Nuwa looked at the small and delicate appearance, and her heart was overjoyed.

At the same time, the Hongmeng purple qi in her body was like water digesting the land.

Quickly integrated into Nuwa's body.

In this way, Nuwa pinched one after another.

In just a moment, a thousand people appeared in front of her.

After pinching a thousand clay figures.

Nuwa felt a little slow.

Then he took out the gourd rattan that Tang Yuan gave before leaving.

Then with a wave of his big hand, he stained the gourd vine with the soil of the Three Lights Divine Water and the Nine Heavens Resting Soil.

The rattan waves, and mana is injected.

Countless Terrans appeared in front of Nuwa.

This action only stops for a while.

She watched herself create countless human figures.

He spoke to them, "You will become a Terran in the future!" As

soon as the words fell, a huge aura of merit appeared above the nine heavens.

The merit of the sky falls vertically.

Unstoppable, like thunder, overwhelming.

Merit landed, divided into ten layers, and eight layers fell on Nuwa.

Another layer fell on the Terrans.

The last layer falls on top of the innate gourd rattan.

An infusion of merit.

Directly let the gourd vine become a meritorious spiritual treasure

, and Nuwa's cultivation rose in a straight line.

From the middle of the quasi-saint period, the skyrocketing sainthood stopped.

After Nuwa became a saint, a powerful coercion filled the heavens and the earth.

Suddenly, Dao sound bursts echoed back and forth in the void.

Purple qi came east, and the earth surged golden lotus.

Ruixiang is thousands of lights.

Countless creatures knelt on the ground.

They were panicking in their hearts, and their legs and feet were already soft.

Such a vision is not much different from what Hongjun saw when he was first sanctified.

The strong coercion made everyone panic.

This is the second time that the living beings of the flood wasteland have seen each other.

Nuwa sanctified.


Hong Huang Dai knew all of them, and their expressions were very different.

The people of the demon clan are very happy, according to reason.

Nuwa is sanctified and is Fuxi's older brother.

He is also a member of the demon clan.

After Di Jun knew this, he led all the demon races and knelt down and said, "

Congratulations to Nuwa Niangniang!"

He felt that the saint's power was extraordinary.

In the future, if there is Nuwa to help, then there will be no need to worry about dealing with the Wu Clan in the future.

Just look at Hongjun and know that he single-handedly cut Pangu's true body.

The strength is incomparable.

However, this is only one aspect.

Di Jun also had an unhappy mood, that is, after Nuwa became a saint.

The status may skyrocket, and the prestige will be higher.

But this is just a little, more hope that Nuwa will come forward to help the demon clan.

Nuwa's reputation rose after she became holy.

Directly surpassed Tang Yuan, second only to Hongjun.

There is no way, the power of the saint is too strong.

They can't worship it or not.

In this era of strength, strength is everything.

Of course, there are also people who are unhappy.

One of the most unpleasant people is the Wu Clan.

The ancestral witches knew that Nuwa belonged to the demon clan.

Although it is not added on the surface, in their opinion.

After all, it is the demon race.

They don't want Nuwa to be sanctified, so they pay attention to it for a while.

The ancestral witches stopped paying attention.

They just honored Pangu, even if Nuwa became holy.

Nor can it influence its attitude.

After that, the twelve ancestral witches gathered in Pangu Hall.

They had to prepare and raise the Twelve Heavenly Gods to the Great Array.

Only then is the power that is qualified to compete with the saints.

Sanqing was also upset, they thought.

He is a Pangu Yuan God, and his status is noble

, and he is not the first to become a saint, so he wants to change to Tang Yuan.

Sanqing's heart can still feel a little better.

After all, Tang Yuan's strength is high, and he is a senior brother of Xuanmen.

The first sanctification is nothing.

But Nuwa is different, she is a disciple of Xuanmen.

Status, status, strength are not stronger than Sanqing.

How can it be the first to be sanctified.

At this moment, Tong Tian's eyes were hot.

After he felt this power.

Although there is some displeasure in the heart, it is only a desire for strength.

It's not jealous eyes.

A determination burned deep in Tongtian's heart.

I think that my own sanctification will be so strong in the future.

Yuan Shi is different, he is proud and proud.

At this time, Nuwa became holy and was very jealous.

Although he did not say.

But the expression can already be fully reflected.

Lao Tzu looked indifferent, but there was still some displeasure in his heart.

There is no performance.

The power of the saint naturally cannot be concealed from the Western two.

After receiving and Zhun Ti knew that Nuwa was sanctified, they were very envious in their hearts.

Also jealous.

The two complained about why the West was so barren.

Why didn't the Heavenly Dao give them sanctification first?

To say that the shock is the least, it is Tang Yuan.

In Tang Yuan's memory, Nuwa was the first to become sanctified.

Although he himself is a senior brother of Xuanmen.

He should be the first to be sanctified, because Senior Brother Xuanmen.

Before Nuwa was not sanctified.

The great powers in the flood wilderness will feel that Tang Yuan is the first to become holy.

After all, he showed his strength and was the first person under the saint.

But Tang Yuan himself would not care who became holy first.

Don't be afraid of saints.

Although he is not a saint, he has the capital to fight against saints.

Although you can't beat the saint, you can escape.

You must know that he has innate treasures, as well as the Nine Axes of Opening the Heavens.

All kinds of rules, all in hand.

Even saints can compete one or two.

If it is someone else, it may be inferior to the saint.

Even if it is a quasi-saint peak, it is one step away from being a saint.

That is just ants in front of the saints.

In the later life, Zhen Yuanzi knew that his strength was at the peak of the quasi-saint.

He is also the same generation as a saint, but he is not a saint after all.

When facing the saint, you have to grovel.

Having said that, Tang Yuan knew it in his heart.

If it is not necessary.

Until sanctification, there is no opposition to the saint.

After all, the strength of the saint is very strong, and it is not easy to deal with.

No matter how powerful you are, it's the same.


said Tang Yuan softly, and then disappeared into Penglai Sanxian Island.

He knew that after Nuwa became holy, he would leave.

Head to the middle of chaos to open a dojo.

Then the Terrans had no one to protect, and Tang Yuan left to shelter the Terrans.

You must know that the Terrans are the protagonists of heaven and earth in the future.

Protect the Terrans, and you can get the luck of the Terrans.

Luck in the flood, that is very powerful.

Look at the afterlife, the dispute between the three religions.

The disciples of the three sects made many calculations, and there were many wars.

The Truncated Sect also fell into decline.

In the end, it's still for luck.

If you are lucky, even if you face a saint, you will have enough confidence to fight.

After Nuwa felt the power of the saint, she glanced at the Terrans.

Then, just as he was about to leave, he saw a figure appear.

Without waiting for Nuwa to speak, after this person appeared, he directly handed over his hand:

"Meet Nuwa Niangniang!"

After leaving Penglai Sanxian Island.

The first time came to the direction where Nuwa was.

Nuwa is now a saint with a noble status.

So Tang Yuan wanted to change the title, which was a respect for the saint.


Tang Yuan, who is a master brother, wants it.

"Senior Brother Tang Yuan is just here

!" "These newborn Terrans, I hope you take care of them

!" "The main palace is going to Chaos to open a dojo!"

said Nuwa to Tang Yuan.

In her opinion.

The Terrans are nothing more than an opportunity for sanctification.

As for how the Terrans develop.

Nuwa doesn't have this kind of mind management.

Now she is a saint.

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