Lin Qing was a little afraid to say anything: "How can these things appear here?" "

"However, this time I really got rich!"

These are all good things that can't be asked for!

Pangu Chalcedony is not to mention, Lin Qing previously obtained more than half of the pool in the innate large array space of the twenty-fourth grade creation green lotus, that thing, for cultivating the way of forging the body, cultivating the nine-turn Xuan Gong has a miraculous effect.

and even forging the most precious thing.

The Yellow Banner of Pentu Apricot is a defense-type ultimate innate spirit treasure with unparalleled defense, and its value and power are no worse than the twelfth-grade pure world white lotus.

The key is that this thing is also transformed by the leaves of the Genesis Green Lotus, and its origin has a fatal attraction for Lin Qing.


Just as Lin Qing was about to step forward, suddenly, the fragment of the creation jade disc shined brightly, and then a towering giant phantom suddenly appeared on it, and the next moment, it directly pulled Lin Qing's consciousness into an illusory space.

Looking at the ancient phantom in front of him, Lin Qing's head was a little cloudy.

What's the situation?

Is Pangu really alive?

What are you pulling me in for?

At this moment, a pavilion appeared next to Lin Qing, and a female figure with a somewhat illusory face could not be seen.

[You saw Pangu Illusory Shadow, and you were concerned by Pangu, the son of the Great Avenue, and you obtained a Mixed Yuan Daluo Golden Immortal level luck. ] 】

Lin Qing: "??? "

Seeing Pangu alive?

"I've seen my mother! Seeing my mother as she looks now, I was relieved, and it seemed that our plan was partially successful. "

At this time, Pangu's voice sounded.

Then 28, Pangu's towering figure began to shrink rapidly, and after a while, it turned into a big man more than 2 meters tall, and the big man's face was full of happiness.

"It was indeed a success!"

The woman on the side nodded: "However, thanks to this child next to us, if it weren't for him, we would really have failed!" "

Pangu listened, turned to look at Lin Qing, smiled and nodded: "Second brother!" Thank you! "


When Lin Qing heard Pangu's name for himself, he was directly stunned, and pointed at himself with his finger: "Me? Your second brother? Are you sure it's Pangu? The Pangu I imagined, right? "

"That's right!"

Pangu nodded with a smile, but he somewhat understood Lin Qing's thoughts at this time.

Not only smiled heartily: "I know that you find it a little difficult to understand, but for the life born by the same mother, there is nothing wrong with you calling me big brother and me calling you second brother." "

"Of course, some of these secrets are not yet what you can understand now, we still have this unknown enemy behind us, and when you break through the Mixed Yuan Infinite Luo Golden Immortal and even the Dao Realm, you can understand the whole thing."

As soon as Pangu spoke, another big thunder exploded directly.

"It's not..."

Lin Qing was a little speechless: "I just came out to find a treasure, how did I come up with such a big secret?" Also, I hate Riddlers! Say it or don't say it, it's annoying to talk halfway. "

I don't know why, Lin Qing was not afraid of the Pangu phantom in front of him at all.

At this time, the woman on the side, that is, the Genesis Lotus Mother, opened her mouth and explained to Lin Qing: "When you suddenly appeared in the chaos, you were integrated into one of my Creation Green Lotus Seeds; "

"Actually, Gu and I don't know your true origin, but your past and future cannot be calculated, and we speculate that you are special, because at that time we discovered the danger outside the chaos and faintly foresaw our fall, so we chose to pin part of our hopes on you."

"After the ancient world was opened, I threw you into one of the three islands of the three immortals that the chaos fragments turned into for you to be safely bred in it;"

"You know everything after that! With your help, I have also successfully escaped and been reborn. "

"You don't need to have too much pressure or think too much, just continue to grow at your pace."

The Genesis Lotus Mother revealed more secrets.

Lin Qing was shocked to hear it.

"It turns out that after I crossed over, I didn't start from Sanxian Island, but directly traveled to the Chaos Period?"

"It's just that at that time, I seemed to have changed and did not wake up?"

Lin Qing somewhat understood the tricks.

"Have the dangers you said been solved? Or are you not clear either? "

Lin Qing couldn't help but ask worriedly.

That's the key.

The danger that both Pangu and the Genesis Lotus Mother who were extremely powerful at that time could die, how terrifying was that damn?


Pangu listened, raised his head and laughed three times: "I knew that your kid was going to ask this!" "

"Well! In fact, it can be said that it was successful, or it was not successful! In short, you don't need to worry too much, what big brother I carry, you can work hard to cultivate and grow, these are not what you should consider now, when you grow up, it is the moment to fight side by side with me. "

"Now you are too weak!"

Although Lin Qing's potential can't even be seen through by him, potential is potential, and if it is not fulfilled, everything is empty.

"Fight together?"

Lin Qing grasped the key point in Pangu's words and said with some surprise: "So in fact, you are not really dead?" Or did it mean that it never died, and everything was just an illusion? "

He was a little confused.

