"What happened just now, how can you have such a strong aura!" came

the exclamation in the egg, Kong Xuan did not expect it.

The strength in Tang Yuan's body was so strong.

Just for a moment, Kong Xuan's opinion of Tang Yuan in the egg changed again.

At first, he thought that Tang Yuan was just a passerby, an ordinary cultivator.


wasn't until he discovered the strength just now that he changed Kong Xuan's previous thoughts.

"Okay, I'm willing to go with you!"

Kong Xuan said directly without hesitation.

Tang Yuan was imposing, and he didn't look like a bad person.

I think it's right to follow him.

"Hmm!" Tang

Yuan said indifferently, and then waved his big hand.

Directly rolled up the big golden egg and flew towards the distance.


Penglai Sanxian Island.

"Meet Immortal Venerable!" said

the creatures on the island respectfully after Tang Yuan returned.

It was very respectful.

At this moment, the number of people on the island is increasing, like a force.

Tang Yuan did not respond, but nodded slightly.

Then he came to Huang Zhongli's side.

He did not feel bad about the creatures on the island.

Instead, he often instructed them one or two to help them practice.

Let their strength improve a little faster.

After placing Kong Xuan.

Tang Yuan didn't care for the time being,

he was still an egg.

There is no incarnation, staying next to the ultimate innate spirit root Huang Zhongli.

It can also speed up the birth of Kong Xuanhua.

After all, in Tang Yuan's island, the aura is rich.

It is more suitable to give birth to untransformed creatures.

It can speed up the practice of others, and it is also very safe.

It will not be affected by the two Lich races.

Tang Yuan came to the place of retreat and cultivation.

Seeing the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Although he didn't like Hongmeng Purple Qi, he wanted to understand the mystery.

Flood barren land.

Walking is a beautiful woman like a flower.

Her face was a little sad, obviously troubled by why.

The person walking was Nuwa, who had no feeling of Hongmeng purple qi for ten thousand years.

So he came to walk in the flood.

Let's see if you can get some insight.

Nuwa came to a high mountain and looked at some demons fighting the witch clan in the land.

With a thoughtful look in her heart, she sighed:

"The two Lich races are warlike, if only there was a newborn race!"

After Nuwa said this, her heart throbbed.

A sudden epiphany in my heart.

I understood where my Taoist heart was.

"It turns out that my Dao is creating races!" As

soon as the words fell, the understanding in Nuwa's heart became clearer again.

I feel that my way is 100% the same as I think.

At this moment, in Nuwa's heart.

The hazy scene suddenly became clear.

This made her happy.


Thinking about it, Nuwa turned into a streamer.

Fly towards the location of Penglai Sanxian Island.

For nothing else.

When Nuwa felt it, she felt it.

If you want to preach, you must go to Penglai Sanxian Island.


Tang Yuan opened his eyes from the retreat and said softly.

Then the whole person disappeared into the main hall.

"Senior brother, Nuwa asks for a meeting!" Nuwa

came to the outside of Penglai Sanxian Island and greeted her.

She was apprehensive.

Although Tang Yuan is a senior brother of Xuanmen.

is also Nuwa's senior brother.

But she felt that she had no intersection with Tang Yuan.

I don't know if this time I can come as I wish.

Even if Tang Yuan didn't give it, Nuwa had nothing to do.

There is no way, Tang Yuan's strength is mighty.

Except for Hongjun, no one was sanctified before.

He is the first person under the recognized saint.

You mighty do not say it in your hearts, but you have long acquiesced in your hearts.

"Come in!" Just

as Nuwa was thinking, Tang Yuan's words came.

The guardian array on the island also disappeared.

Nuwa was overjoyed and quickly entered the island.

After entering the island.

Someone received Nuwa.

Lead her to Tang Yuan.

"I've seen Senior Brother Tang Yuan!" after

seeing Tang Yuan, Nuwa greeted.

"You're welcome, Junior Sister Nuwa, please take a seat!" After

seeing Nuwa coming, Tang Yuan made a gesture of invitation.

As a courtesy.

Whoever it is, the visitor is the guest.

As long as he doesn't come to cause trouble, Tang Yuan will be polite.

Even people from the demon race are treated equally.

"Senior Brother Dao's island is really unique!" "

It really makes Junior Sister envious!" Nuwa

sat down and looked at the surrounding scene.

At this time, Tang Yuan and Nuwa were in a pavilion in the place.

The surrounding scene is only a small part of the island.

There is such a vision.

Let Nuwa be a little amazed.

"Junior sister is wrong, come and taste the fruit!" said

Tang Yuan politely to the fruit on the stone table.

"Senior brother is really a good opportunity. "

To be able to get such a

spiritual root!" exclaimed Nuwa, although she did not have an innate spiritual root.

But he knew what the spirit root looked like, after seeing the appearance on the fruit.

I recognized it.

After being surprised, Nuwa picked up a Huangzhong Li and ate it.

Then, the two talked for a while.

Tang Yuan looked at Nuwa and asked.

"Junior Sister Nuwa didn't know what happened this time?" Tang

Yuan wouldn't believe that Nuwa would come for no reason.

Moreover, he has no intersection with Nuwa.

Suddenly coming to visit, it must be something to ask for.

"It's not a secret, Junior Sister came to enlighten the opportunity for sanctification this time!" "

I came here to borrow spiritual objects from Senior Brother!"

Nuwa did not hide it, and said it directly.

"Junior Sister is talking about the Three Lights Divine Water and the Nine Heavens Rest!" Tang

Yuan understood that Nuwa was going to create people and become holy immediately.

And the items she needs are all here.

I understood Nuwa's intention.

"Yes, this is it!"

said Nuwa quickly.

She immediately understood.

When he snatched the gourd vine in the first place, why was his chance here in Tang Yuan.

It turned out to be nine days of rest.

"I hope Senior Brother will borrow me, after the matter is completed."

"Just as Junior Sister owes you a favor!"

said Nuwa with a big wave of her hand.

A small red flag appeared in the hand.

It exudes the breath of innate weather, many innate texts.

It is one of the five square flags, the off-the-ground flame flag.

It is the ultimate innate spirit treasure, which Nuwa obtained when she divided the treasure rock.

"It is the opportunity for the sanctification of junior sisters. "

Senior brother, wouldn't you give it!" Tang

Yuan accepted the ultimate innate spirit treasure.

The Three Lights Divine Water and the Nine Heavens Rest Soil appeared in front of him.

Then it fell into the hands of Nuwa.

For Nuwa to become holy, Tang Yuan would not stop it.

Even if he stops it, then Hongjun will talk to himself.

That's not good.

When Tang Yuan's strength was not as strong as Hongjun's.

I don't want to go against him.

"Thank you Senior Brother Tang Yuan!" Nuwa

accepted the Sanguang Divine Water, and there were still nine days of rest.

With this, sanctification is at hand for her.

After getting the Three Lights Divine Water and the Nine Heavens Resting Soil, Nuwa didn't stay here much.

After saying goodbye to Tang Yuan in a hurry, he left.

Nuwa came to a certain place in the flood wilderness.

The Three Lights Divine Water and the Nine Heavens Rest Soil were taken out.

The two are mixed together.

Nuwa pinched it with her hand and then injected the law of creation.

Before long, a clay figure came to life.

This thing is delicate and clear, and has facial features.

The wings are moving on the ground.

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