In the following time, Bell did not completely unravel his breath again, but gradually and tentatively unraveled some breath, in addition to being able to let the monsters in the dungeon directly look at him, just to avoid the risk of being locked by the 58-layer cannon dragon and even targeted by the dungeon.

The position of this valve is really subtle, like a girl's half-covering pipa, or JK's kind of balance point that can be seen but not seen.

For the limit value of this valve, Bell also tried for five days to find it.

However, after finding this balance, Bell needs to face not the deadly chain of the dungeon Ca11 and the general lock-in of the cannon dragon, but the problem of spiders and rhinoceros.

Dual-purpose can save too much energy and physical strength than single-mindedness, and it can also better allow yourself to enter the realm of spiegel and stop water.

For nine days, apart from the necessary six hours of sleep and two hours of eating, Bell devoted the rest of the time to technical exercises.

The very high load of combat behavior allowed Bell to gain a lot of combat experience in a short period of time.

It is different from the kind of closed-door construction in the past, nor is it the kind of hard pressure with power in the past, but a very pure exercise and effort made by using skills and personal ability.

It can be said that during these nine days, Bell spent the whole time in the welcome of the dungeon.

As soon as you let go of your breath a little, the welcome ceremony of the dungeon will follow. Directly a wave of monster feast was sent to the face, highlighting a hatred.

Even with the eyes you can tell, the dungeon is trying to kill Bell completely.

It's a pity that every time the breath is released and the monster feast is hooked, the breath disappears. Until the tide of this wave of monster feasts is completely over, Bell's breath will disappear forever.

And this repeats almost every two hours.

Although this speed can be faster, in order to avoid irritating the dungeon, Bell will only stimulate the dungeon after the dungeon is repaired, so that he can continue to have a wave of monster feasts.

Under the washing of such a monster tide, Bell's combat experience is also constantly improving at a leaping speed.

The field of vision is becoming more and more wide, and the situation in all directions can be confirmed by subtle sounds in addition to the front of the eye.

Discrimination and insight are quickly adapted and improved in the siege of monsters.

The appointed time is also approaching, and Bell also needs to collect his mood and return to the family as soon as possible.

"14 days of workouts and 1 day left for recovery and rest, well, no problem this time. "

After a brief tidying up, Bell returned to the temporary stronghold on the 50th floor, and returned to the family through the spatial coordinates set there.

Passing through the rift in space, back to the ground.

The feeling of home makes Bell feel at ease, and that's why you can only feel that strong sense of security here. It was this sense of security that allowed Bell to let go of the tension in his muscles and nerves, so he needed a day of adjustment.

Staying in the dungeon for nearly half a month must have improved his strength, but exercising day and night is also a great damage to his spirit.

Therefore, Bell usually develops 6 hours of sleep time, which is to let his spirit relax to the greatest extent.

However, it is not a good sleep in the dungeon, even during sleep time, you need to pay attention to the surrounding situation, and beware of the dungeon coming to the yin.


Take a deep breath, and your body collapses all at once.

Inhaling the aura generated by the elven tree in the courtyard is also a great help for spiritual recovery.

After a moment of relaxation, Bell walked into the big tree house.

"When will Bell-kun come back?"

As soon as he entered the big tree house, he heard Hestia's chatter, which made Bell a little embarrassed to hear it.

There was no extra time to accompany Hestia and Hephaestus during this time......

But Bell can't help it, after all, there are too many problems hanging on his head, and they all need to be dealt with, and they are all very troublesome.

Either way, the rest day is still to be at home with Hestia.

Carefully control the sound of footsteps.

Little by little, Bell walked into the interior of the big treehouse. I saw Hestia lying on the sofa with a book in her hand, but you could see that she didn't put so much thought into the book just by noticing Hestia's pupils.

"Hestia. "


"Hmm! it hurts!"

Hestia, who heard the voice, suddenly retracted his hand, and the book in his hand directly made intimate contact with his forehead. The pain made Hestia cover her head and her lovely face

Look at the book that fell to the ground, the skin is thickened with leather, and it should be a very expensive kind of book. If you use this thickened book skin to smash it directly on your head, you can imagine the sourness.

Hestia's reckless look brought a smile back to Bell's face. He often doesn't feel bored when he sees Hestia's face, that face is like a special magic, which makes him feel more at ease than the (Zhao, Li, Zhao) family.

Bell walked over slowly, squatted down and carefully brushed away Hestia's forehead, lowered his head and kissed lightly on the somewhat red mark, the red mark disappeared in an instant, along with the pain of being hit on the head.

"Hmm...... i.e. "

The warmth on her forehead made the moisture in Hestia's eyes heavier, and feeling Bell's gentleness, Hestia couldn't bear it a little.


"I'm back, Hestia. "

A simple sentence made Hestia's chest full of words turn into a sentence.

"Welcome home, Belle Jun. "

Couples haven't seen each other for a long time, and when they meet at this moment, all the words turn into overflowing love.

PS: Ask for collection...... Ask for flowers...... Ask for a review.

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