Primordial World

"Laughing at the World: 100 Luck Points are generated every day. After a hundredfold increase, it will be 10,000 Luck Points."

"Condor Heroes World: 1 Luck Point is generated every day. After a hundredfold increase, it will be 100 Luck Points."

"Datang World: 10 points are produced every day. After a hundredfold increase, it will be 1000 luck points."

"Fengyun World: 1,000 luck points are produced every day. After a hundredfold increase, it is 100,000 luck points."

In the points interface, there is a new point production place in the Condor World. In the Smiling Proud World, after this national sacrifice, the daily output of luck points has also increased from 10 luck points to 100 luck points. After a hundredfold increase, it is 10,000 luck points.

"The points that can be produced in the low-level martial arts world are still too few."

Li Yi saw that the Smiling Proud World still only produced 100 luck points every day even after the whole country believed in him, and he couldn't help but shook his head slightly.

Different worlds have different luck, and the luck they can provide is also very different.

Fengyun World is a high-level martial arts world, and the luck points it can provide are much more than the low-level martial arts world like the Smiling Proud World.

The Xiongba in the Fengyun World is just barely unifying the martial arts world, but this world can already produce 1,000 luck points every day, which is more than the current Smiling Proud World.

"It seems that we need to pay more attention to those high-level worlds in the future."

Li Yi closed the points interface and opened the mall interface again.

""Dao Dao Law Fragment, 5 stars, 100 million luck points!"

He stared at it for a while, then spent the 100 million points he had just received and bought another Dao Dao Law Fragment.

Now, there are a total of 4 Dao Dao Law Fragments stored in his system space.

Li Yi roughly estimated that as long as he accumulated enough Dao Dao Law Fragments, he could transform his"Tai Yi Dao" into Dao Dao Law, and then he could be promoted to Quasi-Sage smoothly.

It is precisely because of this that the luck points he has obtained recently have basically been used to exchange Dao Dao Law Fragments.

"The luck points come quickly, but are used up even faster.……"

Li Yi glanced at the system interface and saw that his luck points had become few again. He sighed and closed the mall interface.

"I haven't been in the chat group for a while.……"

He opened the chat interface.

Witch Kankan:"Another boring day!"

Tianxiahui leader Xiongba:"Miss Kankan, you are so idle, have you helped the emperor of your world to unify the world?"

Witch Kankan:"Not yet, but since the group leader brought down the miracle, those big forces have all chosen to surrender. Now they are just some remnants, so I don't need to do it myself." Moon Worshiping Sect

Leader:"Miss Kankan, you are worthy of being a heroine. You are going to help the emperor complete the great cause of unifying the country so soon. I admire you, I admire you!"

Li Mochou:"Haha, my Gumu Sect is basically the largest sect in the world now. Wait... After I met the emperor, I asked him to become a believer of my god, and then I could promote my god's faith throughout the country."

Witch Wan Wan:"Hey, sister Mochou is so fast? Didn't you say last time that there were only you and your junior sister in your Tomb Sect? How did you become the world's number one sect so quickly? (Shocked.jpg)" Moon

Worship Sect Leader:"Same question!"

Li Mochou:"It's very simple. The world I live in is just a declining low-level martial arts world. Let alone a grandmaster, there is no grandmaster. In the innate realm, more than 20 years ago, there was a Wang Chongyang, and then he became the world's number one master."

"After Wang Chongyang's death, there were no more innate strongmen, and even the top-notch warriors were only five or six. After my god raised my realm to the Grandmaster realm, I became invincible."

"So, I suppressed the Quanzhen Sect founded by Wang Chongyang, and then merged it into the Ancient Tomb Sect. Therefore, our Ancient Tomb Sect directly became the number one sect in the world."

Witch Wan Wan:"I see! However, one person suppressed the number one sect in the world, sister Mochou is domineering!""

Moon Worship Sect Leader:"One person suppressed the number one sect in the world, domineering!""

Kamiyo Rize:"I envy your world, your world is so fun. My world is too boring. Our ghouls fight with the human race all day long, fighting openly and secretly, either you kill me or I kill you"

"Oh, I'm really tired of this boring life... Just now, a few CCG3 senior investigators came. There are too few people this time. It's not satisfying. It would be better if there were more people!"

Witch Wan Wan:"……"

The leader of Tianxiahui, Xiongba:"……"

Moon Worshiper:"……"

Li Mochou:"……"

Several people rolled their eyes after hearing what Shen Dai Li Shi said.

This young lady is too hypocritical. She obviously feels it is very exciting, but she insists on saying it is boring.

Tianxiahui leader Xiongba:"By the way, Lao Yue hasn't been online for a long time. I wonder what he is busy with recently!"

Huashan Sect Leader Yue Buqun:"Hahaha, hahaha, today is such a happy day!"

