"What's going on?"

said Yuan Shi to Lao Tzu, with great hatred in his heart.

Why did the Wu Clan summon the true body of Pangu.

The Spirit Treasure will not be under its control.

Yuanshi, who has always been arrogant, was a little displeased in his heart.

"Strange!" Lao

Tzu did not answer Yuan Shi's words, but only said lightly.

He knew that this was not the real Pangu.

It's just a real person, not a real existence.

It's a virtual thing, but it's so powerful.

It really surprised Lao Tzu.

"Is this Pangu resurrected?" Not

only them, but many cultivators in the flood wilderness began to discuss lively.

The moment Pangu's true body appeared, they were terrified in their hearts.

An irresistible force suppressed them.

It seems like you can't bear it at any time.

All beings who feel oppressed in their hearts have a thought in their hearts.

That is, do not want the witch tribe to win.

They knew that if the demon clan lost this time.

After that, it was the Wu clan that dominated the flood and famine.

At that time, there will be no one to suppress the witch race.

So, the mighty people hope that someone will break this situation.

Otherwise, if the Wu clan dominates the flood and famine, it will be difficult for other forces to rise.

Under the continuous convergence of heaven and earth, a blazing axe was completely gathered.

The axe stared incomparably and exuded a terrifying aura.

The qi emitted by the axe alone made countless demon races unable to withstand it.

Fall in it.

Looking at this scene, Dijun and Donghuang felt helpless.

Because the moment the Twelve Heavenly Gods appeared, the Great Array of Mixed Yuan River Luo instantly disintegrated.

And still in a crushed state.

I never imagined that the Wu Clan had such a powerful array.

However, the demon clan did not completely give up, although they knew that they were not opponents.

Still resisting vigorously.


Pangu True Body looked at the demon clan and snorted heavily, and then swung his axe.

A powerful wave of qi emerged from the axe, and it was extremely domineering.

The qi wave cut out, shaking the heavens and the earth, and the heavens and the earth fell into silence.

The anger between heaven and earth is rolling.

The void does not know how many times it has been broken, and the earth does not know how chaotic it is.

A state close to destruction.

"Pangu's true body is really powerful!"

said Tang Yuan, who was hidden in the void.

He could feel it, even if it was compared to the Nine Axes of Kaitian.

The Pangu True Body summoned by the Twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array is no less impressive

, and you can imagine how terrifying the Great Array is.

Not only Tang Yuan, Sanqing and the others were in a state of wide eyes.

Pay attention to this action of the Wu Clan.

A terrifying aura swept over everyone in the demon clan.

Whether it is the emperor jun or the eastern emperor, the major demon saints.

All of them have been hit by an extremely powerful impact.


Qi waves break through ten thousand laws, whether it is Chaos Bell defense.

Or the defense of the River Tulo Book, all under the blow of the axe.

It collapsed directly.

The earth is full of wind and fire, and the mountains and rivers are cracked.

A huge crack appeared on the land, swallowing the chaotic scene between heaven and earth.

Emperor Jun was deeply injured by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and the two.

Fly upside down millions of miles away.

Fall to the ground.

Now they are.

If you come to an ancestral witch, you can kill them.


!" "Could it be that the demon race has perished!" Di

Jun let out an unwilling roar, feeling very helpless in his heart.

The usually warlike Donghuang also did not have an arrogant posture.

The first time he came to this point.

And they were suppressed by the other party and did not fight back.

I was very upset.

"Kill, today I want your demon clan to disappear in the flood and desolation. And

everyone in the Wu Clan was very happy.

They saw the state of the demon race.

It is already in a losing position, as long as it is a casual blow.

You can kill them.

"Children of the Wu Clan, kill me!" Di

Jiang controlled Pangu's true body and commanded the Wu Clan.


Everyone in the Wu Clan rushed towards the Demon Clan with high spirits.

Morale is high and unstoppable.

Pangu's true body swung again, and all the witch clans swarmed up.

Seeing that the demon race was defeated, a mysterious aura in the sky manifested.


came a heavy voice.

Later, I saw an old man descend in front of Pangu's true body.


After the old man appeared, he waved his hand in front of Pangu's true body.

In an instant,

Pangu's true body disintegrated.

The Twelve Ancestors were also seriously injured with the disintegration of Pangu's true body.

They all fell heavily to the ground.

Spitting out blood, he was also hit hard!

It was similar to the injuries suffered by Dijun and Donghuang.

The old man was none other than Hongjun, and he appeared.

It is for the balance of the two races of the Lich, and the two races fight.

All in Hongjun's expectation.

"Hongjun's appearance was quite timely!"

muttered Tang Yuan, but there was not much shock in his heart.

Hongjun appeared, and everything was expected by Tang Yuan.

After feeling the breath of playing Hongjun, Tang Yuan found out.

His strength seems to be even stronger again.

Compared to the last time, it is more mysterious.

"This battle, let's stop here

!" "Don't fight again for ten thousand years, from now on

!" "Demon control the sky, witch palm!"

Hong Jun said expressionlessly, and then disappeared in front of everyone.

Regardless of any expressions.

Now the two Lich races are equivalent to a state of balance, and no one can hurt anyone.

Hongjun won't care.

After Hongjun appeared, Sanqing and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

They were not opponents of the Twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array before they were not sanctified.

So Sanqing and the others let go of their hearts.

It's not just them, this result.

It is the result that everyone wants.

Pangu's true body was cut by Hongjun, and the Wu Clan was very angry.

But it is very helpless, and the strength is not enough.

If he had this strength, the Wu Clan would definitely fight with Hongjun.

It is a pity that the strength of the twelve ancestral witches is not so strong.

They did not dare to disobey Hongjun's words, they could only remember hatred in their hearts.

I can only think of destroying the demon race after ten thousand years.

"Hmph!" "

Let your demon clan go today, and in ten thousand years it will be your time to die!" Di

Jiang snorted coldly, and then left with all the witch clan.

Disappeared above the void.

Only the demon clan is left here.

Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi, where the Guild Hall Dijiang said.

I couldn't be too happy in my heart, and shouted: "God bless my demon clan1"

Not only Dijun, but all the demon clans are very happy.

They didn't expect that Hongjun would cut through Pangu's true body.

Di Jun felt that as long as he went back this time.

It is possible to develop a way to deal with the witch race.

After tidying up for a while.

Di Jun took the rest of the demon clan back to the Heavenly Court.

The two Lich races suffered heavy losses, but if they really compared.

Or the demon race lost a lot.

Compared with the beginning, the demon race is already more than half.

After all the Lich clans left, Tang Yuan appeared.

After observing the surroundings.

He increased his urging for the creation gourd.

Let it absorb the fierce aura around it faster.

Because there is too much fierceness here, if you don't speed up.

I'm afraid it's going to take a long, long time.

There are millions of miles around here are corpses, bones and whatnot.

Around this.

There is also an endless fierce aura.

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