Hongjun originally had no idea of giving permission to Ti Lingbao, but he accepted them as named disciples.

So I sent it away casually.

"Ask the teacher to have mercy on me and wait, give me a magic weapon and wait for self-defense!"

Represented by the ancestor of the Styx, everyone begged.

There was a commotion in the Zixiao Palace, all hoping that Hongjun could give them Lingbao.

"The corresponding Lingbao has been divided, and the remaining Lingbao is directly in front of the Zixiao Palace."

"On the treasure rock, you can get it yourself!"

Hongjun said casually.

Everyone seemed to be waiting for Hongjun's words, as soon as he finished speaking.

Everyone rushed out of the Zixiao Palace directly and rushed to the Treasure Rock.

Tang Yuan also rushed out with many great powers, although he got the spirit treasure.

There are also many Lingbao on his body, but he will not dislike Lingbao.

You know, there are thirty-three worlds in Tang Yuan's body.

Every world needs a spirit treasure.

A total of thirty-three spirit treasures are needed, and now they are full of them.

Tang Yuan only has more than ten pieces, so it is not enough.

There are many spiritual treasures on this treasure rock, and I believe that if I am in the situation of searching with all my strength.

It must be a big profit.


The crowd was super fast, and everyone was volatile.

In the blink of an eye, all of you came to Fenbaoyan.

The entire Treasure Rock was huge, chaotic in color, and emitted no light.

Tang Yuan's figure moved, and he plunged into the Treasure Rock.

After everyone saw it, they also hurriedly entered the Fenbao Rock.

As soon as you enter the treasure rock, a vast and boundless space is presented.

It is fundamentally different from the chaotic world outside, and there are no aura fluctuations here.

Dead silence and desolation.

Tang Yuan directly exerted the power of the Yuan God, shrouding the surrounding space for millions of miles.

Then look slowly.

After all, the spirit treasures in this are all ownerless things, and if they find it, they are their own.

Tang Yuan was searching, and suddenly he saw a lamp in front of him.

The white light on the lamp is full of color, shining into the void.

There is also a trace of flame, exuding a mysterious aura.

"Pauline lamp!"

Tang Yuan exclaimed, and recognized at a glance that it was the Baolian lamp.

With the coffin lamp, the jade void glass lamp, and the Bajing Palace lamp, it is called the four magic lamps.

The Pauline Lantern is the head of the magic lamp and has great attack power.

It can trigger the Seven Treasures Flame, which has the power to shake heaven and earth and reverse time and space.

It's just that Tang Yuan is a little curious, won't this Baolian lamp be found by Nuwa.

How to appear in front of himself.

However, Tang Yuan didn't think much about it, waved his big hand, and put away the Baolian lamp.

Even if he had a relationship with Nuwa, in front of Tang Yuan, it was his.

What's more, the spirit treasures in this are all ownerless things.

There is no chance.

Nuwa could be found in her previous life, and Tang Yuan can also find it now.

After a while, everyone finished packing up the Lingbao and returned to the outside of the Fenbao Rock.

Sorting out the spiritual treasures he has obtained.

In Sanqing, Lao Tzu is in the process of searching.

He spread out the Taijitu and obtained more than ten innate spirit treasures.

Very satisfying for him.

With the help of Pangu Banner, Yuan Shi obtained nearly twenty spirit treasures.

Tong Tian was the most, and he directly opened the Immortal Sword Array and obtained more than twenty spirit treasures.

It is the most harvested among the three Qing.

Queen Mother Xi, Nuwa and others also gained and got some Lingbao.

And the most is of course Tang Yuan, he is powerful.

Within the range shrouded by the Yuan God, the Baolian lamp, the Penji apricot yellow flag, etc. were obtained.

That's about thirty.

Tang Yuan waved his hand directly among everyone sorting out the spirit treasure.

Waved the entire Treasure Rock in his hand and put it away.

Although Tang Yuan didn't know what the Fenbao Rock was, he dared to conclude that it was.

Fenbao Rock is definitely a rare item, after all, it is the place where Hongjun stores spiritual treasures.

Not much worse.

After seeing Tang Yuan's action, everyone complained with envy,

how could they not think of this.

Let Tang Yuan get a treasure for nothing.

After everyone sorted out the spirit treasure, they came to the Zixiao Palace again.

Waiting for Hongjun to join the way.

Seeing that Hongjun was about to merge with the Dao, the aura on his body became more and more powerful.

After everyone returned, Hongjun said expressionlessly: "Since Pangu opened the heaven and earth.

"I took charge of the Creation Jade and preached three times."

"Now that the merit is complete, it will be in line with the Dao of Heaven!"

Everyone heard that Hongjun was about to join the way, and quickly said, "Teacher think twice!" Tang

Yuan was sitting on the futon, just looking respectful, and did not say it with them.

Don't look at everyone as if they are very reluctant, but in their hearts, they wish he had joined the way earlier.

It's all pretended.

"From now on, Hongjun is the Dao of Heaven, and the Dao of Heaven is not Hongjun!"

"It's not a big trend!"

After Hongjun finished speaking, his body flashed with light, directly covering the entire Zixiao Palace.

When he opened his eyes again, Hongjun had long disappeared, where everyone was.

In front of the gate of Zixiao Palace.

Then, Queen Mother Xi chatted with Tang Yuan for a while, and she went back to her dojo.

Because of the realization and the Lingbao, the Queen Mother of the West left early.

After Queen Mother of the West left, most of the people also left.

Only Styx, Kunpeng and others remained.

It was none other than the Red Cloud Dao people who stayed and waited.

Now outside the Zixiao Palace, they are going to implement the plan.

A small group has been formed.

There are Hongyun, Kunpeng, Jun Ti and others in the group, all of whom want to get Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Zhen Yuanzi saw that the situation was not right.

Directly pulled up the red cloud and flew towards Wuzhuang Guan.

After seeing Zhen Yuanzi leave, everyone also chased after him directly.

From afar, countless streams of light shot up into the sky.

Tang Yuan just glanced at it, and then left.

Zhen Yuanzi has a book from the ground and poses a large array.

But even the saint is difficult to break, so Kunpeng and the others this time.

It will fail.

The red cloud is the first red cloud in the world, and the speed is fast.

With the help of Zhen Yuanzi, the two returned safely to Wuzhuang Guan.

Kunpeng and the others had to give up.

However, they still did not die, but continued to lurk around Wuzhuang Guan.

As long as Hongyun dares to come out, he will do it.

And after Zhen Yuanzi came back, he also wiped a handful of sweat in his heart.

Tell Hongyun that he can't come out until he senses the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

There is no way, Kunpeng, Styx and others are definitely not idle people, if they go out of the Five Zhuang View.

Zhen Yuanzi couldn't keep him at all, so he planned for now.

Hongyun is only safe if he stays in Wuzhuang Guan.

In Penglai Three Immortals Island, many creatures have already been born.

Living on the island for some time.

Tang Yuan also noticed it, but ignored it.

It is normal for the incarnated creatures on the island to live in it.

As long as they don't quarrel in it, kill each other.

Tang Yuan won't care.

Moreover, the creatures who incarnated on the island knew that the owner of this place was Tang Yuan.

Whenever they saw Tang Yuan, they would greet them politely.

Honorific title Tang Yuan, Immortal Venerable.

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