
Jun Ti listened, and said with a sneer: "Indeed, as a future Destiny One, I can't kill you!" You can't even break your heels, but you know that this flood cannot be changed, and the small trend can be changed. "

"I really can't completely kill and maim you, but it's still okay to smoke some of your origins and humiliate you!"

"I see that your origin is related to me, so are you obediently handing over a source of cost? Or am I going to forcibly extract it myself? "

"If I had extracted it myself, it wouldn't have felt so good! Humiliation is certain! Even I don't mind extracting more. "

Of course, extracting more of these words is just bluffing Taiyi and Dijun.

The talent of prompt sound has long prompted him, and at most, he can only extract one cost source from each of Dijun Taiyi.

It's the same as when I was introduced and mentioned.

More, it will damage the heels of the two and make the general trend change in the future.

In fact, the general trend is not necessarily undeserved.

It's just that Lin Qing's current fist is obviously not big enough, and he still has to make a living under the Heavenly Dao, so it's better to keep a low profile.


When Taiyi and Dijun heard this threat, they exploded.

"Don't go too far!"

What is our origin related to you?

The two brothers had never seen such a shameless man.

At this time, the hatred of "Jun Ti" in the hearts of the two climbed to the extreme.

"Good! We give! But after your guarantee takes us a source, you must leave here immediately! "

But in the end, in the face of the cruel reality, Di Jun and Taiyi still had to temporarily compromise and gritted their teeth and agreed.

"No, no!"

"Jun Ti" listened, raised an index finger and shook it sternly: "And the heavenly materials and earth treasures here are also mine!" In addition, I have some things I want to discuss with the Fuso Divine Tree! "

"After doing this, I will leave!"

Just kidding, since he is ready to offend the dead Dijun and Taiyi, Xue Mao is naturally going to be thorough.

Besides, it was he who offended Di Jun and Taiyi, what does it have to do with my Qinglian Daoist Lin Qing?


Di Jun and Taiyi listened, and only felt that the qi and blood flowed backwards, if they couldn't beat it, if it wasn't for the future path, they couldn't wait to be born directly in advance and come out to hammer this shameless person to death.

How could such a shameless person be born in this flood?

Its existence is simply a defilement of the flood famine and the Pangu God.

"Jun Ti" doesn't care what the two think.

Immediately began to scrape the Sun True Fire, Sun Essence Gold, Sunlight Crystal, and Fire Essence in this large array.... Wait for the heavens and the earth to come.

Perhaps because of the birth of Dijun and Taiyi, and because of this innate array, the resources here are particularly ordered.

They are all up to one-third of what Lin Qing has harvested in other places in the Sun Star in the past hundred years.

It took him several days to loot all the treasures here.

Even the land was scraped off more than three feet.

"This fucking bastard! Anger me too! "

Throughout the whole process, Dijun and Taiyi both looked at it in their eyes and were angry in their hearts.

But what can they do?

There is no other way but to watch.

After searching for resources, "Junti" came to the Fuso Divine Tree again, stretched out his hand and pressed on the Fuso Divine Tree, and began to communicate with the Fuso Divine Tree with his thoughts.

The Fuso Divine Tree did not give birth to a truly complete spiritual mind and soul, only spiritual instincts and hazy consciousness.

As the eye that suppresses the Sun Star, coupled with the fact that the Yang Qi here is too thick, and there are restrictions from the Heavenly Dao, the Fuso Divine Tree cannot give birth to true spiritual intelligence.

It's similar to the Godo tea tree earlier.

"What does that guy want to do? Did he think that he could still communicate with the Fuso Divine Tree and gain the recognition of the Fuso Divine Tree? "

"Or does he want to take the Fuso Divine Tree away?"

Looking at the action of "Zhun Ti", Taiyi sneered in his heart and communicated with Dijun Shennian: "It's just out of your strength!" We really can't be born early now, but how can the Fuso Divine Tree be coveted by this shameless person? "

In Taiyi's opinion, the Fuso Divine Tree belongs to him and his eldest brother.

Moreover, as a creature bred by the Sun Star, he knew too well what the Fuso Divine Tree meant to the Sun Star.

This "quasi-mention" is absolutely impossible to succeed.

"It's just a clown! Such shameless people without face and skin can also become Da Luo? It's funny! "

"But it is estimated that this is the end of his life! I believe that the future of our brothers is absolutely above it! At that time, it will be time for us to settle accounts with him! "

Di Jun also responded with a sneer.


However, at this moment, several cracking sounds sounded.

Di Jun and Taiyi followed the prestige, and suddenly saw a scene that shocked and unacceptable to them.

One of the main trunks of the Fuso sacred tree was broken.

Moreover, it looks like it is still actively broken.

Moreover, it also took the initiative to fly into the hands of "Zhun Ti".

"How is this possible?"

"Impossible! Why is this? "

Di Jun and Tai looked at this scene with a split eye, shouting that it was impossible.

"Huh! Nothing is impossible! "

"Jun Ti" over there smiled and put the main trunk of the huge Fuso Divine Tree into the Chaos Bead, flashed to Dijun and Taiyi and showed off: "I had a very pleasant communication with the Fuso Divine Tree, he felt that it was like seeing me at first sight, and took the initiative to give me three sources and a trunk." "

"Oops! The Fuso Divine Tree is just too enthusiastic! I'm a little embarrassed! "

Di Jun: "....."

Taiyi: "..."

"Would you be embarrassed by a shameless person?"

Taiyi cursed in his heart.

"It must be that this shameless person used some means to deceive the Fuso Divine Tree, the Fuso Divine Tree only has instincts and incomplete consciousness, it is too simple, and it is not impossible to be deceived by this shameless person!"

Taichi comforted himself in his heart.

And only this is explained.


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