The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Li Qiong gritted his teeth and cursed secretly.

"Good, two bastards!"

"Are you trying to find a bug with me?"

"Just waiting for me to show my weakness and kill me?"

"If I hadn't been so pretentious this time and didn't return to the dojo immediately, would I have been stopped by you two bastards?"

In fact, Li Qiong was now regretting it.

If he had known this earlier, wouldn't he have returned to the dojo honestly just now and nothing would have happened?

Now that he has fallen to this point, he can only say that he is asking for trouble.

But it's okay, Li Qiong at least thinks that he can suppress the original inhabitants of the prehistoric world in terms of IQ.

Although he hasn't recognized who these two bastards are, it doesn't stop him from pretending.

Li Qiong chuckled and pretended to be calm.

"You two Taoist friends have come from afar, why don't you come down and see the beautiful scenery in the mountains with me?"

"It is said that the Tao follows nature. How can we understand the truth of the Tao if we don't get close to nature?"

Anyway, he is only a hundred meters away from the range of the Taoist temple!

If he walks a few more steps and enters the range of the Taoist temple, he will be invincible in the world.

Even the saints can't do anything to him!

If he really sets up his cultivation and returns to the Taoist temple immediately, he will definitely be exposed.

So he can only delay time and try to get back to the Taoist temple while these two guys are not so sure!

Jie Yin and Zhunti heard the words and looked at each other.

Secretly transmitted the voice.

"Brother, what should we do now?"

"Really follow him into the mountains on foot?"

Jie Yin glanced at Li Qiong, still the mortal, and couldn't see any clues.

Look at Yuquan Mountain again.

Although it is not high, it seems to be a hundred miles in radius. There is no Taoist temple nearby, and it is unknown where the Taoist temple mentioned by Xiong Ba Tian Xia is.

The two of them were able to find this place, which was completely guided by the Purple Star of King Zhou!

Before, King Zhou fled from Chaoge to this area, and then returned to become a disciple of the Tiandihui. After a little calculation, it is also known that the Tiandihui Mountain Gate should be here.

As expected, they waited for Li Qiong to come back.

However, he looked a little different from usual, just a complete mortal.

Of course, the possibility of returning to nature is not ruled out.

Jie Yin snorted lightly, still not daring to act rashly.

"Let's go, let's go. Judging from his reaction, it is undoubtedly Xiong Ba Tian Xia himself."

"Once we find any clues, we will kill him!"

"If he really has a cultivation level far beyond ours, he will naturally not give us a chance!"

"When the time comes, we can talk about cooperation!"

With Jie Yin's calculation, Zhunti nodded secretly.

The two really flew forward and landed on the ground, full of suspicion, but without any expression on the surface.

Zhunti smiled and walked forward.

"Today I can meet Brother Xiong Ba, why don't we go together to discuss the Dao?"

Li Qiong saw that the two bastards were temporarily fooled, and he was secretly relieved.

As long as he didn't take action immediately, he would not be in vain!

"Okay, talk while walking!"

After that, the three of them immediately set off and walked towards the top of the mountain step by step!

Since it was said to be walking, Li Qiong didn't dare to use any magical powers.

Although the "Taichu Dao Jing" is quite powerful, his cultivation is too weak. Once he starts to practice, his cultivation will be exposed immediately!

But if he doesn't use any cultivation, he can still get away with it and pretend!

Sure enough, Jie Yin Zhunti saw that Li Qiong really walked like a mortal, and he was immediately confused and didn't dare to make a conclusion easily.

After all, they couldn't sense Li Qiong's cultivation, but it didn't necessarily mean that Li Qiong was too weak, but it might be too strong!

The way of nature is to the point of being real!

There was no way, the two dignified saints of the Heavenly Dao also temporarily put down their cultivation and really followed Li Qiong's feet on the ground, step by step.

Zhunti spoke first.

"Daoyou, what do you think is the so-called heaven and earth?"

The discussion of Taoism began!

Li Qiong has rich experience in fooling three disciples, and he is still not false in this aspect of nonsense.

"The sky is the atmosphere!"

"Where we are is the crust, divided into land, sea and air, nothing special."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Qiong quietly quickened his pace.

Three steps!

Ten steps!

As long as you are serious enough, you won't be noticed!

Jie Yin Zhunti was really attracted by Li Qiong's nonsense and didn't notice that he quickened his pace.

Jie Yin couldn't help but look puzzled.


? Atmosphere? Earth's crust?"

"This... please help me, Brother Xiongba!"

This thing is rare. They have never heard of it in the billions of years since they became saints!

Zhunti also frowned.

He couldn't help but think to himself that Xiongba Tianxia really has something. His words are shocking!

Even a saint like him was stunned!

Seeing that it worked, Li Qiong continued to talk nonsense.

Anyway, as long as he dragged it out for a hundred steps, it would be his world!

"The atmosphere is the air we breathe!"

"Although it seems that there is nothing in front of us, it is actually mainly composed of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and other gases!"

"The most is nitrogen, about 70%, but we don't absorb this stuff. "

This popular science made Jie Yin Zhunti stunned.




Is this Taoism?

However, seeing that Li Qiong said it so naturally, they certainly did not dare to question it casually.

Zunti was eager to learn and asked hurriedly.

"Then, what is the difference between the air that Daoyou said and spiritual energy?"

"Why can't we sense any oxygen?"

"Is it something more powerful?"

Li Qiong chuckled, unfathomable.

Seeing that these two bastards were fooled, he would naturally continue to use these little words!

The real purpose is to deceive them!

"Spiritual energy is the essence of heaven and earth, not what the human body needs!"

"To some extent, oxygen is indeed more powerful. Without oxygen, most people will die!"

"Moreover, oxygen helps combustion. Without oxygen, fire can't be started and food can't be cooked. Wouldn't it be starving to death? "

While talking, Li Qiong and the other two walked forward a few dozen steps!

It's almost there!

It's going to be very soon!

The more Li Qiong knew that he had to stay alive and not get excited!

Jie Yin Zhunti didn't notice anything unusual.

Instead, he was completely attracted by Li Qiong's novel remarks and widened his eyes in surprise.

Jie Yin couldn't help but speak.

"Is oxygen so powerful?"

"We have never seen it before!"

"Then as Daoyou said, could it be that we are living in a gas?"

"But what about the chaos outside the sky?"

Li Qiong's junior high school knowledge was fully utilized, and this was the time when his IQ crushed everything.

"Chaos is called the universe, outer space!"

"You don't know anything, how did you practice?"

"When Hongjun preached, I could see that you didn't listen carefully!"

"This is all knowledge, you have to master it! "

When these words came out, Jie Yin and Zhunti both felt guilty.

It seems that the Taoist Patriarch has never said these things!

But speaking of it, when the Taoist Patriarch preached to 3,000 mortals, he talked about 3,000 great ways, which were very complicated.

Those who could understand and comprehend one or two thousandths of it were already great powers in the world!

Could it be that there was also a hero among the 3,000 mortals?

He suddenly realized more?

I haven't seen him!

The two saints of the West followed Li Qiong for a hundred meters without realizing it, but their minds were completely confused!

They even forgot their original purpose of testing Li Qiong!

But at this moment!

Li Qiong suddenly stopped and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, I'm home! "

After these words came out, Jie Yin Zhunti was confused. Aren't they still in a deserted mountain?

How did they get home?

Before they could figure it out, they saw Li Qiong turned around and looked at them with a smug look on his face.

"You bastard, how dare you squat in front of me?"

"Kneel down!"

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