Everyone was trapped in a deep quagmire.

Combat power plummeted.

But, even so.

The demon clan still did not have any upper hand.

It is still in a state of parity with the Wu Clan.


Di Jun shouted violently, and the Mixed Yuan River Luo burst into a radiant light.

The glory has passed, and the people of the Wu tribe have fallen a lot.

The casualties were much worse.

The actions of the witch clan have been reduced by a lot.

This annoyed the Wu Clan.

"Brother, we have to find a way. "

Only by breaking this array can we show the strength of my Wu Clan!" Seeing

the countless deaths of the clan, Houtu felt sad and said to Dijiang.

Now most of the demon races have been defeated.

Relying on the Chaoyuan River Luo Array, he saved the tragic situation just now.

"Little sister don't need to worry, it's just a big array of mixed Yuan Heluo

!" "Let's use the last hole card

!" "Completely defeat the demon clan!"

Di Jiang said with a solemn expression, he also wanted to quickly end the battle.

As long as the demon race is solved, in Dijiang's opinion.

You can dominate the flood famine.

After listening to Di Jiang's words, the ancestors looked at each other.

As if some agreement had been reached in an instant, they all became very serious.

Even Zhurong's face changed.

Get more rigorous.

"The Twelve Heavenly Gods are in a big array!" "

Up!" the

leader of Di Jiang shouted violently.

The figure of the twelve ancestors began to move.

The breath on his body is increasing little by little.

The body also began to get bigger.

In a short time, twelve giants who stood up to the heavens and the earth appeared between heaven and earth.

Their faces were serious, and the anger between heaven and earth began to condense towards Zu Wu.

The scorching aura was extremely thick and spread throughout the flood.

Even the anger in the sea of blood was dragged.

Twelve ancestral witches sat in a circle and lined up.

The breath of the Mixed Yuan River Luo Great Array was being devoured little by little by the fierce qi.

The situation was reversed, and the power of the Twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array.

Far more than the River Tulo Book Array.

"What, the Wu Clan has such a terrifying array!" Di

Jun was furious in his heart, he thought that it would be consumed like this.

You can defeat the witch clan.

I didn't expect the Wu Clan to suddenly put on such a powerful array.

"Big brother, what should I do!"

Donghuang held the Chaos Bell, anger rising in his heart.

But it was helpless.

The power of the Twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array was too strong, and Donghuang Taiyi could feel it.

The Chaos Bell could not shake the array placed by the Wu Clan.

"I can only wait and see!"

Di Jun's expression tensed, obviously there was nothing he could do.

The twelfth-degree Heavenly God Array came out, alarming the living beings of the flood waste.

"Big brother, you said that the twelve Heavenly Gods of the Wu Clan

have a Great Array!" "Is there anything peculiar?"

Sanqing came out of the retreat and discussed the Twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array placed by the Wu Clan.

Not for anything else, just because when the Wu Clan placed the Twelve Heavenly Gods in the Great Array.

Sanqing felt a throbbing feeling in his heart.

And it's also very strong.

Sanqing had never had such a reaction before.

That's why they came together to discuss.

"I don't know!"

Lao Tzu shook his head.

As for what Yuan Shi said, Lao Tzu, who was the head of the Three Qings, could not say it.

Why do you feel this way

: "The Wu Clan has the Twelve Heavenly God Array!" "

I wonder if the Demon Clan can survive?"

continued Lao Tzu.

"This array is powerful, and it swings in a big array.

"I'm afraid it has the power of a saint!"

Tong Tian was more concerned than Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi.

On the one hand, the heart is throbbing, and the other is the power of the Twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array.

Tongtian likes the formation, although the big array comes out.

There would be a throbbing in his heart.

But it did not hinder Tongtian's praise of the Great Array.

The feeling to Tongtian was that the Twelve Heavenly God Great Array could be comparable to the Immortal Sword Array.

The three of them couldn't discuss a result for a while, so they fell into deep thought.

Silently watching, not speaking!

Not just Sanqing.

Even in the far west, both the introduction and the quasi-mention were shocked.

"If this formation is in my west.

"Presumably the West can develop very well!" Jun

Ti looked like he wanted to get it, such a formation.

It made him very envious.

"Although this formation is good, I am afraid that the price paid is also very huge. Then

he turned to Jun Ti, and he could see it.

Although the Twelve Heavenly Gods are powerful.

But it can only be put out when the twelve ancestral witches gather.

As for getting it, I don't think about it in this way.

Instead, I thought about the battle situation of the two Lich races this time.

There is a need for a balance, not one side alone.

After the two discussed for a while, they stopped talking.

Continue to pay attention to the battle situation of the two Lich races.

After the Twelve Heavenly Gods were laid out, Nuwa woke up from her enlightenment.

She was worried.

Because Nuwa's brother Fuxi is involved in it, if the demon clan loses.

Then Fuxi is in danger.

And Nuwa, who did not have holiness, could not help Fuxi at all.

She was uneasy in her heart, praying that Fuxi would be fine.

Tang Yuan stopped his retreat after the Twelve Ancestors Wu put on a divine evil.

Came to the battlefield of the two Lich races.

The war between the two Lich races may be better for others to hide farther and farther.

But for Tang Yuan.

There are certain benefits to that.

Tang Yuan's innate treasure creation gourd.

It takes endless ferocity.

The place where the two Lich races fought each other, there were countless deaths and injuries.

At this moment, it is the place where the anger is most concentrated in the flood and wilderness.

Use the creation gourd to absorb.

To Tang Yuan, that couldn't be better.

Not only can the creation hoist be lifted.

He could also witness the power of the Great Array of the Heavenly Gods.

How could Tang Yuan not come.

In the blink of an eye, Tang Yuan had already arrived at the place of the Lich War, hiding in the void.

Secretly observing the battle between the two tribes.

He also took out the creation gourd and frantically absorbed the fierce qi.

Now there is no mansion, reincarnation has not been built, and dead creatures.

will turn into resentment and fall into heaven and earth.

The absorption of the Creation Gourd in Tang Yuan's hand can be said to have done a good thing for the flood waste.

In the great war, the twelve heavenly gods of the Wu clan put on a great array.

has condensed into a strong man.

The strong man has a bronze complexion and is full of endless power.

The muscles on the body are ligated, and the green tendons are bursting.

The blood and qi are square, like the recovery of Pangu, running through the heavens and the earth.

"Axe coming!"

Pangu Zhen's body snorted, and the anger between heaven and earth began to condense.

Towards Pangu's true body.

In less than a moment, it had converged into an axe phantom.

Manifested in the hands of Pangu's true body, from virtual reality to solidification.

After the axe shadow condensed.

The Chaos Bell in Donghuangtai's hand began to tremble.

He almost flew out, if he hadn't tried his best to suppress it.

I'm afraid I have already taken it out.

It wasn't just Donghuang Taiyi's Chaos Bell that had this reaction.

Lao Tzu's Taijitu, Pangu Banner at the beginning of the Yuan.

Fortunately, the

two of them quickly wielded their great mana and suppressed it.

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