The night was full of tears, and the night was full of tears.

Yaksha was dumbfounded when he heard it. If he went ashore, wouldn't that mean that the Dragon Palace had crossed the border?

This Nezha was wrong. Why didn't he do anything to him?

"You, you..."

"I will catch you if I want to, whether you are on the shore or in the water!"

"You kid, you have no backbone at all!"

Seeing the frustrated Yaksha, Nezha was already laughing with joy. He experienced the pleasure of winning people over with virtue!

When I was being a hooligan with you, you had to be reasonable!

Now I am being reasonable with you, and you want to be a hooligan with me again. This is really a matter of time!

"You decide whether I have backbone or not?"

"My father is Li Jing, and he is also the general of Chentangguan. I have the final say when we get to the shore!"

"You look like neither a human nor a ghost, neither a fish nor a shrimp. If you dare to come ashore, I will say that you are too ugly and I will catch you as a monster!"

"Come up if you can!"

The Yaksha was really angry, and the waves rolled under his feet, and he stomped his feet repeatedly.

"Wow, you kid is so unruly!"

"Come down if you can!"

One Yaksha, one on the shore, one in the sea, shouting happily, but Nezha never showed any intention of taking action!

Ao Bing hid in the distance, and he also had a headache watching.

He couldn't help but secretly thought that Nezha was different from what his father said. Even at this point, he had no intention of taking action at all. Who said he was naughty and irritable by nature?

This is clearly more clever than a monkey, no one can predict it!

Just when Ao Bing was having a headache, he suddenly saw a group of three or five little brats running to the sea from the other side of the beach to play in the water, with their bare buttocks and laughing happier than each other, and a few fishermen were dragging fishing boats on the shore to prepare to go to the sea.

Ao Bing smiled coldly and glanced at Nezha who was still cursing at Yaksha.

"Little thing, don't you want to do it? I want to see if you can just watch him die!"

As soon as the voice fell, Ao Bing plunged directly into the sea, and his slender body spun rapidly in the sea water, instantly disturbing the sea water within a radius of more than ten miles and making it turbid. The dark waves were stronger than one another, slapping the beach crazily!

The few little kids who just entered the water were only five or six years old. Although they were good swimmers living by the sea, they could not withstand such powerful dark waves!

Once they were rolled up by the dark waves, they would fall into the deep sea in an instant!

Nezha and Yaksha were cursing back and forth, and suddenly Yaksha was stunned. The sea water under his feet rose up, but he didn't cast a spell!

Nezha also found something unusual. When he looked up, he saw the waves rising in the sea in the distance, one after another, rolling straight to the seaside, and he vaguely saw a white dragon playing in the water. Everything was caused by the white dragon!

However, at this time, Nezha saw the children and fishermen who had just run out from the other side and were about to enter the water!

"Oh no, there are still fishermen at the beach!"

At first glance, seeing the dark waves rolling, several children who were playing together yesterday had already jumped into the shallow water, unaware of the impending danger, and Nezha was immediately anxious!

The dark waves in the deep water area are brewing under the sea surface, with terrifying power. It is too late when you find them on the shore!

Without thinking, Nezha took off directly and flew towards the children on the beach!

As long as he was faster, he could rescue all those children who looked the same age as him, and the fishermen who were still towing the fishing boat would find out by then and naturally have time to escape!

Ao Bing was stirring his body frantically in the water at this moment, sneering.

"Let's see what you can do!"

"No one can compare to my dragon clan in terms of magical powers in the water!"

"You want to save people, but it's too late!"

Ao Bing had already discovered that Nezha was rushing here to kill, but he had a secret trick. The water dragon formed by two dark waves had already broken through the water surface, raising white waves. The sea water became higher and higher, layer upon layer, and in the blink of an eye it was more than ten feet high!

Facing the suddenly accelerated waves, Nezha also exclaimed.


"Hurry up!"

With a loud shout, he suddenly pulled off the protective spiritual treasure in his hand, and the Hun Tian Ling swelled against the wind and rushed straight to the sea surface!

The waves were more than ten feet high, and it was too late to save people!

Even if they could save the children, they couldn't save the fishermen. The only plan now was to try to stop the waves. The fire fist was too powerful, so they could only use the Hun Tian Ling!

The wind was blowing and the waves were strong at the seaside. Even if Nezha's voice was as loud as a bell, it couldn't reach the ears of the fishermen!

The few children who had just entered the water were having fun, and suddenly they saw

A bald, snotty kid stared at the huge waves that were rolling over from the deep sea, covering the sky and the sun. He was so scared that he was dumbfounded.

"Waves, waves..."

The other children were playing, and the rumbling sound in their ears suddenly became louder and louder. They reacted one by one, but the sky darkened instantly!

At first glance, the waves had already covered the sun, like a huge mouth of the abyss, about to swallow them up!



"Ah! Brother!"

"The waves are coming!"

At this time, the fishermen who were dragging the fishing boats to go to the sea suddenly realized that the waves were surging, and the children were in danger!


"My son!"

"Run, run to the shore!"

It was too late to run at this time. The children could only stand there and cry in fear, and they were so scared that they wet their pants!


Like a thousand horses galloping, huge waves surged in, like a majestic city wall, and the dark blue sea water was full of murderous intent!

Nezha flew in time, and the Hun Tian Ling suddenly expanded like a sky curtain, blocking the huge waves!


With a loud bang, the Hun Tian Ling was not a masculine weapon after all, and it deformed instantly, but it barely held the sea water!

Nezha flew close to the waves, and suddenly saw a white dragon winding through the waves, with a huge dragon head staring at him intently. The man and the dragon looked at each other across the sea, and instantly ignited Nezha's anger!

"Damn loach, it's all your fault!"

Ao Bing whimpered softly, and the dragon roar swept across the beach, instantly scaring the fishermen who ran over to save the children to collapse on the ground!

"Nezha, if you don't take action, you will just watch these mortals die!"

"Today I'm just teaching you a lesson. You may not be able to react so quickly next time!"

After that, the little white dragon swung its tail, and the huge waves instantly exploded, breaking through the barrier of the Hun Tian Ling, instantly swallowing up all the children and fishermen, and even the small fishing boat was smashed to pieces!

At the critical moment, Nezha didn't care about attacking Ao Bing, and could only swing the Hun Tian Ling, instantly entangled the five children in the sea water. As for the fishermen who were far away, they didn't care so much!

The sea water rushed onto the beach again and again, but Nezha protected the five children who were wrapped up in a ball and flew directly to the high ground!

When Nezha went down again, Ao Bing and Yaksha had already escaped. Two of the four fishermen were knocked unconscious on the shore, and the other two were directly swept away by the waves and disappeared!

Nezha didn't care about what happened in an instant, and immediately looked towards the depths of the East China Sea with gritted teeth.

"Damn loach!"

"Sooner or later, I will master the Great Sun Golden Flame and burn your East China Sea dry!"

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