
that case, we'll put the ten brothers in one place

!" "So that they can have company!" Xihe's

tears almost came out.

After discussing for a while, the two decided to put ten small golden crows in Yutani.

It's a big place.

Very suitable for small golden crow to go.

The aura is extremely rich and it is a blessed place.

"What, big brother, you really want to do this!" After

Donghuang Taiyi knew this, he came directly to Dijun.

He loves the ten little golden crows.

In the Heavenly Court, except for Dijun and Xihe.

Belonging to the Eastern Emperor Taiyi cares about these ten golden crows the most.

So after the Donghuang heard the news that Xiao Jinwu was locked up.

I didn't believe it.

So I came to the door and asked Di Jun if there was such a thing.

"Second brother, the eldest brother doesn't want to.

"But if you don't do it like that." "

It is inevitable that there will be people in the Heavenly Court who will mess with the army's heart!"

Di Jun patted the Donghuang on the shoulder and spoke.

The two of them have a good relationship and will discuss anything together.

The same is true now.

It's not that Donghuang Taiyi doesn't know this, but he doesn't think it's okay.

It is thought that there are so many people in the Heavenly Court.

Burn some and some, no big deal.

"Well, that's what big brother said!"

"But we're going to find a bigger place."

"Can't suffer children!" Donghuang

Taichi was like an older brother at this time, that kind of magnanimity.

There is no tyranny at all.


brother rest assured!" replied

Di Jun, as for the place.

He had already found a good deal with Xihe.

A few days later, Dijun personally sent them to Yutani.

In the very center of Yutani, there is a Fuso tree inside.

It is one of the top ten spiritual roots and is extremely rare.

Then the formation was arranged inside.

Let the ten little golden crows concentrate on practicing and playing there.

The formation is arranged just in case they will sneak out.

And as long as the formation is arranged, the sun real fire will not come out.

It won't hurt the demon clan by mistake

, and in locking up Xiao Jinwu, Dijun and Xihe didn't care much.

Because the two of them thought, just need to go every once in a while.

Just take a look.

You don't need to pay attention every day.

After all, the affairs in the Heavenly Court are busy, even when they are in the Heavenly Court.

Nor will he take care of Jinwu very often.

More often, Donghuang Taiyi went to play with them.

On this day, when playing in the top ten golden crows.

While he was having a great time, a Taoist came outside.

The Taoist is an old man with a magnificent breath.

Come to Yutanaka and walk in front of the ten golden crows.

"Who are you

!" "Dare to disturb our brothers to play!" a

little golden crow saw this person appear, and said directly.

Although they did not contact anyone except the demon race.

But Dijun often told them.

If you encounter a stranger, you will be treated as a danger.

"Don't be afraid, princes, I am a member of the demon clan.

"I came here today but I was bullied by the witch clan.

"So come here!"

said the man with a ruddy face and a smile.

"You said that you are a member of the demon clan, chased by the witch clan?"

said the largest of the ten golden crows.

They were the sons of Dijun.

The matter of the Wu Clan has long been known.

But since Di Jun didn't say it, he wouldn't let Jinwu know.

Therefore, the golden crows only know that there is a witch clan, and they do not know what it looks like.

"Yes, the people of the Wu clan are extremely hateful!"

"They don't put us demon clans in their eyes at all.

"He also threatened to wipe out our entire demon clan!" said

the man exaggeratedly, looking pitiful.

It's believable.

"What, the Wu Clan is so arrogant

!" "It's a pity that we can't get out anywhere!" "Otherwise, we

will definitely go and teach the Wu Clan a good lesson!"

The body exudes true fire from the sun.

They are unworldly and easily deluded.

Now it's being said.

Fooled at once.


didn't I have a big formation when I came in!This

person pointed to the outside road

and deliberately flashed out to show that there was no formation.

"Really, big brother, let's hurry up and go out and have fun!"

"The outside world must be very exciting.

"By the way, we can repair the Wu Clan

!" "Let their actions pay a price!"

a little golden crow began, they have been here for a hundred years.

I didn't like it for a long time.

Now there is such a good opportunity, naturally will not let go.

"But didn't our father say

that!" "We can't leave here, it's dangerous outside!"

a little golden crow began, feeling that something was wrong.

But I couldn't think of it for a while.

After all, this large array did exist before, but now it has disappeared again.

There are clues, but I can't see them.

"Second brother, don't be afraid, we'll just go out for a while!" "

Father Emperor, they won't find out

!" "And if we kill all the Wu Clan

!" "Father Emperor, they will reward us!"

Xiao Jin believes that everything in the world is not his opponent.

Only itself is king.

Young and vigorous, ten small golden crows can be well illustrate.

Between the words of a few little golden crows, the person who came was already hidden in the void.

Don't let the ten golden crows be discovered.

"Did you notice that the man was gone!"

a golden crow began, as to when he saw him.

They didn't notice anything. Only known after disappearing.

"Leave him alone, if it's gone, it's gone

!" "Go, let's go to the Flood Barren World to play!"

After the ten golden crows left, a treacherous smile appeared on the face of this person.

This person manifests his true body, and then his body shines with Buddha light.

It is the saint of the West who is provincial.

Zhun Ti came here but let Xiao Jinwu out.

Now the goal has been achieved.

He was happy to blossom.

Although the formation arranged by Di Jun is very strong, he is also a saint.

The strength is incomparable.

It can be broken with a wave of the hand.

"What's going on, it feels like something is going to happen!"

said Di Jun in the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, touching his head.

He felt something was happening, but he couldn't figure it out.

"Husband-kun, maybe you've been too tired lately,"

Xi He said, looking at Di Jun.

"It could be!" responded

Di Junhui.

Then I stopped paying attention to it.

After all, he was busy in this world, and he was working on the affairs of the demon race every day.

What Di Jun didn't know was that at this time, ten little golden crows had already gone out.

Heading to the Flood Barren Land.

At this moment, the flooded land is a mess everywhere.

Ten small golden crows are equal to ten suns flying in the flood.

The sun on their bodies is really hot.

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