In the end, I'm the only one left.

Bell believed that Hestia and Hephaestus probably didn't want to meet him directly during this time.

Well, he also admits that the bloodiness of this god-killing is really completely different from the imaginary killing of the gods. The main thing is that the difference in the amount of bleeding is quite large.

Of course, Bell himself was actually quite embarrassed, and he himself did not expect to get enough power to kill the gods in such a form. It's just that when I think about where the power of killing gods comes from, maybe Bell will not be able to say it directly.

After all, the topic is too intimate.

Hestia should have focused on developing her abilities, and she didn't even notice one more skill.

[Name: Bel Clone.]

Development Capabilities:

Hidden: B

Recognize "047" to know: D

Space: E

Godkiller: I


Power: ??? 1999I0

Durability: ???2185I0

Ambidextrous: ??? 1999I0

Agility: ???1999I0

Mana: ???2207I0


Four-dimensional space:



Rush magic

Envoy Thunderbolt


Personal Training:


Double your experience in fighting strong enemies

Heavenly Fortune:

High luck

The Desire of the Poor:


The Seven Deadly Sins:


Arrogance, is this talking about me?

Seeing the name of this skill and the following introduction of the skill, Bell immediately remembered the two major sins sealed in his four-dimensional space, jealousy and greed.

Jealousy and greed are also one of the seven deadly sins, so are these two things directly related to their own skills?

Because of this association, Bell couldn't help but take out the jealousy and greed sealed in the four-dimensional space.

Sure enough, the jealousy and greed that had always existed in the seal had a strong reaction to him at once.

The black mist that had been sealed inside the bottle was all stuck to the place where Bell held it, as if he was longing to return to his roots.

Is that the reason for that skill?

If he was the embodiment of arrogance, why didn't jealousy and greed react like this in the first place? Bell couldn't help but think about this question, but then his consciousness paused for a moment.

Speaking of which, when I pluck envy and greed, it seems that they are not overly struggling. I thought it was Rune's control strong, but now it doesn't seem like that's the case.

Jealousy was plucked from Hephaestus's face, and the hideousness of that half of his face was entirely a reaction to jealousy. Obviously, even the gods can't be uprooted

Jealousy, not even the means to correspond.

If jealousy is really such a difficult thing, then he will definitely not be so stable when he pulls out jealousy. If you think about it from this perspective, Bell thinks that jealousy may have had something to do with him from the beginning.

When he uprooted jealousy, he didn't let it react like he does now, probably because he didn't awaken the skill of the Seven Deadly Sins at that time.

Give it a try.

Bell looked at the bottle sealed with jealousy in his hand, used Rune to make a layer of insurance for himself, and then unscrewed the bottle.

The black mist sealed in the bottle flew out like a wild horse, but instead of fleeing, it hovered around Bell like a wild cat that had found a home. It didn't give Bell any time to react, and soon it burrowed into Bell's body.


Rune doesn't have any effect?

You know, the runes that Bell blessed on his body are very close to the seal on the seal on the bottle of jealousy. But jealousy was well sealed inside the bottle, but it penetrated into his body almost unhindered. This made Bell know why, no matter how stupid he was.

Sure enough, jealousy has a lot to do with me. That's why it's willing to be plucked out of Hephaestus' face, and it's willing to be put in a bottle.

I didn't expect this to happen.

This fact is really a bit more than Bell imagined. A little bit of a blow to him, at the time he thought it was his own credit, and his feelings were because of this.

If you guessed correctly......

Bell looked at the bottle in his other hand.....

"Come back too. "

Sure enough, after hearing Bell's words, greed immediately penetrated the seal of the bottle and drilled into his body. This is the situation that makes Bell a little speechless.

Shouldn't I thank them for taking care of my emotions so intimately? (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

But just thinking about it, the more Bell felt that this thing was really weird. But it's already here, and there's no point in thinking about what's weird. And instead of thinking about the strange nature of the problem, it is better to think about why this power is still external.

Speaking of which, too. The jealousy in Hephaestus was already on his face before the Nether, even if it was connected to me, but ...... It's a little too long.

After thinking about it for a while, Bell couldn't get an answer to this question right away. I could only take out the secret notebook stored in the four-dimensional space and write this question on the blank page inside. Fear will forget.

And the problem of the Seven Deadly Sins is very big, and I don't know if there are some things involved in it that he doesn't know. No, to be precise, the things in the Seven Deadly Sins definitely involve areas that he is completely unaware of.

As long as 4.7 is in terms of strength, there is no question of good or bad, the question is whether there is any strong relationship behind it.

You need to pay special attention to it, just in case there's a giant crater or something like that.

Although Bell had strong doubts about this power in his heart, it did not prevent him from wanting to understand how to use this power.

Only by knowing the use of this power and the origin of this power can we better judge whether there is something wrong behind this power.

It's just that he's just recovering from his workout, and he's definitely not going to continue to think about new strength during this time. However, after this period is over, it is possible to devote some of the time to the new power.

In addition, the development ability of god-killing also needs to be developed.

It's all a thing. Bell couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

PS: Ask for collection...... Ask for flowers...... Ask for a review.

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