Oh my god, thankfully my bell wasn't affected.

At this moment, Hestia was once again glad that the particularity of her child exceeded Freya's imagination, otherwise Freya's crazy criticism might have caused a mess in the Nether.

At this moment, Hestia felt a chill behind her.

But if her bell meets Freya's conditions to activate power, then won't her children switch to Freya?

Just imagining that scene was completely unacceptable to Hestia.

However, fortunately, even if Freya did do this, the current situation would not have any impact.

This gave Hestia's pounding heart a chance to ease.

"Thankfully, fortunately. "

Gently patting Loki's chest, which made him cry with envy, Hestia was completely relieved at this moment. As long as Freya's methods don't work against Bell, then it's not much of a problem.

Freya just glanced at Hestia, she didn't say that she couldn't do anything about it.

The stupid thing hasn't reacted yet? Loki looked at Hestia like a fool.

Loki could hear what the girl meant.

Nature and Hephaestus also understood. 11 "Hestia, Freya is only talking about hard work. She hadn't said anything like letting go. "

If this woman had let go, she wouldn't have come over and said those words. Hephaestus lamented the woman's persistence, but also Hestia's ability to understand.

"Hephaestus, didn't anyone tell you that it was immoral to disturb someone else's love?"

"Freya, are you talking about love?"


Hephaestus's high-profile statement made Freya stunned.

In her impression, Hephaestus would not meddle in other people's love problems, even if she went a little too far, but according to Hephaestus's character, it should be just a reminder to Hestia not to be stupid, how could she bump into it herself?

Don't...... A strange feeling welled up in Freya's heart.

She felt that Hephaestus was a bit like her at the moment.

This feeling made Freya stunned for a moment, and then she couldn't help but laugh.

"I see, I see. "

She kind of understood why Hephaestus would run into her on this issue.

"So you are, too. It's no wonder that you're completely different from what you've done in the past, and you're going straight to your head on it. "

Ganesa was still confused, but Loki and Hermes, as veteran drivers, had already understood. The two of them also looked at Hephaestus who took the initiative to jump out with strange faces.

Hephaestus did not continue to hide this.

"Once the love of the goddess begins, it will not stop, and you should know this kind of thing yourself. "

No way. Hermes stared at Hephaestus with incredulous eyes, he didn't expect that in addition to Hestia, even Hephaestus fell in love.

I should have thought that Hephaestus had moved directly into Hestia's house, and she was certainly not unrelated.

It was only then that Hermes realized that this was a long-overdue result.

Loki...... Well, she shouldn't be.

At the thought of Hestia and Hephaestus jumping in, the first thing that came to Hermes' mind was Loki.

But with a sweep of his eyes, the airfield, which was more resolute than a cliff, made Hermes wake up instantly.

No one could be Loki.

Holding Loki, isn't that the same as holding a Shota?

Of course, this kind of thinking must not be exposed.

Hermes was sure that if he had such a thought on his face, then Loki would definitely reward him with a flying kick.

And at this moment, Loki barely recovered from the shock that Hephaestus also liked that kid.

When she looked at Hephaestus at the moment, she couldn't help but say: (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"No wonder you and Hestia are always mingling, and even live directly in that guy's house, you still have this relationship!"

Suddenly, Loki remembered that he also lived there, and hurriedly began to shake the pot.

"Hey, hey, you guys have feelings for that kid, I'm not interested in that kid at all. "


These words made the three goddesses present look at Loki one after another, and the muscles in their faces couldn't help twitching. It was Freya who reacted first.

"Loki, of course I know you won't. "

That child's vision is not bad enough for you. Freya couldn't help but press the muscles on her face, trying to control her face from laughing.

"That's right, Loki, you're not going to betray. "

Hephaestus almost burst out laughing.

Hestia also endured it very hard. She really couldn't see that Loki would say such a thing, who gave her confidence.

"Ahem, then again. "

Freya really didn't have the heart to continue to focus on Loki, and naturally she didn't think that the kid would fall in love with Loki, the unfeminine goddess. Attention then turned to Hephaestus.

"So, that means Hephaestus is okay, and I can't?"


When Hestia said this, he couldn't help but puff out his face. In fact, even Hephaestus can't do it, but Hephaus 733 Torth is one step ahead of her without talking about martial arts, otherwise how would she agree?

Looking at Hestia's puffing appearance, Freya reacted, and then looked at Hephaestus with a little surprise.

"So, did Hephaestus use some means?"

I really can't see it, Hephaestus usually has the best relationship with Hestia, but I didn't expect to use means on the issue of that child.

"It's just a way for Hestia to understand. "

"That's a ...... So, in the end, Hephaestus can do it, and I can't?"

Freya's sharp words struck the nail on the head.

This made both Hestia and Hephaestus look elsewhere a little dishearteningly.

It's just that Freya understands a little bit about the reaction of these two people.

"So, was Hephaestus the one who did it to the kid first?"

This made Freya's gaze sharpen a lot.

So, is that why Hestia accepted it?

As a result, in the end, it was not Hestia who made the first move, but Hephaestus who came out on top?

As soon as she thought of this, Freya felt as uncomfortable as a stone being pressed against her heart.

PS: Ask for collection...... Ask for flowers...... Ask for a review.

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