After dividing the Hongmeng Purple Qi, Hongjun looked at everyone and said

, "In the early years, when I traveled through the Flood Wilderness for my master, I got some spirit treasures!"

"Now that the Dao is imminent, the Lingbao is of no use to me!"

"Now that the floods and desolations are continuing, you are my disciples."

"There is no spirit treasure in your hand, so I will give you self-defense today!"

After everyone listened, they simply did not want to be too jealous in their hearts.

As a disciple of Hongjun, he didn't say anything about getting Hongmeng Purple Qi.

And Lingbao Na, what a beautiful thing.

Moreover, Hongjun is a saint and can be regarded by him as a spiritual treasure.

Presumably at the top level.

Tang Yuan was very curious, as a big disciple of Xuanmen.

I don't know what kind of spirit treasure Hongjun will divide to himself.

Sanqing and the others were the most excited, they had never had a spirit treasure.

Got Hongmeng purple qi, and Lingbao sent.

How can you not get excited.

"Tang Yuan, you are my Xuanmen chief disciple!"

"For the master, I will give you a slaying spear!"

Saying that, Hongjun waved his big hand, and a black spear was suspended in the air.

The spear is exquisite and clear, and there are many innate Taoists.

The body of the gun was full of anger, and a soul-stirring feeling appeared in everyone's hearts.

"Thank you, teacher!"

Tang Yuan took the slaying spear and thanked him.

For the slaying gun, he is very satisfied.

It belongs to the ultimate innate spirit treasure and has powerful attack power.

Only under the Treasure Pan Ancient Flag.

The main point is that the slaying gun can injure the saint Genshin.

At this point, Tang Yuan was the most satisfied.

It is also the most powerful point of the slaying gun.

In the future, if you confront the saints, with the slaying gun, you can better deal with them.

After Sanqing and the others saw it, they were unhappy in their hearts.

They knew the power of the slaying spear and could hurt a saint.

In the future, if Sanqing wants to become a saint, the slaying gun will naturally become them.

The most fearful point.

"Lao Tzu, you are inactive, you are following the path of inaction."

"Taijitu will give you self-defense, and it can also suppress qi luck."

Hongjun looked at Lao Tzu, and then a picture appeared and fell into Lao Tzu's hands.

In the picture, the Xuan light flows, showing both yin and yang, which is extremely gorgeous.

Inside, there is an endless glow appearing, Ruixiang thousands of strips, five-color light.

The innate Dao text is displayed in it.

Taijitu is one of the three heaven-opening treasures, and its power is huge.

The power of creation is powerful, the defense is invincible, and it can defuse all attacks.

"Thank you teacher for the treasure!"

After Lao Tzu accepted the Taijitu, he was very satisfied in his heart.

Obtaining a congenital treasure, Lao Tzu's indifferent face showed joy.

Yuan Shi next to him saw Lao Tzu accept the Taijitu, and he was very envious in his heart.

Hongjun looked at Yuan Shi and said, "Yuan Shi, you will have a heavy responsibility in the future."

"This ancient banner has been given to you, and it can be used to suppress luck!"

"I hope you make good use of it!"

With that, a long banner appeared, and the red flag fluttered in the wind.

There is a little flame on it.

When floating in the void, a feeling that the space was about to tear sounded in everyone's ears.

The flags are blood-red, sleek and sturdy.

Pangu Banner is the first attack supreme treasure, among the three innate supreme treasures.

Attacking the strongest spirit treasure, it has the power to tear through chaos and shatter the heavens.

Can control the power of heaven and earth.

After everyone saw that Pangu Banner had given it to Yuanshi, they were even more jealous in their hearts.

The power of Pangu Banner is clear to them, no matter how strong your defense is.

In front of it, it will look vulnerable.

"Tongtian, for the master knows that you love formations, so you can kill!"

"I will give you the Immortal Sword Array!"

"The power of the Great Array is huge, once it is deployed, it must be unbreakable by the Four Saints!"

