"Alright! That's all! "

Taiyi shook unwillingly and wrote it down, and said hatefully: "This dog thief, I remember your appearance and breath, in the future, I will personally get this account back." "

At this time, in the innate array of a certain valley in the western continent, Jun Ti, who was trying to cultivate and restore his origin, suddenly fought a cold war, and the branches and leaves shook: "What is the situation?" Why do I always have a sense of foreboding that something seems to be falling on me? "

The receiver on the side heard Zhun Ti's self-talk, and frowned: "Junior brother, are you sure?" Count for brothers! "

Immediately, the quotation is calculated.

But after some calculation, the result was not calculated at all.

Zhun Ti simply went into battle to calculate it himself, but still did not calculate the result.

"Forget it! Senior brother, it should be me who is sensitive! It may be affected by the threat of blackmail before the Demon Ancestor, and some demons are stunned! "

Jun Ti comforted himself.


The guide floated up and down twice: "Junior brother, don't get too entangled, so as not to affect the cultivation and path!" Before, we were just inferior and born too late! In the future, when we get up, there will always be a time to find the field! I'm sure this day won't be too far away. "

What about Mozuluo?

He is also not invincible, nor is he without opponents.

"Hmm! I understand! That's what I thought too! "

Jun Ti shook the branch and responded with a shake.


This side of the sun,

"Gee! Angry? It's normal! "

Lin Qing's incarnated Zhun Ti actually discovered the peeping eyes of Taiyi and Dijun from the beginning.

Even if they used a very hidden method, and also used the home field advantage to mobilize some of the solar power and the cover ability of the innate array, they still could not escape Lin Qing's sensing and traceability.

Everything is in his eyes.

But he just turned a blind eye.

Moreover, Lin Qing did not rush to find the trouble of Di Jun and Taiyi, but chose to wantonly search for various treasures in the entire Sun Star.

"However, it's almost time to search for it, it's time to go to Dijun and Taiyi!"

Thinking so, Lin Qing waved his hand, opened a spatial passage to the depths of the sun, stepped in, and soon appeared in front of a congenital array.

Di Jun: "!! "

Taiyi: "What's the situation?" How did this dog thief appear here? Did he discover this great array and discover where we were? How is this possible? "

This is a congenital array, and the ordinary mixed element golden immortal is coming, and it should not be discovered.

Before the time of birth, the innate array is basically in a hidden state, and it is extremely difficult to be discovered.

Don't look at Lin Qing's past to find a lot of innate great arrays containing innate spirit treasures and innate spirit roots, but he is also extremely good at comprehending the laws of the formation because of his special talent in prompt sound, and he also masters the way of space and the way of cause and effect... and other means.

Otherwise, the success rate will be low to the point of being outrageous.

Di Jun shook his head and said, "Although I think it's incredible, now it seems that this dog thief has indeed discovered this large array, and it is even likely that he has discovered us!" "

"Although it is not clear how he did it, it is likely to be related to the fact that we have been checking him before, this person's means are strange, and it is very likely that he has a means that we do not know!"

"I can now see why this person has been wandering around other places to loot treasures before, most likely trying to find a way to lock our location."

"Rather, we gave him the opportunity and kept checking on him."

Di Jun felt that what he guessed was basically the truth.

Regret it.

Taiyi: "Damn! This dog thief is so cunning! Big brother, what should we do now? This innate array may not be able to stop him, if he comes in, what should we do? "

Di Jun calmed down at this time and said, "Don't worry too much!" I have a vague feeling that we should be fine! This man may not dare to tell us, our brother is the emperor of God, and it is impossible to die. "

Although it is not clear where this feeling comes from, as a demon race Heavenly Emperor who was born divine and will be determined in the future, Di Jun has such an induction.

Taiyi calmed down and also discovered: "I seem to feel this way too!" "

"Haha! That's great! So, we're all right! This dog thief, he can't help us, hehe! "

Di Jun: "....."

He always felt that his brother was happy too soon.

Destiny is indeed unchangeable, but small things are not.

Taiyi: "What is this dog thief doing again?" Why not come in? "

Di Jun: "It should be breaking the formation!" This is a congenital array, not so easy to crack. "


10 years later,

[You have participated in a congenital array, you have an epiphany, and you have comprehended the innate sun golden crow array. 】

"It's done! It's time to go in too! But the way to cover it up! "

Lin Qing understood this large array, but did not directly modify it and then quietly sneak in as before.

Instead, according to the characteristics of the large array, a method of breaking the formation was created, and a causal force bombarded a key node of the large array.

"Weng ~~"

This directly caused this large array to stop for a moment.

Then Lin Qing took advantage of this opportunity to flash into this large array.

Taiyi: "Abominable! It actually came in! Can't the big array stop him? "

Then, Taiyi directly threatened Jun Ti: "That person! Recede quickly, our brothers can still ignore your previous search for my sun, otherwise, when we are born, it will be time for us to settle accounts. "

Di Jun: "..."

He always had a bad premonition.


Sure enough, the next moment, "Jun Ti" sneered and flew over, looked down at Taiyi Egg, and sneered shamelessly: "Little Jinwu, ridiculous!" Before you were born, you actually dare to be so crazy, do you think that you have the destiny of heaven, and this seat can't help you? "


When Taiyi heard this, he immediately fought a cold war, and said with a hard mouth: "Since you know that our brother has the destiny of heaven, do you dare to risk the heavenly punishment to treat me and our brother?" "

When Di Jun saw that Taiyi was still provoking "Zhun Ti", he always had a bad premonition, and quickly transmitted a message to Taiyi: "Second brother, don't say any more!" "


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