.

Even Tang Yuan and the others sitting on the futon felt very difficult to understand.

Among the many cultivators, Jun Ti's expression was the most obvious.

Since he didn't sit in the futon position, the way of the saints sounded.

It's been tough.

Jun Ti has always looked sad, as if he has been provoked.

Sanqing has a Pangu heritage, but he understands a lot.

The three of them showed joy on their faces, with a bit of arrogance.

And the Da Luo Golden Immortal sitting in the back did not understand a little.

Because this is the way of the saints, there are too many differences, and the Da Luo people can't understand it at all.

The quasi-saint can understand some.

Sanqing has many comprehensions of Pangu Pangu inheritance, and Tang Yuan has three layers of Dao merit.

It is the one that has the most comprehension of all.

The way of the saint that Hongjun spoke about was for Tang Yuan.

Like the flow of a river, the speed of improvement is fast.

He directly cut out the evil corpse and successfully broke through to the middle stage of the quasi-saint.

Three thousand years later, Hongjun's sermon ended.

Except for Tang Yuan, everyone was immersed in perception.

The way of the saints is extraordinary, and they can't digest it for a while.

It's still in the making, but it's only a moment later.

Then they came to their senses and knew that it was the end of Hongjun's sermon.

If you want to feel, you can only go back and feel it again.

After preaching this time, Hongjun did not leave immediately, looked at everyone for a while, and said, "

Now that the three sermons have been completed, today, I Hongjun will join the Tao."

"It's not a big trend!"

Without waiting for everyone to react, Hongjun continued.

"If you have any questions now, you can raise them."

"I can answer for you!"

The crowd was excited, this is an opportunity, a saint answer, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Dare to ask the teacher, what is the Dao!"

Lao Tzu asked in front of everyone.

As for Tang Yuan, he didn't have the heart to ask this at all.

Just listen quietly from the sidelines.

"Three thousand avenues are all Dao!"

Hongjun replied.

"Dare to ask the teacher, what is a saint!"

Yuan Shi said after Lao Tzu finished asking.

"Flood Barren World, the saint does not die or die!"

"Entrust the Yuan God to the Heavenly Dao."

"If you don't want a saint to be an ant, you will fall when the calamity comes!"

Hongjun said lightly.

When everyone heard this, they all looked surprised.

If you are not a saint, doesn't that mean that you will all be in danger of falling?

"Dare to ask the teacher, can there be a fixed number of saints?"

Tsutenkaku asked.

This question seems to have caught everyone's doubts, and everyone is looking forward to Hongjun's answer.

"Under my disciple, there are six people who can become my disciples and become saints!"

As soon as these words were said, everyone in the audience directly discussed it.

Six disciples, that's a limited number.

Moreover, after everyone took a closer look, the six futons were exactly six positions.

Looking at Hongjun's gaze again, he knew the result.

Their eyes were filled with hatred, why they didn't sit in the futon position.

Among them, Jun Ti's expression is the most obvious.

There were only six of them, which definitely did not belong to him.

Jun Ti had a pair of big eyes, and at this time he didn't know how pitiful he was.

Another person was Kunpeng, whose eyes were looking at Jun Ti viciously.

If it weren't for Jun Ti, he felt that his futon position would not have been lost.

There is hope to become a disciple of Hongjun.

Jun Ti, on the other hand, pretended not to see it and ignored Kunpeng.

Still a pitiful look.

Hongyun, Zhen Yuanzi and others also had it, but they just regretted it.

There is no such expression as Kunpeng and Junti.

Hongjun's eyes closed slightly, looking at Tang Yuan in the first position of the six futons.

After a pause, he spoke, "Tang Yuan, you sit in the first futon position!"

"Can you be my Xuanmen disciple, are you willing?"

"The disciple has seen the teacher!"

Tang Yuan thanked him, there was nothing bad about being a disciple of Hongjun.

Lingbao and Hongmeng Purple Qi will be blessed.

Moreover, when Tang Yuan sat on the first futon.

The position of the head disciple of Xuanmen was already expected by him.

After Hongjun named Tang Yuan the head disciple of Xuanmen, everyone's eyes were as jealous as hatred.

Especially the beginning.

In his opinion, only Sanqing was qualified to be the position of the head disciple of the Xuanmen.

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