The boundless ocean of light disappeared.

The dazzling figures that were hundreds of feet tall also disappeared.

However, the Ming Dynasty could not regain peace for a long time.

Such a grand miracle was too shocking.

Under the impact of such a miracle, countless believers who originally believed in other gods abandoned their original beliefs and turned to believe in the Great Heavenly Venerable.

All the people in the world prostrated on the ground.

For a long, long time!

All the people in the world slowly stood up again.

At this moment, their eyes looking at the Temple of the Heavenly Venerable were full of fanaticism and worship.

"Hahahaha, the stubborn disease that had troubled me for decades was cured without any treatment."

"Me too. My left eye was injured when I was young and I couldn't see anything. Now I can see again."

"Wife, look, my broken leg has grown back"

"Hahaha, hahaha, I have tuberculosis, a terminal illness. The doctor said that I don’t have much time left, and told me to cherish the remaining days and choose a good Feng Shui location for after my death... But now I’m fine!"

"Thank you very much for your blessing and curing my illness!"

"I, Ma San, will come to worship the Great Heavenly Venerable every month to thank the Great Heavenly Venerable for restoring my broken arm."

"The Great Lord cured my terminal illness without any treatment. I will definitely build a temple for the Great Lord in the village and call on the whole village to cast a golden statue for the Great Lord.……"

When the people of the world regained consciousness, many people found that their difficult and stubborn diseases were cured without treatment.

Even people with missing limbs grew new limbs again.

As a result, the world was shocked again.

Countless people cheered happily.

Some people who had lost hope in life and were even waiting for death to come, at this moment, were excited to kneel on the ground again, and kept kowtowed with tears, thanking the Great Heavenly Venerable for making them normal and thanking the Great Heavenly Venerable for giving them a new life.

This day is enough for countless people in the Ming Dynasty to remember in their hearts.

All living beings will never forget it.

It was also from this day that almost no one rejected the Great Heavenly Venerable as the only true God.

As for other gods, Buddhas, immortals... the people of the Ming Dynasty disdained them.


I have worshipped you for so many years, but I have never seen you really show your spirit.

They are all a group of false gods.

The Great Heavenly Venerable is still effective.

The Heavenly Venerable Altar.

Yue Buqun, Emperor Jiajing, and Empress Zhang also prostrated themselves on the ground for a long time, until the divine light that filled the heaven and earth completely dissipated, and then they slowly stood up.

Then, all the civil and military officials, as well as the 100,000 imperial guards, also stood up.

At this moment, everyone felt the changes in their bodies.

Everyone was very excited.

"1000 years of lifespan. The Great Celestial Lord has granted me a full 1000 years of lifespan. Hahahahaha. From ancient times to the present, there has not been a dynasty that has existed for 1000 years, and there are few emperors who have lived for more than 60 years.……"

"My life span is now 1,000 years, which is longer than the life of a dynasty in the past. This is simply amazing."

"Moreover, this is just the beginning. As long as I continue to worship the Great Heavenly Venerable, listen to the Great Heavenly Venerable's teachings, and spread the Great Heavenly Venerable's morality, I will ensure that you will receive more gifts!"

"……Who knows, I might have a chance to become the first immortal emperor."

Emperor Jiajing couldn't suppress his excitement and laughed loudly on the altar.

His excitement at this moment was like waves and raging tides.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, enjoy a thousand years!" Empress Zhang congratulated Emperor Jiajing with great joy.

"Queen, you are not bad either. You have also been granted 500 years of life by the Great Celestial Lord.……"

Emperor Jiajing laughed and held Empress Zhang's hands tightly.

"Yes! I never expected that the Great Lord would be so generous. We have to thank the Great Lord."

Empress Zhang was also very excited. She had gained 500 years of life out of thin air.

This was something she had never dared to imagine.

Yue Buqun smiled at the excited Emperor Jiajing and Empress Zhang, seemingly calm.………But in fact, he was even more excited.

This time, he was rewarded with a full 10,000 years of life.

10,000 years of life!

What a long time it would be.

Yue Buqun himself could hardly imagine it.

What's more, he also got a powerful method called"Taoism Scripture".

He took a quick look and found that the practice method of this"Taoism Scripture" was completely out of the scope of martial arts. It could be said to be a real method of cultivating immortals.

Open up the sea of suffering, release the potential of the human body, and embark on the road of true cultivation.

The four secret realms!

Achieve transcendence step by step.

The cultivation of immortals mentioned in this"Taoism Scripture" exceeds martial arts by thousands of times.

He also discovered the difference between the"Taiyi Visualization Method" and the"Taoism Scripture"

"The"Taiyi Visualization Method" is undoubtedly much more profound than the"Taoist Scriptures". In fact, the"Taoist Scriptures" are as small as dust compared to it.

But strictly speaking, the"Taiyi Visualization Method" is not a specific method of cultivation, but a method that contains countless truths and can make people understand various truths.

In addition, it is also a method to temper the soul and will.

However, if you want to cultivate to become an immortal through the"Taiyi Visualization Method", it is undoubtedly too difficult.

