The old man was very happy.

Chentangguan, East Seashore!

Since the retreat of the Golden Immortal of the Chan Sect and the defeat of the Lady Shiji, the people of Chentangguan did not say anything on the surface, but they all began to avoid Nezha in secret!

Especially those children who had just played close to Nezha, now each of them was controlled by their parents, and they were not allowed to continue to be close to Nezha, resulting in Nezha only talking to someone when he was cultivating his mind with Yang Jian every day. In the huge Chentangguan, there was not a single friend!

But after experiencing the incident with the Golden Immortal of the Chan Sect, Nezha was completely mature.

He began to understand that protecting Chentang Pass depends not only on making friends and talking, but also on winning people over with virtue. He must be as calm and steady as Senior Brother Yang Jian, and clarify the cause and effect, so as to defeat the enemy!

If you only know how to fight and kill, it will make things worse, and in the end Chentang Pass will be doomed!

Nezha sat alone on a reef in the East China Sea, with the flame in his hand flickering.

"Master, what do you mean by the power of life and death?"

"I can defeat the enemy with my fists, but if I want to reason with them, I can't win over those old men with big noses."

"When will I have the Great Sun Golden Flame? Even if I can't win, I can still make everyone obey me, right?"

As he said, Nezha took out a red flame fruit directly from his leopard skin bag. Ten thousand of these fruits would appear in his leopard skin bag every day, and it was also the only thing that Nezha could use to comfort his master!

After a mouthful of juice, Nezha frowned and muttered to himself.

"Master, the fruit you planted is still as unpalatable!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Nezha threw the fruit he had gnawed in his hand away, and it fell into the East China Sea with a plop, slowly sinking!

This devil fruit, each one is only useful for the first bite, the rest are useless, this is also the experience Nezha has gained from eating in the mountains. Now the essence of the Great Dao of Fire provided by one fruit is already negligible, but 10,000 a day is the master's entrustment, naturally he dare not neglect it.

Bored Nezha didn't know what happened in Chaoge City, let alone that the hateful big black panther had threatened his father with his safety and promised to send troops!

Looking at the clear sea water and the playful fish, Nezha's attention was gradually attracted, and he immediately jumped onto a low reef out of curiosity, sat down, and his two little feet were soaked in the water and swayed!

Soon, a group of colorful little fish gathered and kissed Nezha's little feet, making him giggle non-stop.

Nezha, who did not cultivate his primordial spirit, did not know that in the sea water in the distance, a little white dragon was staring at him!

Ao Bing was just a little dragon who had only cultivated for a thousand years, but he was still a little kid in the Xuanxian realm according to the life span of the Jiaolong clan.

But after his father and the two strange Taoist priests discussed for half a day, he inexplicably asked him to come to the coast of the East China Sea and keep a close eye on Nezha, the son of the general of Chentang Pass!

There was no other purpose, just to anger him, commonly known as seeking death!

Ao Bing did not understand why, but he did not dare to disobey his father's order, so he brought the patrolling sea yaksha here. Hearing that Nezha had a bad temper, as long as he angered him and took the initiative to attack, the two could escape back to the Dragon Palace to report.

The yaksha was ugly, holding a steel fork in his hand, stepping on a stingray, and his fish eyes were rolling around.

"Third Prince, do you think that little kid looks like the person the Dragon King mentioned?"

"Should we go up and take him down?"

Ao Bing touched the dragon's head, feeling confused.

"Yaksha, I heard my father and the two immortals talking about becoming immortals, and also talking about the heaven, which was so confusing that people couldn't understand."

"What does this have to do with Li Jing's son?"

The horns of the elder on the Yaksha's head were like corals, and he was also confused at this moment.

"Third Prince, I don't know what this has to do with becoming immortals."

"It's just that I heard from the sea Yaksha in Penglai Fairy Sea a few days ago that the Tongtian Sect Master in the Jin'ao Island Saint Dojo has ordered that disciples not to go out of the mountain casually, saying that some catastrophe is coming, and they should seek benefits and avoid harm?"

