"100 million Faris, ah......"

Hearing this number, Catwoman's ears instinctively twitched, as a former bounty hunter, the money she had saved by doing so many tasks in the past was actually less than 100 million faris, and now she could get such a large sum of money from the guild by grabbing a Lv.5.

I have to say that she was moved.

"Don't think so much, stupid girl. "

Miya's mother saw the symbol of money popping out of the little girl's eyes, and she snorted angrily.

"That's Lv.5, and it's also Lv.5 of the Dark Faction, do you think it's that easy to catch?"

“...... Well, that's right. If it's so easy to catch, where would the guild give such a large bounty. "

The catwoman's ears, who were discouraged from impulse, instantly drooped in disappointment.

The 100 million Faris may be waiting for someone to get it, but it's like the commission of "280" to destroy Freya's family posted on the black market. Some people dare to entrust it, but no one dares to take it.

Isn't this nonsense?

Is a Lv.7 and a group of Lv.6 dependents a commission that can be accepted by adventurers below Lv.6?

You must know that Olaria's Lv.6 Adventurer is a scarce animal and belongs to the national treasure level. But in this way, there are 3 Lv.6 of the national treasure level in the Freya Clan, and there is even a bug that the four Lv.5 combinations of the Four Warriors of Yanjin can be compared to Lv.6, and it belongs to the fourth Lv.6 of the Freya Clan.

With such a group of perverts and a Lv.7 standing at the top of Olaria, no adventurer below Lv.6 would choose to accept such a commission.

This is not a commission, this is looking for death.

In fact, there are many missions like this to find death in the black market, among which the destruction of the Loki clan is a commission that has been posted a long time ago.

It's just that since the Loki clan jumped out of three Lv.7 a month ago, this commission has been considered an even more outrageous commission than destroying Freya's clan.

One Lv.7 is already too much for people to do, and facing three Lv.7 at the same time is really not as fast as suicide.

"There's a guest coming, don't hurry up and receive it. "

Mia's eyes turned to the front seat of the bar where a customer had already appeared.


The catwoman waitress looked at it, and sure enough, a teenager in a white coat was sitting there.

Was there someone sitting here just now?

The Catwoman's brain response is obviously uninteresting, but she still moves quickly.

"The guest is a first-time hostess of Bounty, do you need me to recommend you some specialties?"

"No, this is my second visit. "

The second time, how come I don't even have any impression? Catwoman waitress has absolutely no impression of this hooded teenager.

"Besides, this time I came here just for an invitation from the goddess. "

It turned out to be this kid. Mia's mother instantly understood who this hooded boy in white was.

"The Goddess's invitation? What goddess would invite people here? Could it be that the god Loki invited you?"

The catwoman waitress couldn't help but ask curiously.

"The god Loki has been dealing with issues within the clan lately. Finn, Riveria, and Grace's escalation is volatile, as the three who recently wiped out two dark lords and repatriated two gods. Now that the interior of the Loki clan is in a state of high euphoria, it is necessary for the Loki God to stabilize the internal stability and not run out casually. "

This remark made the catwoman waitress can't help but understand the situation inside the Loki family. But soon her brow furrowed, this is not information that outsiders can know.

The instability within the Loki clan is a big secret, and if someone catches a sore foot, they may be attacked immediately. So how did the man in front of him know about this information, and how could he say it so directly?

"Actually, this question is also very simple, the current Loki clan is definitely a clan that no force wants to provoke. "


"Loki's clan with Lv. 7 and Loki clan with only Lv. 6 are two different things. Even stupid people will know about this kind of simple thing, so the dark faction will not act casually in a short period of time, even if the Loki clan shows a flaw, they also need to consider whether this is a flaw deliberately leaked by the Loki clan. "

I see. The Catwoman waitress could understand why Olari had been so quiet since the two clans were wiped out by the Loki clan, and even the dark faction seemed to be hiding.

"But why do you know about such a thing?"

"So, didn't I say it? I'm also the one who was invited by a goddess, so naturally I can also know some insider information. "

"But such information ......"

"Alright, stupid girl. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Mia's mother directly interrupted the conversation, which startled the catwoman waitress.

But Miya's mother didn't say anything serious, but pointed to the back kitchen with her fingers as thick as a child's wrist...........

"Go get Ciel. "

"Oh. "

The catwoman waitress looked uncertain and went to the back kitchen to call someone.

And Miya's mother is locked on this person.

But the boy did not mean to speak, but quietly waited for the arrival of the goddess.

Soon, a silver-haired girl dressed in a green maid costume with a white apron in front of her walked out of the back kitchen.

"Mia's mother, are you looking for me?"

"It's not me looking for you, it's a guest looking for you. "

Mia's mother's finger pointed to the boy sitting in the front seat at the bar.

And the moment she saw the young man, the pupil color of the silver-haired girl's eyes changed slightly.

The boy also stood up from his seat at this moment.

"Ann, Freya. "

Miya's mother's eyes swept around, but the customers who were still in the store didn't make any moves, as if they hadn't heard them at all.

The innocent and lively emotions that the silver-haired maid had just been on her body were replaced by maturity and excitement.

"Looks like you knew I was here from the beginning. "

The boy bowed slightly.

"It was only from the fluctuations of my soul that I sensed that the people here were similar to yours that I was sure that this place was the eyeliner of God Freya. But I didn't expect that there would be such a selfless person who could be loved by the god Freya. "

Freya smiled slightly, and placed her hands slightly on 3.7's chest.

"After all, this kid is also pitiful. Losing oneself, escaping oneself, and becoming me is also the choice of this child. "

But soon Freya turned her attention to the boy.

"So, you're coming to me this time to fulfill our agreement?"

"No, I'm here to ask God Freya to give me half a month more time to prepare. A month is just to complete the physical adjustment, and I still need half a month to adjust my condition. "

"Is it going to be half a month?"

Freya guessed that she had come to refuse to fulfill the agreement, but she didn't expect to set a time to meet.

Half a month is not a long time. Freya smiled.

"That's half a month. Half a month later, we must fulfill our agreement. "

"Rest assured, half a month is enough. "

PS: Ask for collection...... Ask for flowers...... Ask for a review.

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