The Chaos Pearl, along with the 36th-grade Chaos Green Lotus, the Axe of Creation, and the Jade Butterfly of Creation, are listed as the four great Chaos Treasures of the prehistoric world. Moreover, the 36th-grade Chaos Green Lotus and the Axe of Creation were shattered when Pangu created the world, and evolved into many other treasures. The Jade

Butterfly of Creation was also mostly shattered.

The broken Jade Butterfly of Creation was obtained by Hongjun Daozu, who also successfully proved his Dao with the help of the broken Jade Butterfly of Creation and became the first saint in the world.

The Chaos Pearl can be said to be the only one of the four great Chaos Treasures that remains intact.

In the past, countless great masters have frantically searched for the whereabouts of the Chaos Pearl.

Among them, the earliest batch of great masters, including Hongjun Daozu, Luohou Demon Master, Zulong, Zufeng, Zuqilin, etc., have all looked for the Chaos Pearl.

These great masters have almost turned the entire world upside down.

But they still haven't found the Chaos Pearl.

Later, everyone thought that the Chaos Pearl was probably completely shattered in the great catastrophe of the creation of the world.

In this way, this wave of"treasure hunting fever" slowly passed.

Now, Li Yi got the Chaos Pearl in this way, and he was so excited. The

Chaos Pearl contains a complete chaotic world, which is independent of the prehistoric world, not under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Dao, and is free from the rules of heaven and earth.

It can be said that the Chaos Pearl is priceless, and it is many times more precious than the Tai Chi diagram, Pangu Banner, and Chaos Bell.

Because the Chaos Pearl is independent of the prehistoric world, even if the prehistoric world collapses, the Chaos Pearl will still exist. The primordial spirit of the saint is entrusted to the Heavenly Dao, and it seems to be as long-lived as the sky, immortal.

But if the prehistoric world collapses, then the saint can only collapse.

Then, Li Yi has the Chaos Pearl. Even if the prehistoric world collapses, he can hide in the Chaos Pearl and escape the catastrophe of the world.

It is precisely because of this that the great masters of supernatural powers such as Hongjun Daozu, Luohou, Zulong, Zufeng, and Zuqilin have been searching for the whereabouts of the Chaos Pearl so frantically.

In the system mall, the Chaos Pearl is also rated as an 8-star divine item, and the exchange price is as high as 100 billion luck points.

If Li Yi relies on himself to slowly accumulate luck points, who knows when he will accumulate enough points to exchange for the Chaos Pearl?

This time, he made a lot of money. As soon as he thought about it, he took the Chaos Pearl back into his soul.

"Is the world of Xiaoao holding a national sacrifice? It seems that Yue Buqun has done a good job. This time, he must be rewarded well!"

Li Yi's eyes moved and he vaguely saw countless figures crawling on the ground and worshiping him.

Among these countless figures, he saw Yue Buqun


Laughing at the world.

On the outskirts of the capital.

There used to be a vast forest here, but now it has been completely flattened. A newly built, magnificent and huge altar has replaced the original forest.

This altar covers an area of 10,000 acres.

On the top of the altar stands a huge statue of a god that is more than ten meters high.

There are nine pedestals, each with an exquisite fence carved from white jade.

In addition, there are nine stone steps extending down.

Under the bottom pedestal, there is also a huge white stone square.

From a distance, this altar looks extremely magnificent and has a solemn and sacred atmosphere.

This is the"Tianzun Altar" that the court has recently gathered countless manpower and material resources to build.

At this moment, the Tianzun Altar is full of people kneeling.

At this moment, Emperor Jiajing, the Empress, and the Imperial Master Yue Buqun are kneeling under the statue on the top floor of the altar.

Civil and military officials are kneeling on the square below.

Further away, there are kneeling 100,000 imperial guards.

It has to be said that Yue Buqun is indeed very resourceful. After entering the capital, he directly used his extraordinary martial arts to sneak into the palace, find Emperor Jiajing, and then show the means of the Grand Master in front of Emperor Jiajing.

In this world, before Yue Buqun rose, the closest people in the world were only top-notch warriors.

There was no innate.

The immortals (grandmasters) on land were even more distant legends.

