Everywhere you pass, the grass and trees are reduced to ashes.

Whatever it was, it's gone.

The animals that were originally walking on the Flood Barren Continent have turned into dust.

The Sun True Fire is extremely domineering, on ordinary creatures.

It is simply irresistible.

But fortunately, the ten golden crows are only close to sparsely populated places.

Although there were countless deaths and injuries, it was much better than in crowded places.

"Jinwu is moving!" Feeling

such momentum, Tang Yuan looked at the void.

A little surprised in my heart.

Then after careful calculation, it was found that the heavenly machine was blurred at this time.

Extrapolated to no result at all.

"It must have been done by the Western two!"

said Tang Yuan softly, and if he wanted a person

, he couldn't hide it from Tang Yuan at all.

For now, Sanqing is impossible.

They have already separated, and it is impossible to join forces to cover the heavenly machine.

Yes, but not at the moment.

As for Nuwa's words, there is no need to say it at all.

She is a demon race, and she will not do this at all.

There is no need to say anything about Houtu, although she will do it.

But she couldn't.

Now the Houtu is already in the six realms of reincarnation.

Can't get out at all, can't cover the sky, so exclude.

Then only the two saints of the West remain.

In Tang Yuan's previous life, the Western Two Saints did just that.

Nothing has changed now, either.

Ten suns descended on the flood, and life was ruined.

Everywhere it passed, it was reduced to ashes, and nothing could escape.

Whether it is a mountain or a lake, as long as it is passed by the golden crow.

The ten golden crows descended on the flood, and the other creatures were simply unable to resist.

But the witch clan won't.

In the face of the Ten Golden Crows, the people of the Wu Clan were killed and injured countless times.

Although they have strength, they can't catch up with Jinwu,

so they will be sunburned alive.

"Kill my people, hurry up and give me death!" said

a strong man, pointing to ten golden crows.

This strong man is a great witch in Zhurong Zuwu.

His name is Father Quao, and he is strong.

The temper is very hot.

Today, seeing the golden crow descend on the world, it made the flood wilderness chaotic.

Father Qua couldn't bear it.

"Who are you, don't you know who we are?"

"When your people die, they die!" "

You dare to be so rude to us."

A Jinwu said it, feeling very unhappy.

They have been in the flood for so long, and no one has ever spoken to them like this.

Now Father Qua said so.

But it them off.

"Hmph!" "

I am the Great Witch of the Wu Clan, Father Quao."

"Today you have burned my people

!" "Prepare to die!" Father

Quao's eyes widened angrily, and his heart was full of hatred.


!" "It turned out to be the Wu Clan

!" "It's such a coincidence, I'm going to make you look good today!"

At first, they didn't know who was in front of them.

Why it happens.

Now Jinwu knew that it was the Queen of the Wu Clan in front of him.

Anger skyrocketed.

Endless flames poured on the earth, burning countless living beings.


screamed countless creatures.


Father Qua waved his hand and took a wooden stick in his hand.

Then Father Quao's figure began to skyrocket, just in the blink of an eye.

Father Kwa was already ten thousand feet tall, higher than the void of Jinwu flying.

"We are the prince of the demon clan, if you attack us today

!" "My father and emperor will definitely not let you go!!"

I want to use Dijun's prestige to press.


!" "It turned out to be the son of Di Jun, no wonder he dared to be so presumptuous

!" "You have committed a heinous crime

today!" "I praise my father for Tianxing Dao today!"

The golden crow descended on the world, and countless people suffered.

The Wu Clan was damaged, how could Father Qua let it go.


Qua shouted violently and beat the wooden stick over.

Almost knocked a golden crow to the ground.

The difference in strength between the two is too great.

So just in terms of momentum, Jinwu has a feeling of fear.

"Go, let's go, he's so big.

"Definitely can't catch up with us!"

a golden crow began.

After the other Jinwu listened, he quickly came back to his senses.

And then flew forward sharply.

Jinwu's speed was very fast, and in a blink of an eye, he left Father Qua a hundred miles away.

They were a little proud, looking at the flames they emitted.

Father Quao's heart was full of anger, and there was no way.

Although Jinwu's cultivation is not very high, it is very fast in speed.

Father Kwa could only hold a wooden stick in his hand and run on land.

From a distance, a huge figure appeared in the earth.

With time.

The farther he chased, Father Quao was very thirsty.

Sucked the surrounding lakes dry.

There is no way, the sun is really overbearing.

Even the praise father of the body of the Great Witch could not resist.

After drinking a dry river.

Father Qua continued to chase after him.

Ten shining suns are running before the Father.

No matter how Father Qua chased after him, there was always a little distance from Jinwu.

Every time he ran, Father Qua had to drink water.

This drinking water is not ordinarily small, the amount is extremely large.

As soon as you go down, the whole river is gone.

I don't know how long I chased, but Father Qua stopped.

Looking at the ten golden crows flying in front of him.

"Hmph!" "

The Wu Clan also wants to fight against us."

"Today is your time to die!" Xiao

Jinwu saw that Father Kwa's footsteps stopped and stopped flying.

Instead, use words to provoke the Father.


!" "I praised Father to fight with you today!" Father

Qua gasped, picked up the wooden stick and continued to chase.

Seeing this, Jin Wu continued to fly in front.

Xiao Jinwu wants this effect.

I just want to see my father's uncomfortable appearance.

Ten Jinwu were a little smarter at this time, knowing that Father Qua would not last long.

He was consumed all the time.


with a loud bang.

Father Kwa could no longer hold on and fell heavily to the ground.

Die of thirst by the sun's real fire.

After the wooden stick in his hand fell to the ground, it immediately turned into a forest.

Appears on land.

The body directly transforms into a majestic mountain.

Standing between heaven and earth.


!" "How powerful I am to be a witch clan

!" "It seems that it is just that!" The

ten golden crows were happy, and they appeared in the flood wilderness for the first time.

He fought with the witch clan, and he won.

It gives them a sense of pleasure.

A big witch was sunburned to death.

You must know that in the Wu clan, in addition to the ancestral witch.

It is that the status of the Great Witch is high.


!" "You miscellaneous birds, dare to kill my brother Father Quao

!" "Today is your time of death!" Among

the ten golden crows, only a rough voice was heard.

Then a long arrow flew towards the golden crow.

The speed of the arrows was so fast that they caught them off guard.

Shot a golden crow directly.

was shot at the golden crow, and immediately lost his breath.

Then the sun around the real fire disappeared.

The entire Jinwu body quickly fell towards the land.

"Sixth brother!"

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