Hong Huang has long been not where Nuwa went.

Need to go to chaos.

The Terrans looked up and looked at Nuwa, who was about to leave.

With a blank look in their hearts, they had just been born.

I thought that Nuwa would be by their side well, but I didn't expect it.

Hearing her leave so soon.

Because the Terrans were created by Nuwa, when she said she was leaving.

The Terrans felt like orphans and helpless.

"Niangniang is good to go, the Terran will be handed over to me!"

said Tang Yuan, very happy in his heart.

He came here to shelter the Terrans.

Now that Nuwa said this in person, she didn't have to open her mouth.

After listening to Tang Yuan's agreement, Nuwa simply nodded.

Didn't speak again.

So he got up and flew towards the chaos.

Nuwa's actions made all the dissatisfaction in Di Jun's heart disappear.

He had thought that Nuwa would be in the flood.

If that's the case.

Dijun felt that his status might be reduced.

Because Nuwa is a demon race after all, and a saint.

The identity has long been no better than before.

Nuwa's dojo is in chaos, so it will naturally not affect Dijun's position.

Why, after Nuwa became sanctified.

Every move is in Di Jun's observation, just to know where Nuwa is going.

After Nuwa left, Tang Yuan stood above the void.

Looking at the Terrans below, I was very touched in my heart.

Thinking about the Terrans today, and the people they crossed over.

How long did it take to evolve.


the Holy Master!" all the races bowed their hands and directly honored Tang Yuan as the Holy Master.

The Terrans are now born and have nothing to come into contact with.

I only knew that Tang Yuan was going to protect himself.

Out of Terran instinct.

Respectfully call Tang Yuan a holy master!"

"Wait for the birth of Er, you need to find a suitable place to survive!"

said Tang Yuan indifferently.

I thought about where it would be better to move the Terrans.

Because the flood famine is now during the Lich War, there are countless dangers.

Although the Terrans are innate Dao bodies, they do not have a cultivation method.

It can be said that there is no chicken power in hand.

Wherever you are, you will encounter danger.

After thinking about it, Tang Yuan finally decided to move them to the East China Sea.

Because the East China Sea is relatively close to the dojo of Penglai Sanxian Island, there are few monster beasts.

Although it cannot be completely avoided.

But compared to its desolation, there are much fewer other places.

Within the four seas, they all know Tang Yuan's reputation.

In this area, no one dares to cause trouble.

Whether it is the demon race or the witch race.

Don't dare.

Dragon Clan's words, needless to say.

Although they did not submit to Tang Yuan's forces.

But he respected Tang Yuan very much.

With the Terrans there, the danger factor will be greatly reduced.

Then, with a wave of his hand, Tang Yuan rolled up the Terrans in front of him.

Then it flew in the direction of the East China Sea.

The Terrans looked dazed, they didn't know what was going on yet.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared above the East China Sea.

Before they could even react, they appeared in another place.

"Thank you, Holy Master!"

all the clans said in thanks.

They are grateful to Tang Yuan, for now.

The Terrans were helpless, Tang Yuan's action.

But it gives them a sense of security.

Tang Yuan was also satisfied in his heart, at this moment.

He had that feeling.

The luck of the Terrans is blessed on themselves.

Obviously, in order to help the Terrans, luck was blessed on Tang Yuan.

He was extremely satisfied.

After migrating all the Terrans, Tang Yuan did not immediately teach them to survive.

Rather, let them survive here for a while.

Get used to it.

Because as soon as you are born, if you want to fly, you have to learn to walk.

In the blink of an eye, the Terrans survived in the East China Sea for three months.

During the three-month period, the Terrans were very uncomfortable.

But the bad guy knows some basic survival and knows how to eat.

But eat raw food, with blood.

They don't know how to make a fire and can only eat raw food.

Some people left the East China Sea in search of food.

The larger number of people, the greater demand for food.

Although the East China Sea is big, it cannot be satisfied with everyone's food.

To this.

Tang Yuan didn't say anything, there were so many Terrans.

Nor can it be fully taken into account.

As long as most of the Terrans are still in the East China Sea.

After all, a small part does not affect the overall situation.

Among the Terrans, there are three who keep an eye on the development of the Terrans.

I worry about food every day.

But the three of them have more than enough and are not enough.

They are also just born, and they can only be said to be a little clever.

There are not many survival skills.

It's just a little better than other races.

The three are, the Flintstones, the Chao clan, and the Jianyi clan.

He is revered as the three ancestors of the Terran race.

They are the three most prestigious people among the Terrans.

Terrans sometimes enter the jungle in search of food.

When encountering powerful prey, it will be injured and even killed.

Faced with this situation, the three ancestors of the Terran race were very helpless.

"What to do, how can I defeat the beast!"

said the Flintstones with a sad look.

The gathering of three is to discuss solving the beast.

The power of the beast is infinite, it is very fierce, and it is a problem for them at present.

"It's better to consult the Holy Master, it will definitely be solved!"

said Chao.

In their hearts, Tang Yuan could do anything.

But they knew that the Holy Master could not be disturbed.

That's why I didn't ask for it.

Now the situation is a last resort, they have this idea.

"Second brother is right, we should go to the Holy Master!"

said the Jianyi clan, among the three.

The Flintstones are the largest and the Chao clan is second.

Speaking of the Holy Master, they each fell silent for a moment.

After a while, the three reached an agreement.

So he was ready to leave to ask Tang Yuan for help.

"I've seen the Holy Master!" Just

as the three ancestors of the Terran race wanted to leave, they saw a person descending in the sky.

The person who came was Tang Yuan.

In fact, Tang Yuan had already come.

Just listening to the three of them talking here, they didn't bother.

It wasn't until after listening that Tang Yuan appeared.

After listening, Tang Yuan felt that the three of them were really smart.

Sure enough, it is the three ancestors of the Terran race, and the wisdom is indeed remarkable.

"Your problems are well known.

"I'm here to help you." Tang

Yuan also felt that if the Terrans had no one to guide their development.

It is extremely difficult to rely on their own words alone.

"Thank you Holy Master!"

the three ancestors of the Terran tribe thanked together, at this moment.

They were even more respectful of Tang Yuan.

Then, Tang Yuan led the three ancestors of the Terran race to the jungle.

First teach them how to make a fire.

Tang Yuan planned to use the most primitive drilling wood to teach them by fire.

The Terrans will do nothing now.

Although it is an innate Dao body, it is no different from ordinary people.

So the most basic survival still starts with fire.

Fire can not only illuminate the darkness, cook food.

You can also protect them.

When facing the beast, the Terrans will not seem so powerless.

"Teach you how to make fire today!"

said Tang Yuan to the three ancestors of the Terran race.

"There is Master Lao!" the

three ancestors of the Terran were very ignorant, but they were very respectful in their hearts.

They didn't know what fire was, so they were curious and expectant.

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