50,000 years later,

In the space of the Chaos Bead, a huge blood-colored light cocoon stood in a pool of Pangu Chalcedony.

It's just that this pool of Pangu Chalcedony has shrunk by more than half.

[You absorbed a copy of Pangu essence blood and Yuanshen essence, obtained a huge amount of understanding, you had an epiphany, and comprehended the supreme god power opening the thirty-six forms; Your Law of Force is fulfilled and promoted to the Avenue of Power (34%). Your Heaven-Opening Law is complete, and you are promoted to the Heaven-Opening Way. Your bust .... and other avenues have been greatly improved. 】


At this time, cracks suddenly appeared on the light cocoon, and soon they completely shattered.

Lin Qing stood up from it, stretched his waist with a comfortable face, and moved his body.

"Whew! Refreshing! "

He felt that this transformation was like sleeping, full of transparency and incomparably comfortable.

Of course, the more important thing is to improve the strength of cultivation.

After checking his own changes, Lin Qing couldn't help but turn the corners of his mouth slightly: "The flesh body broke through to the peak of the early stage of the Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal, and it has further changed qualitatively!" Moreover, because of the fusion of Pangu essence blood, my talent for cultivating in the flesh was basically raised to the extreme, and it was more in line with the Nine Revolutions Xuan Gong. "

"I believe that in the future, the practice of the physical body will become simpler and faster; When this busy time is over, the next step is to retreat for a while, and strive to break through the Mixed Yuan Da Luo as soon as possible. "

In addition, he has also achieved great transformation in the Yuan God side, and Lin Qing's understanding has actually received some blessings, in short, he is even more perverted.

After familiarizing himself with his own situation, he took the fragment of the Creation Jade Disc in his hand and understood it for a while.

Lin Qing immediately felt that his understanding had been greatly blessed, and it became even more terrifying.

In addition, there were only five avenues in this small fragment of the Creation Jade Disk, namely: the Avenue of Force, the Avenue of Reincarnation, the Avenue of Destiny, the Avenue of Space, and the Avenue of Time.

A month later,

[You slightly comprehended the Dao rhyme in the fragment of the creation jade butterfly, and you had an epiphany and comprehended the law of reincarnation (1%). 】

"Is there actually a law of reincarnation? It was a bonus. "

"Reincarnation is also an extremely high avenue!"

"Moreover, I will also need to use this reincarnation avenue for some of the layout of the tunnel in the future, and I originally planned to go to the Netherworld to find the possible six reincarnations, but now, I have saved this step!"

After all, whether the six reincarnations exist or not is not certain!

In the novels about the flood famine in previous lives, the settings of the six reincarnations were different.

It is said that Houtu, with the body of the ancestor witch, created six reincarnations out of thin air;

It is also said that the six reincarnations have long been conceived and existed in the Netherworld world, but there are problems with the gestation, and it is not perfect, and the Houtu fills the defects with the body of the ancestor witch and perfects the six reincarnations.

Lin Qing also didn't know what the situation of the six reincarnations of this world was.

However, these are not so important for the time being, he has the fragments of the creation jade disk, and it is no longer a problem to comprehend the reincarnation avenue.

"Time to get down to business..!"

Thinking so, Lin Qing flashed out of the Chaos Bead space and returned to the underground cave.

After searching this space, I found many superb innate spiritual materials, all of which were formed by the influence of Pangu chalcedony and the fragments of the creation jade disc and the apricot yellow flag of pentatu.

"This Pentearth Immortal Gold can be used to refine the Innate Four Elephants Array, and it is still lacking in the three ultimate innate spiritual materials of wind, fire and water, so I will look for it when it is empty."

Anyway, for him, who has the talent of prompt sound, finding heavenly materials and earth treasures is just the easiest thing.

After cleaning up this underground cave, Lin Qing returned to the innate large array space outside.

It's another good scrape.

Instead, many earth, wind, water, and fire four-attribute heavenly materials and earth treasures were found under the influence of the innate four-elephant array, but the highest grade was only the top-grade innate spiritual material, which was not enough to be used as the main material for refining the innate four-elephant array.

The auxiliary materials were enough, and Lin Qing was saved from collecting extra.

Digging three feet into the ground, scraping the entire formation space, Lin Qing sprinkled a lot of spirit plant seeds here, and waved his hand to change this innate large array into the four-elephant creation array;

Let the Great Array continuously transform the power of the four elephants and the qi of creation, promoting the growth of these elixirs and spiritual seeds.

I believe that after hundreds of thousands of years or even millions of years, there will be a top-level spiritual material cave world here.

Enough for Lin Qing to harvest a wave next time.

"Hey! I am such a person who is dedicated to contributing to the better sustainable development of floods! "

Lin Qing's narcissistic throw off such a sentence, and this innate array came out.

It took another few years to circle around most of the Buzhou Mountain, and after harvesting a huge amount of innate spiritual materials, he came to a certain place at the foot of the Buzhou Mountain with a regretful face.

"This is it! I can't go wrong with my induction! "

Lin Qing was in the void, covering his existence with the Dao of Void and Chaos Beads, looking at a plain hundreds of thousands of miles away.

I saw that there was a giant with a height of at least several hundred battles alive.