Because the Tao and principles contained in it are too profound, it is difficult to fully understand them, unless you reach the same realm as the Great Heavenly Venerable.

Therefore, this"Taiyi Visualization Method" is a multifunctional auxiliary practice.

It can help cultivators quickly understand various cultivation difficulties, temper the souls of cultivators, and change the physique of cultivators to a certain extent.

However, if you want to truly become an immortal, you still have to rely on a cultivation method with specific cultivation steps.

"The Dao Sutra is such a method.

"My God was thoughtful and gave me this"Tao Sutra" so that I can practice step by step according to the steps in it.……"

Thinking of this, Yue Buqun was extremely grateful to Li Yi, the Great Celestial Lord.

In addition to the"Tao Sutra", he also obtained the"Secret of All Words"."

""All words are secret", from the dark world

"" Everyone's Secret", after being triggered, can increase the combat power tenfold.

When Yue Buqun saw the explanation of"Everyone's Secret", he was immediately stunned.

He couldn't imagine that there was such a mysterious secret technique in the world.

"Imperial Master, today, the Queen and I have received such a generous gift from our God, all thanks to you."

Emperor Jiajing took Queen Zhang to Yue Buqun and said gratefully.

He was also envious of Yue Buqun for receiving a reward of 10,000 years of life.

But he was not jealous, because he knew that Yue Buqun was a messenger of the gods, and it was normal for him to receive more rewards.

More importantly, the rewards he received were enough to make the emperors of ancient and modern times jealous and crazy.

"Your Majesty, you are too kind."Yue Buqun said with a smile:"Helping Your Majesty is also helping myself. I have also received generous rewards, and I have not worked in vain."

""Hahaha, the Imperial Master is right, this is a win-win situation for us."

Emperor Jiajing laughed, and so did Empress Zhang.

The civil and military officials in the square, as well as the 100,000 imperial guards, looked at Yue Buqun, Emperor Jiajing, and Empress Zhang, who were chatting and laughing on the altar, with great envy.

These three people all received a lot of life rewards.

Take Empress Zhang, who received the least life reward, for example, it was 500 years!

500 years!

The vast ocean can turn into mulberry fields.

How long is this?

"The Imperial Master can live for more than 10,000 years, Your Majesty can live for more than 1,000 years, and Empress Zhang can live for more than 500 years... In addition, now that the Ming Dynasty is blessed by the Great Heavenly Lord, I can hardly imagine what our Ming Dynasty will become in the future. Perhaps, we will soon create an unprecedented dynasty.……"

The civil and military officials were all thinking excitedly.

Emperor Jiajing walked to the edge of the altar, facing the civil and military officials and the 100,000 imperial guards. His eyes were filled with deep majesty.

"Are there still people who say that it is wrong to honor the Great Heavenly Venerable as the only true God of our dynasty?"

"Some people now say that it is wrong to consume a large amount of manpower and resources to build the Tianzun altar and to order the construction of Tianzun temples in various places?"

"Are there still people who say that I am a tyrant and that the Imperial Master is a demon who brings chaos to the country?"

Emperor Jiajing said this sentence by sentence, his eyes like a sharp sword that split the chaos, looking directly at those officials who did not agree with his approach.

"It is we who are ignorant, your majesty is wise, and the imperial teacher is wise!"

The officials who had previously disapproved of the actions of Emperor Jiajing and Yue Buqun all knelt down in shame at this moment.

"I will spare you this time, but from now on, I don't want to hear any discussion that is not conducive to the promotion of my belief in God. Those who violate it will be executed!"

Emperor Jiajing said in a deep voice, and a murderous intent suddenly flashed in his eyes.

The kneeling officials trembled slightly and hurriedly thanked Emperor Jiajing:"Thank you, Your Majesty, for forgiving our sins. From now on, we will devoutly worship the Great Heavenly Venerable and do our best to spread the morality of the Great Heavenly Venerable."

"That's right!"

Emperor Jiajing nodded with satisfaction, and then said loudly to the civil and military officials and the 100,000 imperial guards:

"I guess you are all envious of the three of us now, envious of the long life we have been given by God. But you also have this opportunity"

"This world is very big. In addition to our Ming Dynasty, there are also ethnic groups such as Khitan, Jurchen, and Mongolia on the northern grasslands. In the further north, there are even countries such as Loulan, Wusu, and Dayuezhi."

"The information brought back by the eunuch Zheng He during his six voyages to the West tells us that the world is very big and there are many countries, and our Ming Dynasty is just one of the more powerful countries."

"Next, we must first strengthen ourselves, and then spread the faith of the Great Heavenly Venerable to these foreign races and countries. At that time, whoever has made great contributions will also receive the gift of the Great Heavenly Venerable.……"

"Everyone, let us work together to build a glorious dynasty that will last for thousands of years and spread the faith of the Great Heavenly Venerable to every corner of the world."

Jiajing said at the end, and suddenly clenched his right hand into a fist and swung it upward fiercely.

In an instant, all the civil and military officials and the 100,000 imperial guards were boiling with excitement, and a blazing flame burned in their eyes.

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