Sure enough, the real flood famine is not normal. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, it is not incomprehensible.

Dao Dao Luo, it is difficult to die completely, let alone surpass Pangu who has surpassed the Mixed Yuan Wuji Luo.

But the realm is as high as his realm, and the concept of life and death is probably different from what he understands.

"Haha! It's okay if you understand it that way! "

Sure enough, Pangu smiled again, nodded, and then said, "Okay! That's the end of this conversation! If you can appear here with your mother, it means that everything for us is not in vain! "

"Big brother, I left some gifts for you here, which can be regarded as a real gift for the first meeting! Grow well, and I look forward to the day when we actually meet. "

After speaking, Pangu nodded at Lian Mu, and this illusory space collapsed, and Lin Qing's consciousness returned to his body, looking at the familiar yellow flag of the Pentus Apricot Yellow Flag, the familiar Pangu Chalcedony Pool, and the fragment of the Creation Jade Disc, as if everything was just an illusion.

Lin Qing hurriedly threw his consciousness into the Chaos Bead and came to the space where the Genesis Lotus Mother was located to project a projection.

Some wanted to say and stopped: "Lotus mother, those before...",

Lian Mu also conjured a phantom and said softly: "Everything is true!" Child! You don't need to be stressed, just go at your own pace! Since we can meet again, I can be reborn successfully, and I can see Gu again just now, which means that everything is going well. "

"Go and take the gift that Gu gave you! I'm sure you'll love it. "

After speaking, the lotus mother's phantom dissipated, and the little Genesis Green Lotus swayed its branches and leaves, looking very happy.

Lin Qing confirmed that everything was true, and then exited the Chaos Bead Space and came to the Creation Jade Disk.

"I just don't know what Pangu said about meeting?"

With such doubts, Lin Qing took the fragment of the Creation Jade Disc in his hand.


The next moment, the fragments of the Creation Jade Disc shook slightly, blooming with a ray of light, and then, three drops of fist-sized, exuding incomparably terrifying coercion and vitality of blood, and three groups of Yuanshen power exuding incomparably terrifying Yuanshen coercion appeared in front of Lin Qing, almost crushing the entire space and even Lin Qing.

But the next moment, they converged and turned into ordinary three blood-colored crystals and three chaotic-colored crystals.

As if everything was an illusion before.

If Lin Qing hadn't been able to feel the terrifying energy and coercion hidden in these six "crystals", he really thought that those just now were just illusions.

Reaching out and holding the six crystals in his hand, Lin Qing felt a little mysterious until now: "What exactly is this unfolding?" "

"Pangu and Lianmu appeared one after another, and Pangu became my eldest brother, and gave me a gift?"

"It's a big deal!"

"Forget it..."

Feeling that the past of the Hong Barren was becoming more and more chaotic, Lin Qing shook his head: "I still don't want to do this!" In short, this time it was a lot of gains, but I didn't expect to be able to get three drops of Pangu blood and three plates in 653. "

"Wouldn't this be able to create three small Pangu?"

"I still believe that Pangu really hasn't fallen! , What Yuanshen is divided into three and turned into three clear? This is all! "

If Pangu Yuanshen is divided into three, then where did these three parts come from in his hand?

There are many secrets in this!

God knows how much Pangu is a Genshin?

And how many Genshin are there?

If this thing is not good, Pangu divides one hundred and ten parts in minutes, and one breath will be restored.

"Let's absorb a portion of Pangu Essence Blood and Pangu Yuan God Essence first!"

Lin Qing thought about it and made up his mind.

Because he could feel his body's desire for these two things.

At this time, the prompt tone talent sounded:

[If you absorb a copy of Pangu Essence Blood and Yuanshen Essence, you can further improve and strengthen your feet, allowing you to get closer to the Dao, and your physical body and Yuanshen cultivation will be faster and smoother]

Sure enough, my instincts were right! Then come on! "

Immediately, Lin Qing waved his hand to collect the pool of Pangu Chalcedony into the Chaos Bead Space, and put away the Apricot Yellow Flag as well.

Then he flashed into the space of the Chaos Bead, created jade disc fragments above his head, soaked his body in the Pangu chalcedony pool, and swallowed a Pangu essence blood and a Yuanshen essence in one gulp.


The next moment, Lin Qing felt an incomparably terrifying power explode and enter his physical body and sea of knowledge, and for a while, he began to undergo an amazing transformation.

Lin Qing hurriedly ran the Qinglian Formation Technique and the Nine Turns Xuan Gong with all his strength, refining and digesting it with all his strength.

The whole person was gradually wrapped in the blood gushing out of the pores, turning into a huge blood-colored light cocoon.

"Boom: Boom.. Boom! "

Inside, a deafening heartbeat sounded, and the sound became stronger and stronger as the aura inside the light cocoon became stronger.

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