"Use with caution!"

Saying that, Hongjun waved his big hand, and a formation map flew out.

Four sharp swords are wrapped in the picture, and the endless killing qi blooms.

The top of the formation map was full of anger and blood-red.

"Thank you teacher for your love!"

Tongtian was very satisfied in his heart, he liked to delve into formations and kendo.

The Immortal Sword Array gave it, as if it was tailor-made for him.

After everyone saw it, they couldn't help but take a breath of cold air in their hearts.

If the four saints are unbreakable, Hongjun only has six disciples, plus the last Hongmeng purple qi person.

There are only seven in total, and the Sanqing family is the largest.

Instantly felt that it was better not to mess with Sanqing in the future.

Yuan Shi was a little jealous in his envy, and he felt that Tongtian was the smallest.

How can you have the most powerful baby.

Tang Yuan glanced at the Immortal Sword that reached the sky, and this array was extremely powerful.

Before he could put it out, he could feel an unstoppable killing force.

However, he knew that the Immortal Sword Formation was good.

The drawbacks are great, the murderous spirit is too heavy, and there is no effect of suppressing luck.

In the previous life, in the battle of the gods, the two religions won a great victory.

The collapse of the Intercept Sect was precisely the luck of the Immortal Sword Array that could not suppress the Intercept Sect.

So it ended up in a decay.

After giving Tang Yuan and Sanqing, Hongjun looked at Nuwa.

Nuwa was excited, envious for so long, and now it was finally time for herself.

Hongjun took out a picture and a ball in his hand and said to Nuwa: "Nuwa, you are physically and kind."

"I don't like disputes, I have a big opportunity to do it in the future."

"This mountain and river society map, red hydrangea give you self-defense."

Red hydrangea with a round shape and pink throughout.

On the top of the ball, there are many beads hanging and jingling bells.

It is the ultimate innate spirit treasure, with a huge role, and can establish three marriages of heaven and earth.

Powerful, as long as you are attacked by red hydrangeas.

No matter how great your power is, the Yuan God will be damaged.

The picture shows the map of the mountain and river society, and the picture emits five colors of light.

There are pictures of mountains and rivers, and there is a general direction of the Flood Barren Mountains.

Tunei is a world of its own, pregnant with countless living beings.

It is one of the top ten superb innate spirit treasures, and its power is huge.

Both offensive and defensive, as long as you are in the picture.

Even a saint, in the absence of a spirit treasure, would take years to break it.

"Thank you, teacher!"

Nuwa accepted the baby and was very happy.

She had few spirit treasures in her hand, but now she had two.

Even if it is not a congenital treasure, the two superb Nuwa are very satisfied.

There is no intention to compare.

"Introduction, you have a great creation to do in the future, these twelve pins of merit golden lotus!"

"I will give it to you!"

Hong Jun swung out a huge lotus platform against the lead, and then fell into his hand.

Twelve pins of meritorious golden lotus, the ultimate innate spirit treasure.

As long as you sit in the lotus platform, you can achieve the effect of breaking everything.

"Thank you, teacher!"

After receiving the thanksgiving, he put away the twelve-pin meritorious golden lotus, and his heart was full of joy.

"Ask the teacher for a treasure!"

After seeing that Hongjun had finished giving the treasure, he did not mean to speak again, so he prayed.

He showed a pitiful look again.

After hearing Zhun Ti's words, Hongjun glanced at him and said casually: "Zhun Ti,

this blessing divine pole will be given to you!"

A large golden pole fell in front of Jun Ti, and the pole was surrounded by divine text.

Brilliant gold, for the best quality innate spirit treasure.

Beating people and beating gods is extraordinary.

"Thank you, teacher!"

Zhun raised his eyebrows and smiled, and accepted the blessing rod.

It is also a top-grade innate spirit treasure, and Zhun Ti will not dislike it.

Moreover, so many people in the Zixiao Palace did not have Lingbao.

Jun Ti also showed a smug look and smiled.

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