Witch Wan Wan:"Hey hey hey, Sect Leader Yue, something is wrong today, very wrong. You are so happy. Did you encounter some big happy event?"

Tianxiahui leader Xiongba:"Lao Yue, tell us what happy event you encountered, so that we can be happy too."

Huashan Sect Leader Yue Buqun:"It is indeed a big happy event, a huge happy event! Hahaha, I am so excited"

"This time, I held a national sacrifice with the emperor, and the gift my God gave me this time was simply unimaginable. Guess what my God gave us?"

Xianxian, Xiongba, the Moon Worshiper, Li Mochou, as well as Wang Teng, Orochimaru, Golden Lion and others who were diving and peeping at the screen, all had their hearts skipped a beat.

Seeing that Yue Buqun was so excited this time, they all had a hunch that the gift Yue Buqun received this time would be very astonishing.

Xiongba, the leader of the Tianxiahui:"Old Yue, what are you guessing about? Don't hide it. Speak up!"

Witch Xianxian:"Yes, Master Yue, please speak up! I'm so anxious!"

Moon Worshiper:"I'm so anxious +1!"

Li Mochou:"I'm so anxious +1!"

Northern Emperor Wang Teng:"I'm so anxious +1!"

Orochimaru:"I'm so anxious +1!"

Golden Lion:"I'm so anxious +1!"

A row of"so anxious" were neatly arranged on the chat interface.

Even a few people who had been lurking couldn't help but come out and urge Yue Buqun to speak faster.

Yue Buqun, the head of Huashan:"Ahem... Since you all ask for advice sincerely, I will speak out of my great compassion! Everyone, please sit tight!"

"This time, my God has gifted me with a full ten thousand years of life, ten thousand years of cultivation, a"Taoist Scripture", and a"Jie Zi Mi" secret technique!"


After reading Yue Buqun's speech, everyone's mind seemed to explode with a thunder.

Everyone was stunned!

Ten thousand years of life!

That's a full ten thousand years of life!

What's more, in addition to ten thousand years of life, there are also ten thousand years of cultivation.

In addition, the"Taoist Scripture" and"Jie Zi Mi" must also be extraordinary skills.


Everyone's mentality exploded.

Envy made their eyes red.

Northern Emperor Wang Teng:"Fuck, Sect Leader Yue, you actually got a reward of ten thousand years of life? This is shocking. In our world, even the emperor standing at the top can only live for ten thousand years in one lifetime."

"What realm are you at now? I guess you are not even as good as the Dao Palace cultivators in our world. He actually has a life span of more than 10,000 years... This is really shocking."

"Moreover, the group leader even gave you the"Tao Sutra" and the"Jie Zi Mi". I don't know how the group leader got them... These two skills are the top skills in our world. Each one contains unimaginable mystery and power."

In the world covered by darkness, Wang Teng stood up suddenly and looked at the chat interface in shock.

He had been in the villain chat group for quite some time.

All along, even though he knew that Li Yi, the group leader, had granted Yue Buqun, Xiongba, Li Mochou and others a lot of life and cultivation, he basically remained calm.

Because, in their world, there are also many means to do this.

But now, he can't remain calm.

Because this time, the life span that Li Yi granted to Yue Buqun was too much.

It was a full 10,000 years!

In his world, basically only the emperor can have such a long life span. Even if others are great saints, it is very good to live for six or seven thousand years. What's more

, there are not many great saints. Ninety-nine point nine percent of them cannot break through to the Immortal Stage.

And among these people, only a few can live for a thousand years.

Now Yue Buqun, a warrior in the mortal world, can live for more than 10,000 years.

This really shocked him.

In addition, Li Yi, the group leader, even he...���The supreme inheritance of the world's"Tao Sutra" and"Jie Zi Mi" can be obtained across countless worlds.

Such means are simply unpredictable and unimaginable.

Xiongba, the leader of the Tianxiahui:"Old Yue, damn it, my God actually rewarded you with a lifespan of 10,000 years? Your luck is too good."

In the Tianxiahui, Xiongba's mentality also exploded.

He has always wanted to compete with Yue Buqun.

Therefore, after seeing Yue Buqun unify the world, he also set out to unify the world. After seeing that Yue Buqun was ready to promote the belief in the Great Heavenly Venerable to the whole world, he was also ready to do the same.

But now, Yue Buqun is always one step faster than him.

Now he has even completed the national sacrifice.

He also received such an unimaginable generous reward.

At this moment, Xiongba's heart was simply envious and jealous to the extreme.

"Damn Tianmen, damn Sou Shen Palace, and damn Wushen Jue Palace, you actually dared to stop me from unifying the martial arts world and the world. I swear to suppress and destroy you all."

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