Unless the entire demon clan is assembled and the Zhou Tian Star Array is set up.

Otherwise it would be impossible.

After all, the saints below are all ants, and the quasi-saint peak is just a larger ant.

Xi He was different from what Di Jun thought, in her opinion.

No matter who put it out.

Whoever kills Jinwu will seek revenge on whomever he wants.

Xi He only knew that it was Houyi of the Wu Clan who killed his own children.

In the following period, he kept sending people to pay attention to Houyi's movements.

As soon as there is a chance, it will be done immediately.

This is a hundred years.

Although Xihe has the strength of the quasi-saint mid-stage, Houyi is in the quasi-saint early stage.

Strength is not simple.

In the witch clan again, this is if you do it clearly.

That is bound to attract the entire Wu clan, and the situation will not be good at that time.

And when it comes to sneak attacks, there is very little consideration.

In the case that the difference in strength is not very large, it is difficult to succeed in a sneak attack.

So Xihe is willing to wait.

She believes there will always be a chance to strike.

During the period of Xihe and so on, the Wu and Terrans developed very well.

There are many intermarriages between the two communities.

After a hundred years of observation, Xihe finally seized an opportunity.

That is, Houyi fell in love with a Terran.

Then take advantage of the time when the two of them are together.

Xi He called Emperor Jun and Donghuang Tai to capture Hou Yi in the Heavenly Court.

After successfully capturing Houyi, Xihe did not kill Houyi right away.

Instead, he sealed Houyi's true spirit.

Transform him into Wu Gang, and then cut down the laurel tree day and night, day

after day.

Hou Yi was tormented every day because of the sealing of the true spirit.

Various tribulations.


The flood famine does not remember the year, and with the passage of the world.

In the development of the Terrans, intermarriage with the Wu tribe was a common thing.

At first it was just a few, then there were many.

A large number of them.

As a result, the luck of the Wu Clan and the Terran Clan was connected.

When the two races get married, luck is naturally linked together.

During the intermarriage between the Terrans and the Witches.

Wuzhuang Guanzhen Motoko preached among the Terrans.

Preparing to establish the Dixian Mansion, he was also preparing to recruit countless people.

The reason why Zhen Yuanzi can think of it is because before.

Tang Yuan visited once.

Reminded Zhen Yuanzi.

Then after thinking about it, Zhen Yuanzi felt that it was feasible at this time.

Zhen Yuanzi is at the peak of the quasi-saint, as long as the strength is not a saint.

None can be defeated.

If you are a saint, you also have a way to deal with it.

After all, Zhen Yuanzi still has the Book of the Land in his hand.

For Tang Yuan's words, Zhen Yuanzi didn't believe it.

I'll think about it too.

In the current flood waste, there is no one who does not know Tang Yuan.

Knowing that Tang Yuan's prestige is great, there is also this power.

And Tang Yuan also helped Zhenyuan.

What's more, if you still know each other, it can be regarded as an intersection.

On this day, he officially established the Earth Immortal Mansion.

Zhen Yuanzi invited the saints and the flood wilderness.

In Wuzhuang Guan, the number of people is as large as cattle.

He invited many people, and all the saints were invited.

But none of the saints came.

Only their disciples came.

It can be said that it is already very face-giving.

Zhen Motoko didn't say anything more.

It's also normal to see such a situation.

Although he is a quasi-saint peak, he is a great god at the same time as the saint.

But none of this can be compared.

A saint is a saint, and his identity is also very different.

"Congratulations to Senior Zhenyuan, I am here to congratulate on behalf of Master Venerable!"

Kong Xuan led the power of Penglai's lineage.

Came to the Wuzhuang view of Zhen Yuanzi.

Before Kong Xuan did not come.

These other three sect disciples have already arrived.

Kong Xuan was the last.

"Thank you Kong Xuan Xiaoyou, thank you Xuanhuang Daozun for me!" Zhen

Yuanzi accepted three Huangzhong Li.

Seeing this Huang Zhongli, others were very envious.

I thought how good it would be if Huang Zhongli could get it.

After everyone had sat down, they started chatting.

Here, Kong Xuan can clearly feel it.

The disciples of the other three sects looked at the forces of Penglai's lineage with disdain.

The people that Kong Xuan brought with him were almost about to start.

But fortunately, Kong Xuan stopped him.

He knew, if only watching.

That's no need to do it.

But if they really want to make trouble, Kong Xuan will definitely go up.

In the teaching, Guang Chengzi's gaze was extremely disdainful.

I kept looking at Kong Xuan.

Posed as if he was going to do it.

Guang Chengzi is a big disciple of the Interpretation Sect and is very much cared for by Yuan Shi Tianzun.

So as soon as Guangchengzi came out, no one was afraid.

He didn't think there was any terror about the forces on Penglai Island.

I thought I wanted to learn about it today.

"Senior Brother Kong Xuan, I heard that the power of your Penglai line is very strong

!" "I wonder if Junior Brother has a chance to learn it today!"

As soon as he said this, the people next to Kong Xuan were not calm.

The sacrifice of weapons is about to be fought.

Fortunately, he was stopped by Kong Xuan.

Seeing that Kong Xuangang wanted to speak, Zhen Yuanzi spoke:

"Can you give me a face, if you want to discuss." "

Let's talk later!" Zhen

Yuanzi, as the master here, if he didn't stand up and speak.

Then they can really fight.

Fighting here, no matter how you say it, it's not good for Zhen Yuanzi.

The disciple of the Interpretation Sect was injured, how did Zhen Yuanzi explain to Yuan Shi Tianzun.

And if Kong Xuan was injured, it would be difficult to explain to Tang Yuan.

It's hard to do on both sides, they are saints.

The best thing to do is to tell them not to fight.

Kong Xuan did not continue to speak, but ate.

"Then it is according to what Senior Zhenyuan said!"

Kong Xuan did not make too many calculations with Guang Chengzi.

Seeing this, Zhen Yuanzi's heart relaxed slightly.

I think Kong Xuan is good and reasonable.

Unlike Guang Chengzi, he is a master brother of the Interpretation Sect, and he actually does some things on weekdays.

In the teachings, there are many people who do not like Hiroshiko.

Knowing that Yuan Shi Tianzun favored him.

Even if he told Yuan Shi Tianzun about Guang Chengzi's behavior, he only turned a blind eye.

Guangchengzi saw that Zhen Yuanzi spoke.

It has also converged a little.

Renjiao Xuandu saw all this in his eyes and did not think it was true in his heart.

He is the only disciple of Lao Tzu, since he became a teacher of Lao Tzu.

The personality is very similar to Lao Tzu.

Look at nothing and do nothing.

"Thank you for coming today!" "Thank you

saints for me!" said

Zhen Yuanzi standing on a high place and speaking to everyone.

"Kong Xuan, congratulations to Senior Zhenyuan!" said Kong Xuan,

who was better than his master.

He has more respect.

You won't lose your courtesy.

"Hmph!" After

Kong Xuan finished speaking, a cold snort came from the disciples of the Interpretation Sect.

A very dismissive tone.

Although the sound was not loud, it was heard by Kong Xuan.

"Who said that!"

Kong Xuan turned his head to look at the disciple of the Interpretation Sect, showing a gloomy gaze.

Not causing trouble does not mean that you can tolerate it again and again.

"Senior Brother Kong Xuan, Senior Brother just coughed

!" "Why get angry!" Guang

Chengzi stood up with a smile and looked at Kong Xuan.

This result is what he wants.

"Guang Chengzi, if you want to come to the competition today, I will accompany you today!"

Kong Xuan snorted coldly, ready to teach this Guang Chengzi a lesson.

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