"Witch Clan?"

Lin Qing nodded unexpectedly, looked into a cave at the core of the Wu Clan settlement, and wanted to continue exploring, but he was hindered for a while and could not continue to explore.

And what Lin Qing sensed came from the echo of Pangu Essence Blood from this cave.

"There must be something related to Big Brother Pangu in it, could it be the Pangu Hall transformed by the heart of Big Brother Pangu in legend?"

With this thought, Lin Qing directly approached the cave slowly with the Dao of Void Reality, the Dao of Space, and the Chaos Bead.

Ignoring the two big witches guarding the door, he walked straight in.

The two great witches did not find Lin Qing at all.

The gap is too big.

Along the way, Lin Qing actually found that it was surprisingly smooth, and he did not encounter any obstacles at all.

At the same time, in the process of deepening, Lin Qing could feel that his Pangu bloodline began to boil, and his sense of that feeling became more and more intense.

"Knock knock!"

At this time, in the Pangu Hall, that Pangu's heart suddenly began to beat violently, as if it was about to be completely revived.

This abnormality alarmed the twelve ancestral witches who were practicing in retreat here, and they suddenly raised their heads to look at Pangu's heart.

Di Jiang looked shocked and said, "What's going on?" Why does the Father's heart seem to be about to begin to recover? "

Zhu Rong said humbly: "Perhaps, the Father God is going to be resurrected? (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Fuck off!"

Di Jiang listened, and immediately slapped Zhurong on the back of his head, scolding: "If Father God is really resurrected, it shouldn't be so abrupt." "

"Moreover, others are not clear, we can't be unclear? The heart of the Father, in order to give birth to us and to many witches, is almost exhausted of strength and falls into dead silence. "

"Aren't we worried about this all the time? You tell me how God the Father rose in this situation? "

Can't you talk enough of your brain?

Houtu also frowned slightly: "It is indeed very strange!" It's said to be a recovery, but it's more like welcoming something! "


Suddenly, Di Jiang suddenly looked at the gate of Pangu Hall and shouted, "That's not right! There is a change in the space, who is it? Who dares to spread wild in Pangu Hall? Get me out! "

The next moment, Di Jiang mobilized his spatial power with all his strength, and slammed his fist into the place where he felt something different.


The next moment, a fist appeared out of thin air and slammed into Di Jiang's fist, and at the same time, the power of that space was directly smoothed by the other party's wave.

Everything is done so lightly.

The person who came was Lin Qing.

He punched Di Jiang, raised his head and scanned the circle, his gaze lingering on Pangu's heart for a second.

Then, looking at the big man who was confronting him, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly: "Space Ancestor Wu Dijiang?" Sure enough, it seems that my comprehension in the Dao of Void and the Dao of Space is still a little worse, and I was actually noticed by you! "

Di Jiang looked at the punch he had in front of him, and casually smoothed out his spatial power, and raised his eyebrows slightly: "In fact, it's not that your spatial attainment is poor, but that this ancient hall is special, as long as you are in it, you can't hide it from me!" "

"Also, who are you? Why do I feel the breath of the Father God in you, bloodline, Yuan God, you give me the feeling of being the son of the Father God, that is, a little smaller, are you also our brother? "

Speaking of this, Di Jiang's expression became excited.

The other eleven ancestors also widened their eyes and stared at Lin Qing deadly.

Why didn't they make a move on Lin Qing after Lin Qing appeared just now?

It was because they sensed the incomparably pure Pangu bloodline and even the breath of the Yuan God on Lin Qing!

Also Pangu bloodline, they have a natural affection for Lin Qing, and even have a good posture to get close to Lin Qing.


When Lin Qing heard Di Jiang's words, he sensed the burning gazes of the other ancestors, and said uncomfortably: "To disappoint you, I am not a son of Pangu, if you really want to talk about it, I should be the brother of Pangu, you may be able to call me uncle or second uncle." "


At this moment, the ancient hall of Pan (Mo Li's) was terribly quiet.

Only the beating sound of the Pangu Heart "Bang Bang" came steadily.

Twelve Ancestral Witches: "....."

What does this little man in front of you mean?

Look down on us?

And he wants to trick us into calling him uncle?

It's tolerable, it's unbearable!

"Boy! Hello big daring! Whether you are our brother or not today, I will beat you up! "

Zhu Rong, who had the hottest temper, roared angrily, and the next moment he raised his millstone-sized fist, slammed into flames, and bombarded Lin Qing.

Because they were in the Pangu Hall, they had shrunk their figures, otherwise there would be more than so many of them.

"Let's go together! Hit him! "

"Hahaha! Interesting! So much fun! Flatten him! "

"Let this younger brother who doesn't know where he came from know that he knows how to be humble!"

"Boy, some jokes can't be made! If you want to be your second uncle, then let me see if your bones are hard enough!" "

The next moment, among the twelve ancestral witches, except for the woman's body Xuanxian and the back earth, the other ten ancestors raised their fists and bombarded Lin Qing.

They didn't think about Lin Qing's life, after all, Lin Qing's bloodline breath and Yuanshen breath would not deceive people, this was definitely the illegitimate son of the Father God.

But teach this arrogant brat a lesson, it's still okay to knock and knock him.

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