"Yes! Master! "

The Magic Cube happily received this information, and then went to work.

Lin Qing sat down cross-kneeled in mid-air, and began to absorb and sort out the information on the evolution and development of his Illusory Realm over the years, as well as the growth information of the Illusory Way.

At the same time, his comprehension of the path of reality began to soar.

[You have received, absorbed, and digested a large amount of information about the way of virtual reality, the information of the virtual reality realm, you have an epiphany, and your way of virtual reality has been greatly improved, the current is: 49%. Various other laws have also received a small improvement. 】

This absorption took Lin Qing several years.


Lin Qingchang took a breath, opened his eyes, and said with a happy face: "The harvest is good, it seems that I made the right move this move!" "

"Creating an illusory world, allowing it to continue to develop and derivate, really can greatly affect my comprehension of the way of virtual reality."

"In addition, the comprehension and experience that the disciples have gained in the Illusory Realm can also be turned into food for my growth, which is simply a lot!"

Even with the Magic Cube, you can continue to grow.

"It seems that the plan to fill the entire flood desolation with the Illusory Realm must be implemented as soon as possible!"

Lin Qing thought to himself.

However, if the strength is not enough, doing so is to find death and make a wedding dress for others.

"Let's break through the Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal first!"

Lin Qing made up her mind.

"Before, I only paid attention to the opening of the Void Void Heavenly World for all parts of the Flood Barren Continent, and next, we have to include the four seas in the plan."

The four seas of the flood are very large, and they should not be abandoned.

"In addition, the starry sky should also try to arrange some."

Lin Qing was not even willing to give up the starry sky.

He's ambitious!

The whole flood famine, and even outside the flood famine, was his goal.

As a traverser, he knew very well that beyond the flood, and even beyond this chaos, there must be other worlds.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain the existence of his past life world.

His gaze was never limited to the flood and this chaos.

"Suffered! It seems that the appointment was lost! I hope Xiao Jiujian doesn't get angry! "

Lin Qing suddenly remembered that his comprehension had taken several years, and he had let Xiao Jiujian settle down and Ao Yu and Xiong Batian came to him.

Immediately, Lin Qing ordered the Illusory Magic Cube to continue to evolve and improve the Illusory Realm.

"That's right! From now on, I will leave a doppelgänger and divide part of my mind to sit in the Illusory Realm, and help you evolve and perfect the Illusory Realm together! "

"In this way, it is also convenient for me to comprehend and digest the gains in the evolution of the Illusory Realm faster!"

By doing this, he would not have to spend extra time digesting the Illusory Realm every time in the future.

It can also help the evolution and growth of the illusory realm better and faster.

I believe that with his constant help, the Illusory Realm will definitely develop better and faster.

"Really? That's great! "

The Magic Cube listened to it and was very happy.

It didn't want Lin Qing to do this!

It knows too well that the Illusory Realm can have today, basically all the credit of the master, it is just a ruthless execution tool.

On its own, it will never be able to develop the illusory realm into what it is now.

Not to mention going further.

"Hmm! So be it! "

Saying that, as soon as Lin Qing's mind moved, he separated a doppelganger, sat part of his mind on this doppelganger, and threw it into the illusory realm.

Lin Qing's body was swept away in the Qinglian Creation Mansion.

"Found it!"

The next moment, Lin Qing disappeared in place and appeared under the Wudao Tea Tree, looking at the little nine swords that were sitting cross-knee in front of him, practicing and comprehending the sword way, exuding a sharp aura of the law of sword, and smiled.

"Master, you can be considered to be back! You don't count as words! I've waited so long. "

Xiao Jiujian opened his eyes at this time, glaring at Lin Qing angrily and asking.


Lin Qing listened, smiled a little embarrassed, reached out and pinched Xiao Jiujian's puffed cheeks, and said apologetically in Xiao Jiujian's speechless eyes: "Sorry!" It's Master, I'm negligent! Seeing the harvest of the Magic Cube, I forgot the time for a while! "

"How about teaching you more magical powers to the teacher as compensation?"

He hurts this little girl very much.

"Forget it!"

Xiao Jiujian heard that his master really apologized, and his anger suddenly subsided.

In fact, she was not as angry as she thought.

He also knew that his master must have something important to break the appointment.

He immediately said, "Master, you have been good enough for me!" Even the Gokudo Tea Tree Senior is here to let me come over at any time, and besides, I know you didn't mean it either! "


Speaking of this, Xiao Jiujian rolled his eyes and said with a grin: "What you said! Teach me one more magical skill! "

"Can I pick my own?"

Seeing Xiao Jiujian's blank look, Lin Qingna didn't know that he was played by this little girl, and immediately touched her head funny and said, "Say it!" Which magic is it like? "

In fact, in the Tibetan scripture pavilion of the Zohua Mansion, there were almost all the divine powers that Lin Qing had comprehended and even simplified and multiple simplified versions of these divine powers.

There is no way to simplify it.

The conditions for truly complete Great God Power cultivation are very high.

Quite a few, not only for cultivation requirements, but also for qualifications, understanding... etc., there are also different requirements.

With so many great powers, not everyone can comprehend it.

So, the simplified version and the minimalist version came into being.

The disciples of the Creation Mansion can completely cultivate the minimalist version first, and when it is complete, they will almost meet the cultivation requirements of the simplified version of the divine power.

Then you can continue to practice the simplified version, the simplified version of the consummation, in the practice of the full version.

Step by step, step by step.

It can also avoid many disciples from stumbling on a great divine power all their lives, and achieving nothing.


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