Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 37: Catch them all at once

"Sure enough, this is the mission of the witch clan!"

On Mount Buzhou in the prehistoric land, Tianyuan's face was full of joy.

Although he came out of the consciousness space, his perception never left Kuafu and the others.

He underestimated Pangu's position in the hearts of the witch clan, and also underestimated the benefits of the earth veins to the witch clan.

Houyi and Kuafu are not ordinary witch clans, and they are also a little smart. From their reactions, we can roughly know the situation of the next few ancestors of witches.

In order to take care of the face of the two great witches, Tianyuan deliberately left Houyi and Kuafu alone in the main vein.

The two also gained from clearing the strange stones, but it was completely different from Wu Man and the others.

The earth veins are closely connected with Mount Buzhou, and nothing can escape his perception.

Wu Man and other ordinary witch clans can only absorb subtle energy, enhance qi and blood, and use them to temper the body by dredging the earth veins. What Kuafu and Houyi gained was actually the law.

This discovery, in addition to joy, also made Tianyuan clear the doubts in his heart.

After the Zixiao Palace preached, many innate saints in the prehistoric land all followed the method of beheading the three corpses to become saints.

Although the twelve witch ancestors had their own spirits, they were extremely weak, and they had no magic weapons, so there was no doubt that they had nothing to carry the three corpses.

But in the final battle between witches and demons, the twelve witch ancestors all had quasi-saint cultivation.

The witch clan did not respect the heaven or the earth, but only respected Pangu. It was really true. Just like Pangu, they used the law to prove the way.

Thinking of the three pure ones transformed by Pangu's spirit, Tianyuan shook his head.

The three pure ones were still above the witch ancestors, and they enjoyed the most merits of opening the sky. Unfortunately, they were all trapped in the Zixiao Palace in the end.

Tianhu played his cards badly, and he was not as free as the two bald donkeys in the West.

However, because of his appearance, the prehistoric land had undergone great changes. Kuafu and Houyi were both captured by him, so they would naturally not die in the future.

As for the twelve witch ancestors, they could only take it slowly. The dredging of the earth veins cannot be done without their participation.

The situation in the three main veins is much more serious than that in the branches, and only the area near Buzhou Mountain is better.

A little further away, there are densely covered strange stones, like meteorites floating in the void, almost blocking the entire passage.

Moreover, the three main veins are much larger than the branches, and the distance they extend is also not comparable to that of the branches.

More importantly, the situation in the other three veins is even worse, and the change may be on the Wu clan.

After glancing at a certain place in Buzhou Mountain, Tianyuan strode forward.

There was a lazy guy there, lying on the ground with his limbs and eight limbs, chewing on the spirit stone in his mouth.

Tianyuan did not hide his breath, rolled over, swallowed the spirit stone in his hand like a whole date, and ran forward happily.


He shouted loudly, rubbing Tianyuan's calf, very well-behaved.

Glancing at the honest guy in front of him, Tianyuan smiled and said, "How is it, are you used to life in the mountains?"

Cuteness is innate, some people have it, and some people can't have it without it.

"Habit! Habit!" Gungun nodded repeatedly, but his little eyes were gazing at Tianyuan's calf.

Although he didn't find anything extremely rare, there were ordinary natural treasures everywhere, which was much better than the life of the Wu clan.

It was just that when they met again, he felt that the smell of his master was more fragrant.

Gungun couldn't help but stretch out his bright red tongue and gently licked Tianyuan's smooth calf.

"You fool, you are still so greedy!" Tianyuan didn't care.

With his right hand, he grabbed the void, and a stone the size of a human head with colorful brilliance appeared in his palm.

Smelling the smell, Gungun looked up, his eyes full of heat.

"Don't fall behind in cultivation!" Looking at the other party's greedy look, Tianyuan gently threw it down.

Gungun, who was sitting on the ground, hugged it with both hands in panic. "Thank you, master!"

Tianyuan smiled and strode away from the scene.

Seeing Tianyuan leave, Gungun hurriedly held the magic stone and started to chew it, his eyes shining.

There have been many natural treasures eaten in the past few hundred years, but none of them can compare to what is in front of him.

After descending from Mount Buzhou, Tianyuan quickly fled to the eastern land.

The great witches Kuafu and Houyi have been captured. The next step is to capture all the witches above the Golden Immortal in the Houtu tribe before the ancestor witch finds out.

The earth veins far away from Mount Buzhou are severely blocked, and only enough witches can clear the earth veins as soon as possible.

The early stage of Daluo Jinxian has entered the middle stage, accumulating the feedback of fifteen earth veins.

If you want to break into the late stage, the number will only be more, and you can become stronger to plan the ancestor witch.

The twelve ancestor witches all have the bodies of ancestor witches, which are not comparable to the great witches. To capture them, it is not enough to just one top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

Donghuang Taiyi, who controls the innate treasure of Chaos Bell, has not been able to break the twelve ancestor witches one by one, which is enough to explain a lot.

Maybe you can defeat the ancestor witches, or even seriously injure them, but it is difficult to capture or even kill them!

After entering the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian, Tianyuan's speed increased a lot.

This time, Tianyuan no longer had any scruples. The huge divine consciousness spread out, and all the witches above Jinxian were taken away.

In today's prehistoric land, Daluo Jinxian is already an absolutely powerful existence.

It passed in a flash, leaving behind a panicked witch tribe.

However, this time, Tianyuan did not let go of the monsters he met along the way.

Of course, in addition to the fact that they are still meat no matter how small, the main consideration is the situation of the witch tribe.

All the strong men of Houtu tribe were captured by him. If these big monsters messed up, the witches left behind would suffer.

After taking away the above Jinxian, the rest of the fighting and quarreling depended on their own abilities.

After more than ten years, he came to the place where he first met Houyi.

As his figure passed by, he sensed that there were densely packed tribes appearing, which were all areas that he had not developed.

To Tianyuan's surprise, just a few years later, he saw a large witch tribe stretching for thousands of miles.

Radiating from this place, there were also densely packed small witch tribes.

There were many witches walking in the many mountains and forests connecting the tribes.

"This should be the front of the Houtu tribe!" Tianyuan's eyes lit up, and his heart was extremely happy.

Not to mention the many small tribes around, there were millions of witches in this tribe alone.

He opened his mouth and spit out the Nine Heavens Xiran, which turned into yellow mist and wrapped around the tribe below.

Just after the sacrifice, a powerful figure ran out, and he actually had the cultivation of the early stage of Daluo Jinxian.

Tianyuan's eyes lit up, another great witch!

In addition to being good at dredging the earth veins, the great witch can also manifest the laws.

After the laws of space and force are manifested, he can clearly sense the existence of these two laws.

If it weren't for the need to capture more witches, he would have practiced in Buzhou Mountain.

Tianyuan was about to step forward, but the great witch didn't know the power of the Nine Heavens Xirang, and actually plunged into the yellow cloud.

"Great witches are all conceited!" Tianyuan muttered, and used all his strength to activate the Nine Heavens Xirang.

With an unwilling roar, the rolling yellow cloud passed, leaving behind the witches who were panicking and screaming.

In the blink of an eye, he captured more than half of the millions of witch tribes.

Without any pause, Tianyuan fled towards the many tribes that were scattered, and the witches walking along the way were not left behind.

This time, no one would stop him, he wanted to catch enough!

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