But at this moment, something big happened in Freya's family.

Today, Freya's family wants to attend the celebration banquet held by the Loki family, and it is for this reason that Freya needs to choose a dress for the banquet at this moment.

This used to be a common thing, but today it's a little different.

Today's Freya is particularly serious.

So as members of the Freya family, all the important members sat in a row.

"So, the guy who haunted Mistress Freya is also going to attend this banquet?"

Everyone has a lot of unhappiness on their faces.

The competition for the favor of the god Freya within the Freya clan was already fierce, and as a result, there were still people outside to attract the attention of the god Freya, how could these competitors be happy?

Especially when they know that God Freya has a very clear interest in the guy outside, they can wear a good face, and that is because they have dedicated their loyalty to God Freya.

After putting aside that loyalty, their unhappiness with outsiders is carved into their bones.

"Don't say it's a dream, it's just a trick to attract the attention of Freya. "

As one of the four warriors of Yanjin, the second male Du Hualin, his face was full of unhappiness.

He has no control over who she likes, and he is not qualified to say anything if he is loyal to Freya.

But when it's time to be unhappy, it's still upset.

He wasn't upset with Freya-sama's decision, but he was upset with attracting Freya-sama's attention.

"I want to get away with it!"

"Surely that is the case, otherwise why would Lord Freya suddenly become interested in a guy who is hiding in Tibet. "

The third man, Bellin, and the fourth man, Gehr, also echoed the voice.

For them, there's definitely a reason why Mistress Freya is empathetic.

Since the problem is not with Mistress Freya, the biggest problem is with the guy who attracted Mistress Freya's attention.

"Didn't Lord Freya first become interested in that person? "

Alflick, as the eldest man, still said a fair word.

In the process of investigating intelligence, he also paid attention to that person.

The information that can be investigated is very scarce, and it can be said that the other party did not want to expose himself from the beginning. Therefore, apart from the initial information, it is almost impossible to find any other information.

Alflick felt that the man didn't seem to be attracting Mistress Freya at all, but rather avoiding the eyes of the gods.

"Alflick, shut up!" *3

It's just that this fair sentence obviously stung the fragile hearts of the three brothers.

Yes, yes, you just don't want to admit it. Alflick sighed helplessly.

He was too clear about the goddess's character, and it should be said that everyone present was too clear, so they sighed here.

Because what the goddess wanted to do was something that no one could stop.

"Although the adult usually shows interest in some people, but this time the interest is too great?"

The cat man Alan Frog's ears twitched frequently, and his face was full of unhappiness like the three villains who had just complained.

Freya itself is full of contradictions, and everyone wants to win the favor of Freya-sama. The inside couldn't scramble, and as a result, Freya-sama's attention was attracted by people from the outside, who would be happy to encounter this kind of thing?

"It's because of the interest that Lord Freya will go to the Loki family's celebration banquet to choose a dress. Have you ever seen a lady Freya go out of her way to choose a dress?"

The blonde male elf Hedin Serland made the scene completely silent with just one sentence.

In the face of banquets, Lord Freya has always been very strict in the past, but this rigor is only the corresponding rigour. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, choosing a dress for a banquet is different from the usual rigor.

This is because most of the dresses used by Lady Freya for different banquets are fixed.

Attendees are usually dressed in black deep V dresses.

Banquets held by the gods are usually worn in white deep V dresses.

Originally, today's celebration banquet held by the god Loki could choose a white dress without thinking, but today's Lord Freya has chosen a new dress, which is a big change.

Usually, it was only for more formal occasions that Mistress Freya would choose her dress again.

"Tsk, how the hell did that sneaky guy do it?"

Alan wondered how that rat-like creature managed to attract Mistress Freya.

If just being a mouse can attract Freya-sama, he would want to give up his identity as a cat man and shout that I'm not a cat man!

Naturally, no one will know about this kind of thing. That's how almost everyone thinks.

But when this thought came to mind, everyone's eyes invariably turned to the only muscular man among them.

".~O'It, you usually occupy that adult's time the most, you should know, right?"

"That's to keep Freya safe, not to take possession. "

Ao Qi corrected this statement with a blank face, but this statement made the cat man listen to the green tendons on his forehead and jump wildly.

"If it weren't for the fact that you, the dead pig, had taken up a lot of that adult's time, I would have been responsible for acknowledging the weight of protecting him. "

"Dead cat, that's not something you should be saying either. "

As soon as they heard that they were taking on the heavy responsibility of protecting Lord Freya, the four warriors of Yanjin jumped up in an instant.

(Li Qianhao) "That is, a dead cat still dares to take on the responsibility of protecting that adult." "

"Who do you think you are, dead cat!"

"Our four brothers can do the same, dead cat!"

The four brothers of the Lilliputians took a bite of a dead cat, which made Allen's face instantly gloomy.

Seeing that the situation was about to turn in a worse direction, Hedin knocked on the table to interrupt the quarrel.

"Is it time to discuss quarrels?"

The two sides glared at each other unhappily, but soon both sides temporarily put away their desire to fight.

It's okay to want to dry the rack, but now is not the time to do it.

Seeing that Ailu and the four brothers were quiet, Hedin nudged his glasses, and then expressed his dissatisfaction in his own way.

"So, dead pig, you should know why. "

PS: Ask for collection...... Ask for flowers...... Ask for a review.

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