"Should we catch Nezha?"

Ao Bing was also confused by the question, and immediately made a ferocious look.

"Catch him!"

"My father said that this is a matter of great importance to our dragon race's immortality, so you go first!"

Upon hearing this, Yaksha was speechless. After all the fuss, he still had to go first?

But he didn't dare to neglect it.

Slow down, he immediately waved the steel fork, set up the waves, and rushed straight to Nezha!

Nezha was having fun with the small fish and shrimps, and suddenly the waves piled up, and the fish and shrimps seemed to be frightened and fled in all directions, and they didn't care about playing with him.

Before Nezha found out what was going on, there was a splash of water, and all directions were surrounded by waves more than one person high, leaving only the reef where he landed, trapped alone!

Nezha frowned slightly and shouted immediately.

"Which monster dares to stir up trouble!"

"Don't be so presumptuous in my Chentang Pass!"

As soon as the voice fell, the hideous Yaksha suddenly appeared above the waves with a trident in his hand, looking down at Nezha.

"Hey! How dare you, you bold kid..."

Just as he was about to speak, the patrolling sea yaksha suddenly realized that Nezha had not gone into the sea at all, and he was sitting on the reef. What should he do?

Even if he wanted to find an excuse to arrest someone, he couldn't say anything!

But the Dragon King's order was hard to disobey, and he had to take the initiative to provoke the kid. If he took action first, as a patrolling sea yaksha, he would also have the reason to arrest him.

And the Dragon King had explained that Nezha was naughty and irritable by nature, and it should be easy to provoke him to take action.

"Hey! I am the patrolling sea yaksha of the East China Sea Dragon Palace. You play in the water and disturb the peace of my Dragon Palace. Do you know your crime!"

"Today I will take you to the Dragon Palace to confess your crime, and you still don't surrender!"

The patrolling sea yaksha widened his eyes and made a ferocious look, but he kept muttering in his heart.

"Hit me, hit me, if you hit me, don't even think about leaving today!"

Nezha was also stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that washing his feet could provoke the patrolling sea yaksha of the Dragon Palace. It was obviously bullying him!

Just as he was about to get angry, he suddenly remembered that his senior brother taught him to win people over with virtue and not to fight with others casually. In addition, the incident between Shiji and the Golden Immortal of the Chan Sect made Nezha learn to be cautious. He immediately suppressed his anger and reasoned calmly.

"I am Nezha, the son of Li Jing, the general of Chentangguan. I am just playing by the water today. Is there anything offensive?"

"I am just a mortal. If I follow you into the Dragon Palace, won't I lose my life?"

"If someone else comes here to play in the water, will you also capture them in the Dragon Palace?"

The yaksha was still waiting for the little kid to take action. It was okay to speak rudely, because he had a legitimate reason.

But what he never expected was that Nezha actually reasoned with him?

I came here with great difficulty just to reason with you?

"Little boy, you are very eloquent, don't try to be sophistry!"

"Today, if you have committed a crime, I will arrest you in the Dragon Palace. I don't care whether you live or die?"

After saying that, Yaksha suddenly became excited.

"Here it comes, you are going to hit me!"

"I don't know if the Third Prince will react quickly, but don't let me get beaten!"

Nezha was very happy when he heard it. He had seen unreasonable people, but he had never seen such unreasonable people. It was obvious that he was here to cause trouble!

So even if he didn't go into the water, he had to go to the Dragon Palace today, right?

However, Nezha suddenly remembered that his master had told him not to kill in the East China Sea when he went down the mountain. When he thought about what happened recently, he immediately realized that someone might be secretly calculating and waiting for him to take action so as to catch him!

Nezha suddenly chuckled and fell on the beach with a somersault.

"I didn't go into the water. If you want to catch me, you have to get ashore!"

"You want me to do it, dream on. If you don't catch me, I'll leave!"

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