Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 36: Ah? It smells so good!

"Brother, what was that will just now?" Kuafu's face was gloomy, and he really couldn't believe it in his heart.

The first time he focused on the white stone man, it was a little blurry, but he felt it very clearly just now.

"It's the breath of the Father God!"

His eyes swept across the dense boulders in the earth veins, and Houyi turned and walked.

Kuafu followed closely behind him, and a few steps away, they passed through the flowing golden glow.

A towering and majestic sacred mountain, shrouded in endless Xuanhuang aura, suddenly appeared before their eyes.

The breath of the Father God was even stronger than the foot of Buzhou Mountain earlier.

The familiar breath that came to his face was almost comparable to Pangu Temple!

Pangu Temple was transformed from the heart of the Father God, and the twelve ancestors of witches and most of their witch clan were born from it.

At present, Buzhou Mountain in this mysterious space has such a strong breath of the Father God.

Moreover, Wu Man and others once said that every time a vein is dredged, the breath will become stronger.

Houyi thought of the Buzhou Mountain, which had been gaining power repeatedly. It was probably because of this space.

What was the rise of the Wu Clan? It turned out that the changes in the Buzhou Mountain had nothing to do with them. It was all because the earth veins were purified.

What was the connection between this place and the prehistoric land?

The origin of Tianyuan became more and more mysterious. The more he knew, the more he could not understand.

They were the authentic Pangu. It was the Wu Clan who should be responsible for purifying the earth veins and restoring the will of the Father God.

Houyi was stunned as he looked at the sacred mountain surrounded by the Xuanhuang Qi in front of him.

Kuafu, who was looking at the Buzhou Mountain with reverence, saw that Houyi did not respond for a long time, and asked softly: "Brother, why are there two Buzhou Mountains in the world?"

The breath of the Father God could not be wrong. This was the most puzzling thing for Kuafu.

Houyi shook his head and bowed to the sacred mountain.

"Go up the mountain and have a look!"

After that, he strode forward and completely stepped out of the range of the earth veins.

The gray sky and the land under his feet are the same as the outside world, but there is always a sense of unreality.

Feeling the breath of living beings, a wisp of black will flew over.

Houyi frowned slightly and reached out to grab it in his palm.

It has no fixed shape, like clouds and mist, and keeps struggling back and forth in his hands.

He noticed something when he was fighting just now, but these things avoided it from a distance and never approached, but now they are rushing towards him.

Houyi, with a gloomy face, squeezed his right hand slightly.

With a sound of "bang" and a piercing scream, the will exploded and turned into countless black air and fled to the distance.

Kuafu, who was following beside him, was curious, and his huge palm swept down in the air, and a few wisps of black air disappeared in his palm.

Kuafu glanced at his palm, but didn't care, and stepped to follow Houyi.

In the gray void, there was a strange sound, and those black wills seemed to know that the two were extraordinary, and they dared not come forward again.

The sacred mountain was in front of them, and they arrived in a short while.

He touched the sacred mountain, and the vast, ancient breath swept over him, and the memory sleeping deep in his blood gradually revived.

At this moment, it seemed as if an ancient figure stood in front of him, looking down at the sky.

"Father God. The breath of Father God is so honest!" Houyi bowed to the ground, shocked in his heart, how dare he step on the sacred mountain.

Houyi also understood why those witches still went to comb the earth veins obediently after being captured by Tianyuan.

In addition to the benefits, there is more of the breath of Father God Pangu.

The Buzhou Mountain in the prehistoric land cannot be compared with what is in front of him. This is the true will of Father God.

Seeing Houyi's strangeness, Kuafu also reached out and touched it.

The sacred mountain shrouded in the Xuanhuang Qi suddenly turned into a Chaos Demon God standing proudly and upright.

Father God, it is his Father God Pangu! The only existence they respect!

After a long time, the two slowly stood up, and Kuafu couldn't help but said loudly: "Brother, the affairs here must be reported to the ancestor witch."

The rapid growth of the number of witches is inseparable from the blood and blood left by the father god.

But as the number of people born continues to increase, the breath of the father god in the temple is gradually decreasing.

When the blood pool in the temple dries up, the breath of the father god will disappear completely.

But this sacred mountain is different. The breath of the father god is so strong, which is definitely exciting for the entire witch clan.

"Let's go to the ground vein first!"

Houyi did not answer, but looked at the ground vein shrouded by golden aura in the distance.

Judging from the situation of many tribesmen earlier, Tianyuan would never let them go out.

If you want to notify the ancestor witch, you can only wait for them to come in.

This idea flashed through his mind, and Houyi unconsciously crossed a certain thought in his mind.

At first, he felt a little ridiculous. Those were the twelve ancestor witches born from the blood and blood of the father god. The body of the ancestor witch is far from that of the great witch.

But the sacred mountain in front of him, and the two powerful stone men just now, made Hou Yi a little dazed again.

The laws controlled by the two stone men just corresponded to him and Kuafu.

From Wu Man, they also saw other stone men for the first time.

Is it a coincidence, or are there more stone men in this space? Hou Yi didn't know.

Seeing Hou Yi's solemn expression, Kuafu scratched his head and walked behind with a gloomy face.

He wanted to call Tianyuan, but the pride in his heart made Kuafu unwilling to do so, which was too embarrassing.

The vein in front of them was much larger than the one they just appeared.

Standing in the middle, looking left and right, you can hardly see both sides.

As for the front, it is endless, with only dense stones in sight.

They are of different colors, strange shapes, large and small, and the surface is almost bumpy, which looks a bit disgusting.

"That damn stone man actually caught us to dredge and purify the earth veins!" Kuafu was angry and crushed a piece of strange stone.

They were the great witches of the tribe, only inferior to the witch clan, not to mention that he was also among the top among many great witches.

Apart from a few ancestor witches, who else in the world dared to drive them?

The big hand waved past, and many strange stones along the way were crushed into powder and dissipated in the air.


Kuafu, who was venting his dissatisfaction, exclaimed and looked at his big hand carefully.

"Law, law, there is actually a law!" Kuafu widened his eyes and immediately looked at Houyi beside him.

But he saw Houyi also standing in a daze, with incredible eyes.

The law is extremely weak, almost undetectable, but they are Daluo Jinxian, and they will definitely not sense it wrong.

Wu Man once said that dredging and purifying the earth veins can quickly improve strength, but they didn't care too much.

How difficult it is for Daluo Jinxian to improve, who knew there is such a miraculous effect.

The strange stones shattered, and a wisp of laws flowed in, sank into their bodies, and tempered their bodies.

The Wu clan had no soul, and was born with laws, but they could not feel or comprehend other laws.

And their practice, in addition to devouring monsters to increase their blood and qi, was to temper their bodies with laws.

The shattered strange stones did not contain the laws they mastered, but they could also temper their bodies.


Houyi took a deep breath and said solemnly: "We may have a chance to step out of here."

Kuafu did not respond, but roared and danced wildly with his hands.

A faint trace of laws penetrated into his body, stimulating every inch of his skin.

Kuafu was excited!

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