As for the Grand Master, it was unheard of.

The Grand Master's terrifying force value of casually controlling the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and even a punch and a kick, which could collapse mountains and cut off rivers, was undoubtedly a means of immortals in the eyes of Emperor Jiajing.

What's more, on the day when the miracle came, Emperor Jiajing also heard the voice of the gods and felt the majestic breath of the gods.

He also learned from Jinyiwei that there was a miracle coming to Huashan, and Yue Buqun was the messenger of the gods.

Therefore, when he saw Yue Buqun coming and saw the immortal means shown by Yue Buqun, he immediately sealed Yue Buqun as the national teacher without hesitation.

Yue Buqun also passed on the"Taiyi Visualization Method" to Emperor Jiajing.

After Emperor Jiajing comprehended this secret method and saw the majestic figure, he also became a believer of the Great Heavenly Venerable.

Next, everything was easy.

First of all, Yue Buqun, the great master, helped Emperor Jiajing"clean up" the court and cleaned up all the high-ranking officials and dignitaries who had been trying to completely undermine Emperor Jiajing over the years.

Those who should be beheaded were beheaded!

Those whose property should be confiscated were confiscated! Those whose clans should be exterminated were exterminated!

In just three days, more than hundreds of officials and families in the capital were bloodbathed by Yue Buqun.

Afterwards, countless big businessmen and big families who colluded with foreign races were all exterminated by Yue Buqun.

These people also tried to organize assassins and even armies to deal with Yue Buqun.

However, in front of Yue Buqun, the great master, they were all scum, and they were all killed by him with one sword.

Throughout the Ming Dynasty, countless dignitaries were horrified and secretly called Yue Buqun a"demon master" in fear.

Since then, the Jiajing Emperor, who was about to be sidelined, completely took control of the government, and no one dared to oppose it.

The first thing the Jiajing Emperor did after he completely took control of the government was to issue an order to the whole country, ordering all people to believe in the"Central Hunyuan Taiyi Great Heavenly Lord" and to build temples for the Heavenly Lord in all places.���Regular sacrifices.

Moreover, the imperial edict also stipulates that, except for the Great Heavenly Venerable, all other gods are false gods and wild gods, and the people are strictly prohibited from worshipping them.

As soon as this imperial edict came out, the world was in an uproar.

The major sects were even more violently opposed.

The immortal gods they believed in were actually defined as false gods. How could this be?

Where should they go in the future?

However, it was useless for the world to be in an uproar, and it was useless for the major sects to oppose. Whoever dared to oppose or make trouble would be immediately suppressed by the army.

The Jiajing Emperor, who now has full control of the government, is powerful to the peak, and his means are unprecedentedly tough.

In a word, if you don't listen, you will be suppressed.

Moreover, after the people heard that they would respect the"Central Hunyuan Taiyi Great Heavenly Venerable" as the only true god, they did not oppose it as violently as they imagined.

Because now the whole world knows that there is a true god appearing on Huashan Mountain.

Moreover, on the day when the true god appeared, everyone in the world heard the voice of the true god.

What's more terrifying is that the true god instantly killed all the monks in the world on that day.

Since this Great Heavenly Venerable is a true god and is so terrifying, why not believe in him?

The entire Ming Dynasty soon calmed down again.

Of course, there are definitely undercurrents... but they can no longer affect the overall situation.

Today is the day that Yue Buqun and Emperor Jiajing agreed to hold a national sacrifice to the Great Heavenly Venerable. On this day, in addition to Yue Buqun and Emperor Jiajing, who led hundreds of civil and military officials and 100,000 imperial guards to worship the Great Heavenly Venerable in the"Heavenly Venerable Altar".

Officials from all over the country in the Ming Dynasty also led the people from all over the country to worship the Great Heavenly Venerable in front of temples.

"Imperial Master, has my god really come?"

Jiajing approached Yue Buqun and asked anxiously.

"Your Majesty, rest assured. I have held two sacrifices, and my god descended. This time, we are holding a national sacrifice, and my god will definitely show his holiness."

Yue Buqun smiled and said firmly

"That's good, that's good……"

Emperor Jiajing muttered to himself, and his heart was suddenly filled with anticipation.

