The rest of the golden crows were terrified.

They felt death coming.

For this arrow, with their cultivation, they are completely unable to resist.

The person who shoots the arrow is Hou Yi, and he is a good brother with Father Quao.

The kind with good feelings.

After Houyi returned from hunting, he found that Father Qua was not in the tribe.

Ask to know that it is after chasing Jinwu.

So he immediately followed, hoping to help Father Quao.

But I didn't expect that it would be a scene of the fall of his father.

This made Houyi very angry.

"Die!" Hou

Yi did not stop, and immediately shot five more arrows.

Only five screams were heard, and then five golden crows fell from the void.

The remaining Jinwu was very panicked and faced Houyi's arrow.

I don't know how to deal with it at all.

Hou Yi's arrow is specially used to deal with Jinwu, and it is extremely powerful.

So after the golden crow shoots, it will die.


!" "Go back to the Heavenly Court!" the

biggest golden crow hurriedly urged the remaining golden crow to run.

He is the eldest brother and does things more steadily.

As soon as the big golden crow said, the remaining four golden crows immediately flew up.

Took his speed to the extreme and flew in the direction of the Heavenly Court.

"Want to go, are you leaving!" Hou

Yi snorted coldly, and immediately shot a few arrows.

Go straight to the four golden crows that fled.

In just the blink of an eye, three more golden crows fell from the void.

Fell in the arrow.

Only the last golden crow remained, and it was flying hard.

"The last one!" Hou

Yi was full of anger and did not kill the nine golden crows.

And feel a touch of joy.

Because Father Qua has fallen, the only thing that can be done is it.

It is to kill this last golden crow.

Hou Yi's speed was very fast, and he immediately shot the last arrow.

Directly chase the last golden crow.


as the last arrow hit the last golden crow.

There was an extremely gloomy voice in the sky.

Then a huge bell blocked the arrow.


powerful aura razed the surrounding millions of miles to the ground.

The impact of the bell knocked Houyi into the land and was seriously injured.

The person who dropped the bell was none other than Donghuang Taiyi.

He just happened to be returning from patrolling outside.

When I saw this scene, I made a move.

"Death to this emperor!"

snorted coldly.

The Chaos Bell in his hand slammed into Houyi again.

In the blink of an eye, a huge clock can be seen in the void.

At a rapid speed,

Houyi was originally injured a lot.

And the difference in strength between the two is too big, Houyi is the peak of Da Luo.

Donghuang Taiyi is a powerhouse at the peak of quasi-saints.

With one blow, Hou Yi was already close to death.

As long as the Eastern Emperor Tai fights repeatedly, he can kill him.

"Die!" Just

when Donghuang just wanted to make a move, Zhurong appeared.

Stopped the Chaos Bell's attack.

But it was Di Jiang who came to support with Zuwu.

After seeing that Dijiang came, Donghuangtaiyi's face was unwilling.

Then he took Xiao Jinwu back to the Heavenly Court.

After the Eastern Emperor left, many merits were sent to the sky.

The golden crow descended on the flood and killed countless living beings.

Houyi killed Jinwu, not only to avenge Father Quao.

It is also beneficial to the flood and desolate beings, and the Heavenly Dao will show that for

a while, the luck of the Wu Clan is much higher than before.

Hou Yi also recovered a lot from his injuries under the infusion of merit.

Moreover, he also elevated his cultivation to the early stage of quasi-sainthood.

The words of the demon race are contaminated with many causes and effects.

The ten golden crows belong to the demon race, and they are infected with cause and effect.

But it is all counted on the entire demon race.

It's not just the demon race who is upset.

Even the Western Two Saints are not happy.

Despite all this, the two saints of the West did not come in to participate.

But the cause is that the two people who are allowed to mention and receive cover the heavenly machine.

Then deliberately lured Jinwu to the flood.

So the West is also involved in cause and effect.

And the biggest beneficiary is Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan knew that the ten golden crows had descended to the world.

I knew that Jinwu was not far from death.

In the process of the golden crow falling, they put away all their corpses.

Don't underestimate this corpse.

They have no breath of life, but the body is definitely a good thing.

They are golden crows, and their origin is more precious than innate things.

And the arrows on Jinwu's body are also good.

It is made by melting various rare essences.

Taking the body back is like picking up a treasure.

After disposing of Jinwu's body, Tang Yuan put it in his body.

Now he is already a Chaos Spirit Treasure in his body.

Although there will be no shortage of resources in general.

But the golden crow corpse is a rare thing, and it will improve when you put it in.

In the world in Tang Yuan's body, there were only endless changes.

There is no cap.

As long as you put in enough rare objects and whatnot.

That will lead to a better world.

"Well, it's not bad!" After

completely integrating the corpse into it, Tang Yuan felt a slight change.

Since he was promoted to Chaos Spirit Treasure in his body.

It's hard to change because there are so many items to consume.

That's why Tang Yuan felt a hint of satisfaction.

And Tang Yuan didn't have to worry that the demon clan would find out.

As he went to collect Jinwu's body.

Tang Yuan was very careful and hid in the void.

Except for the saint Teti to discover, otherwise it is difficult to detect.

Although Tang Yuan was discovered, there was nothing.

But cause trouble during the Lich Wars.

It's something a normal person wouldn't do.

Although Tang Yuan's strength is strong, he doesn't want to make trouble for no reason.

In the Heavenly Court, Eastern Emperor Taiyi told Emperor Jun and Xi Hehou what happened.

The two of them didn't know how sad it was.

Especially Xihe.

The whole person has no mental state.

Ten golden crows were her sons, and nine were gone at once.

As a mother, you can imagine the feelings.

"Your Majesty, Yutanaka. "

There is already a large array of shelters, under normal circumstances. "

It's impossible for Little Jinwu to go out.

Bai Ze stood up and said.

"That's right, what Bai Ze Demon Saint said is reasonable

!" "I have already calculated it just now, and now the heavenly machine is chaotic!"

"It's nothing at all!"

Fuxi also said at this time, for this matter.

Everyone speculated and felt that things were not so simple.

After listening to Fuxi's words.

Di Jun's face became serious.

He knew the reason for the chaos.

Can hide from the flood wilderness people.

It must have been done by a saint.

Di Jun looked into the distance, his eyes flashing with endless ruthlessness.

Just by looking at it, you can feel his anger.

The endless sun manifests its true fire.

Startled many demon races.

This was one of the few times Di Jun was angry.

However, Fuxi and others also understood that Jinwu was Dijun's child.

A normal person would do this.

However, Di Jun was still very sober at this time and was not overwhelmed by hatred.

He knew the current strength of the demon clan.

If you want to go against a saint.

It's not a good deal.

Moreover, the power of the saint, Di Jun, cannot be defeated.

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