
Xiao Jiujian listened, and smiled and hugged Lin Qing's arm and coquettishly said: "Master~~Father!!" I heard junior brothers and sisters say that you have created a new magical ability called Devouring Heaven and Earth, and you can become stronger by eating, is it true? "

She also inadvertently heard about it from Rolling Junior Brother.

Then, after a side knock, I knew the origin and power of this magical ability.

Coupled with Ao Yu's strong recommendation, it's strange that she doesn't focus on it.

Although she liked and enjoyed the process of cultivation and improvement, she was also extremely hot about this kind of magical power that could become stronger by eating.

"Haha! It turned out to be a fancy to devouring the heavens and the earth! "

Lin Qing listened, first smiled, and then pointed at Xiao Jiujian and said, "You are a ghost and clever!" I see that you were encouraged by Ao Yu's girl, right? "

"This is really good! But if you want to achieve the rolling like you can easily become stronger by eating, but you need to spend a lot of time cultivating and improving this magical ability, and you also need to comprehend the two laws of yin and yang and devouring! "

"Don't look at Ao Yu's girl's good words, but after more than 10,000 years, she has only comprehended a little of this magical ability!"

"Your rolling junior brother is special, his body is an iron-eating beast bred from the innate yin and yang origin, that divine power was originally upgraded from the basis of his innate divine power, not only is it the most suitable for him, he also has a foundation that you can't match!"

"Just like that, do you still want to choose this magical ability?"

The more beneficial the great power, the more demanding the difficulty and requirements of cultivation.

"Uh-huh! I know all this! "

Even though Lin Qing said this, Xiao Jiujian still nodded with great certainty: "Master, you just preach or not, right?" "

Of course she knew that Junior Brother Rolling had told her.

But she couldn't resist the temptation of this magical ability.

She felt that the sooner she cultivated this magical ability, the better.

"Okay! Then teach you to devour heaven and earth! In addition, I will pass on to you a great magic power and golden light to increase your speed of escaping the law, as long as you practice this magic power well! Even if you can't beat it in the future, you can run safely! "

"It's definitely the top magical ability to rush and run!"

Saying that, Lin Qing raised his hand to the heart of Nine Swords' eyebrows, and directly passed all the cultivation methods of Devouring Heaven and Earth and Vertical Earth Golden Light to Nine Swords, and then said: "Okay!" Here's where you can get started! I also have to retreat for a period of time, although I have left a doppelganger in the Creation Hall, but the Creation Mansion still wants you to manage it, in addition, remember to take care of your two junior brothers and sisters more, you know? "


Nine Swords nodded repeatedly: "Don't worry about leaving it to me!" Master! Go get busy! "

Lin Qing explained, then came to the other side of the Wudao Tea Tree and sat down cross-kneeled, waved his hand to lay down a large array, and then took out the Pangu chalcedony that he obtained from the half of the pool when he absorbed the origin of the twenty-four pins to create the green lotus.

Begin to analyze and understand the rules and mysteries of the Tao Rhyme in detail.

"I hope I get what I said I wanted!"


100 years later,

[You deeply analyzed and comprehended Pangu Chalcedony, explored the mystery of it, and you had an epiphany, and comprehended the Mixed Yuan Daluo level Supreme Forging Body Divine Skill Nine Turns Xuan Gong. ] 】

Lin Qing felt the clearly planned exercises in his mind, opened his eyes, endless Dao Rhyme runes appeared in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly: "Sure enough, my guess is correct, Pangu Chalcedony is the bone marrow essence of Pangu Great God, which really contains the mystery of his essence path!" "

This Nine Turns Xuan Gong was naturally not a body forging technique practiced by Pangu Great God.

Pangu is a chaos god and demon, and the heavenly god is close to the way, and there are no exercises.

This is just a technique that Lin Qing comprehended through the mysteries of the Pangu Essence Dao contained in Pangu Chalcedony.

Of course, Lin Qing knew that there were other Nine Turns Xuan Gong and even Eight Nine Xuan Gong in the Flood Barren World.

These are probably comprehended and modified from Pangu's essence path.

It is naturally different from Lin Qing's Nine-Turn Xuan Gong.

"Next, we should cultivate well, and strive to improve the path of physical cultivation as soon as possible and reach the perfection of Da Luo."

With such thoughts, Lin Qing continued to fall into retreat and cultivation.


At this time, unlike the calm and peaceful of Yingzhou Island, the flood and even the four seas were already stormy at this time.

The three races of the Dragon, Phoenix and Qilin have almost divided the Hong Wilderness, and the friction between them has begun to increase day by day.

It seems that there are also masterminds behind the scenes to provoke the relationship between the three ethnic groups, making their relationship more and more tense.

From time to time, the strong of the three clans clashed, and each other began to be killed and injured.

There are even more flood creatures who are affected and die.

For a while, the Flood Barren Continent became dangerous and turbulent again.

The calamity in the flood desolate world also began to climb.

The laws of the Heavenly Dao also became obscure, and the difficulty of comprehension and cultivation began to climb.

Many people who had experienced the Great Tribulation of Ferocious Beasts sensed the changes in the Flood Desolation World, or frowned, or rejoiced, or thoughtfully, or began to plan the layout.

Yujing Mountain,

"Xiu Wei is stuck! The battle of Dao Devils is not far away! It seems that if I want to preach sanctification, I have to win this demon battle first! "

Hongjun opened his eyes from the enlightenment, and the jade disc above his head fell into his eyebrows, and he walked out of the hut and looked west.

I saw that the Western Continent was surging with demonic qi and luck, and there was already a tendency to encroach on the flood and famine.

At the same time, the luck of the three races of dragon, phoenix and unicorn has also reached its peak.

"It's time for me to get moving! It's already a lot behind Luo Xiao! "

"However, I believe that the general trend is me, Luo Xiao, this time, you have lost!"

Hongjun left Yujing Mountain with a confident look and rushed to a certain place in the Flood Barren Continent.

To deal with Luo Xiao, he still needs to find some helpers.

Although he didn't think he would lose to Luo Xiao, he always liked to plan and move later, preparing more hole cards.

This time is no exception.


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