He knew that Yue Buqun was granted a lifespan of 500 years by the Great Celestial Venerable.

In the past, Emperor Jiajing also believed in alchemists, and didn't he do it to prolong his life?

Now that he had the chance to be rewarded with a long life, how could he not be excited?

At this time, the clouds above the sky turned into endless colorful auspicious clouds, waves of great immortal music came down from the nine heavens, and the sounds of dragons and phoenixes rang out.

"I... my god has descended!"

Yue Buqun, Emperor Jiajing, Empress Zhang, civil and military officials, and the 100,000 imperial guards looked up and were shocked to see that the sky above had split open, and an extremely bright divine light burst out from it.


A huge milky white beam of light descended from the sky like lightning, covering the statue in the center of the altar. Then, a dazzling figure hundreds of feet tall slowly emerged from the beam of light that connected the sky and the earth.


"The Great Celestial Master has arrived!"

"Oh my god, is this the Great Celestial Lord?"

Yue Buqun, Emperor Jiajing, Empress Zhang, as well as the civil and military officials and 100,000 imperial guards in the square,���

At this moment, they felt a pair of eyes staring at them, majestic and compassionate.

"……"Greetings to the Supreme Great Heavenly Venerable!"

Everyone kowtowed frantically, looking at the sacred and majestic figure excitedly.

In the sky, the milky white divine light like the sea of Wangyang was washing the sky wantonly. At this moment, the sky was interwoven into a sea of light by strips of divine light.

The entire Tianzun altar was completely shrouded by a vast sacred power.

In this sacred power, everyone felt that their souls were wrapped in a holy power. They put their hands together, bowed their heads, and knelt in the square.

Some people recalled their previous doubts about the sacrificial hall and the true God, and their hearts were filled with guilt. They couldn't help but cry out in pain.

He prayed, hoping that the Great Heavenly Venerable would forgive their sins.

And more people were moved by seeing the true God coming with their own eyes, and then became devout believers of the Great Heavenly Venerable.

"……"Greetings to the Supreme Great Celestial Lord!"

In the capital, countless people saw the brilliant figure emerging from the direction of the Celestial Lord's altar, and all knelt down excitedly, silently chanting the name of the Great Celestial Lord in their hearts.

Li Yi's spiritual clone was suspended in the vast divine light, feeling the strands of faith power constantly flowing towards him, and then being silently absorbed by the system and converted into luck points.

He opened his Dharma eyes and swept across the entire sky. At the same time, the huge spiritual consciousness broke out of his body and traced back to the source of these faith powers along the direction of the strands of faith power that increased out of thin air.


His divine consciousness was so huge that wherever it passed, the heaven and earth showed strange phenomena. Thunderous sounds came from the void, accompanied by faint golden lightning.

At this moment, in Li Yi's eyes, strands of extremely faint but extremely pure light and brilliance rose from the weak human souls below.

It is hard to imagine that such weak humans, such weak souls, can actually produce such pure power of faith.

Then, he had an idea.

All over the world, at the locations of the Tianzun Temple, beams of milky white divine light descended, and then slowly emerged one after another dazzling figures. The milky white divine light like a tide spread out from the beams of light, spreading in all directions, submerging cities.

The whole world has become an endless ocean of light, and everyone is submerged in the divine light.

"……Miracle, this is a miracle!"

"……"Greetings to the Supreme Great Heavenly Venerable!"

At this moment, all the people in the world went crazy. No matter if they were powerful nobles, wealthy businessmen, common people, or beggars...

Regardless of their identity or status, everyone knelt down and prayed to the Great Heavenly Venerable with great piety.

This was a day when miracles frequently occurred.

"Yue Buqun has made great contributions! I will grant you a life span of 10,000 years! I will grant you 10,000 years of cultivation! I will grant you a volume of Taoist scriptures! I will grant you the secret of all characters!"

"Emperor Jiajing has made great contributions! He grants you 1,000 years of life!"

"Empress Zhang has made great achievements! Grant you 500 years of life!"

"The rest of us have all been baptized by divine light and all diseases have been cured!"

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